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Plate XII.) it tells that the person whose influence it denotes will only be attracted to the subject by personal ambition—that this person will use the subject for the furthering of his own aims and ambitions, and will desert the subject when she is of no further use. This is more commonly seen on the hand of a woman than on that of a man.

If the Line of Fate ascending the hand sends an offshoot from it on or towards any of the Mounts, such as to Jupiter, the Sun, or Mercury, then the Destiny will be more largely associated with the quality that the Mount it approaches symbolises.

For example: If such a line be seen approaching or going towards Jupiter (6-6, Plate XI.) it denotes responsibility, power of command over others, or some high position which will commence to be realised from the date when the offshoot leaves the Line of Fate. If such a mark continues its course and finishes on the Mount of Jupiter, it is one of the most magnificent signs of success that can be found for that particular aim or purpose.


If this offshoot ascends towards the Mount of the Sun (7-7, Plate XI.) the success will be in the direction of riches and public life, which will give great publicity or renown; this is also a magnificent sign of success.

If the offshoot goes towards the Mount of Mercury (8-8, Plate XI.), the success it indicates will be more in the direction of some special achievement either in science or commerce.

If the Line of Fate itself should not ascend towards its habitual position on the Mount of Saturn, but, instead, run up towards or on to any other Mount, then the whole effort of the life will be tinged with whatever quality that particular Mount signifies. Such an indication must not, however, be considered as the certain or sure sign of success as when the Line of Fate keeps to its own place and sends branches to some particular Mount.

When the Line of Fate ascends the hand without branches and runs like a lonely path up and on to the Mount of Saturn, such a person will be like a child of Fate chained to an iron road of circumstances. It will be impossible for him to avert the trials of his Destiny or mitigate them in any way. He will receive no help from others, and little will ever happen except to bring him sorrow or tragedy. Such a mark of Fate through the hand must never be considered as "a good line of Destiny."

To have a really good Line of Fate it should not be too heavily marked, but just clear and distinct, and, above all, be accompanied by a Line of Sun in some form or other.

If a Line of Fate run over the Mount of Saturn and up into the base of the finger, it is an unfortunate sign, as everything the subject undertakes will get out of his control, and he will not apparently know how or when to stop in whatever he takes up.

When the Line of Fate appears to be stopped by the Line of Heart, the career will always be ruined through or by the affections being badly placed.

When, however, it joins the Line of Heart and they together ascend the Mount of Jupiter (1-1, Plate XII.), the subject will have happiness through his affections and will be helped by love and affection to attain his highest ambitions. He will also be extremely lucky through the friendship and love of those he meets, and will be greatly benefited and helped by others.

When the Line of Fate appears to be stopped by the Line of Head (4-4, Plate XII.), it foretells that his career will be spoiled by the subject's own stupidity or mental foolishness.


When the Line of Fate only makes its appearance far up in the centre of the palm, in what is called the Plain of Mars, it indicates a hard early life and that the subject must always have a hard fight to gain his ends; but should the Line ascend clearly and strongly from the Plain of Mars and have a branch to or on towards the Mount of the Sun, such a person will be the architect of his own fortunes, and without help or assistance will win success and fortune by his own personal hard work and merit.

When the Line of Fate rises from the Line of Head and when it is well marked, everything will come to the subject late in life and only then by his own brains.

When the Line of Fate is seen with one branch on the Mount of Venus and the other on the Mount of the Moon (1-2, Plate XIII.) it indicates a career of romance and passion, by which the whole of the Destiny will be swayed.

When the Line of Fate itself rises inside the Life Line on the Mount of Venus (2-2, Plate XIII.), passionate love will affect the whole career, and such persons, it will be found, usually place their affections on impossible people or on those who are in some way tied up by marriage or who otherwise are unable to gratify the love that the other person demands. This is a most unlucky sign for affection to find in the hands of a woman.


When the Line of Fate is broken or made up in little bits, the career will be found full of troubles, breaks, and nothing that one gets will last long enough to bring any settled or continuous success.

A break in the Fate Line is not always a bad sign to have, provided that one side begins before the other ends; in such a case it foretells a complete change in surroundings and position, and if the new line looks good and straight it will be found to mean that the change will bring about an advancement in position commencing at the date when the second line first makes its appearance.[2]

[2] For dates on the Line of Fate see Chapter XIX.


When any small line joins the Fate Line or goes on with it as an attendant line, such a mark usually indicates marriage at the date when these lines join (3-3, Plate XIII.). If, on the contrary, these lines do not join, marriage with the person is not likely to occur although the affection and influence will be present in the career.

When one of these influence lines appears by the side of the Fate Line and crosses through it towards or on to the Mount of Mars, it indicates that the influence thus shown will turn to hate and will injure the career of the person on whose hand it is found (1-1, Plate XIV.).


When the Line of Fate is itself double (2-2, Plate XIV.), it is a sign of what is called "a double life," but if, after running side by side for some length these two lines join or become one, it foretells that "the double life" has been caused by some great affection, that circumstances prevented a union, but that the preventing cause will be removed at the point where these two lines join.

When, however, a double Line of Fate is clearly marked, especially if they incline towards different mounts of the hand, such a mark indicates that two careers would be carried out simultaneously—one perhaps as a hobby and the other as the principal career.

When the Line of Fate is extremely faint or just barely traced through the palm, it will be found to indicate a general disbelief in the idea of Fate and Destiny. It is often found on the hands of very materialistic persons, those who rebel against the idea that they are governed in any way by Fate or by any power save themselves.

When this is found, and at the same time a good clear Line of Head, such people will be sure to win success by their mentality alone, but the details of their destiny will not be able to be told, and one must content oneself with chiefly describing their characteristics, peculiarities, etc.

When no Line of Fate whatever is found and only a very ordinary Line of Head, then there will be nothing very particular to say about the Destiny; such people, as a rule, lead very colourless lives, nothing seems to affect them much one way or the other, and they will be found to have very little purpose to illumine the drab monotony of their existence.

An island (3, Plate XIV.) is an extremely bad sign to find in the Line of Fate.

When found at the very beginning of the line (4, Plate XIV.) it indicates some mystery regarding the commencement of such careers, such as illegitimate birth.


An island, when found on a woman's hand connecting the Fate Line with the Mount of Venus, is an almost certain indication of her seduction (5, Plate XIV.).

An island in any part of the Plain of Mars indicates a period of great difficulty, loss in one's career, and in consequence, generally loss of money (3, Plate XIV.).

An Island on the Fate and Head Lines together means loss also, but more brought on by the person's own stupidity or lack of intelligence (6, Plate XIV.).

An island over the Fate and Heart Lines indicates loss and trouble connected with affairs of the heart or brought about by the affections.

An island on the Mount of Saturn or towards the end of the Line of Fate (5, Plate XIV.) foreshadows that the career will finish in poverty and despair.[3]

[3] For more details concerning the meaning of "islands" in general, see Chapter XV.

When the Line of Fate finishes suddenly with a cross, some great fatality may be expected, but when the cross is found on the Fate Line and on the Mount of Saturn, the ending of such a Destiny will be some terrible tragedy, generally one of public disgrace and public death.


The Line of the Sun, which is otherwise called the Line of Success or the Line of Brilliancy (1-1, Plate XV.), is one of the most important marks on the hand to consider.

It has in its symbolism almost the same significance as the Sun itself has to the Earth.

Without this line the life has no happiness, no sunshine, as it were, and even the greatest talents lie in darkness and do not produce their fruit.

Amateurs, in looking at hands, often make the greatest mistakes in seeing what appears to be "a good Line of Fate," and in consequence rush off and predict great success and fortune, whereas, as I explained in the preceding chapter, a Fate Line unaccompanied by the Line of Sun may simply

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