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of Life. As an illustration to help the reader I may say that I have generally found that this mark will indicate that the subject has, in the first instance, broken free from some tie at an early date, and that a similar occurrence will take place at the second date, viz., late in life, when again the subject seems to break free from some tie, and goes out more into the world for himself.

This curious sign very often helps in deciding matters as regards marriage. The man, or woman, will apparently assert his independence more, and leave the ties of home life, and again go out in the world and fight the battle for himself, as he did in the earlier part of his existence, when he probably left his parents' influence and forged ahead for himself.

When the ascending line is seen crossing over towards the Mount of Saturn, and running as an independent line not joined to the Line of Fate (6, Plate X.), it will be found that the subject has carried out a kind of second fate. The date when this line left the Line of Life will give the first date of its commencement, i.e., opposite it on the Fate Line. If the line be a good one it would give its second date when reading down the Line of Life, where, if the line were good, it carried out this second fate to a successful culmination.


What is called the Line of Mars is that line that is found only on some hands encircling the Mount of Venus and inside the Line of Life.

This Line, which rises on the Mount of Mars, from which it derives its name, when found clear and strong appears to back up and reinforce the Line of Life (4-4, Plate X.). It indicates great vitality, power of resistance to illness and disease, and is not found on all hands.

It is an excellent sign on the hands of soldiers, or in connection with all persons who follow a dangerous calling.

All breaks or bad marks indicated on the Line of Life are minimized on the hands that have this Inner Life Line, or Line of Mars.

As its name implies, in character it denotes a robust and rather fighting disposition, a person naturally inclined to rush into dangers and quarrels, and if deeply marked and reddish in colour it increases all indications of accidents and dangers shown on other parts of the hand.

When a branch seems to shoot off from this line and runs on to the Mount of Luna (5-5, Plate X.), it foreshadows restlessness and an intense craving for excitement. With a weak-looking Line of Mentality it is a sure sign of a craving for drink and intemperance of all kinds, and at the point where it breaks through the Line of Life, it generally indicates death brought on by the intemperance this mark foreshadows.


It is generally found on short, thick-set square hands or short hands, but when found on a long, thin, and narrow palm, it indicates great vitality and resistance to disease, a nervous, highly-strung, and rather irritable disposition.

Any broken Life Line with this Line of Mars behind it may indicate great danger of death where the break appears, but a danger that will be overcome through the vitality indicated by this Inner Life Line or Line of Mars.


The Line of Destiny, otherwise called the Line of Fate (1-1, Plate XI.) is naturally one of the most important of the principal lines of the hand.

Although one may never be able to explain why it is, this line undoubtedly appears to indicate at least the main events of one's career.

It may be found on the hand even at the moment of birth, clearly indicating the class of Fate or Destiny that lies in the far distant future before the individual.

In some cases it may look faint or shadowy, as if the path of Destiny were not yet clearly defined, while in other instances almost every step of the road is chiselled out with its milestones of failure or success, sorrow or joy, as the case may be.

That some human beings seem to be more children of Fate than others has been admitted by almost all thinkers, but why they should be so has been the great question that baffles all students of such subjects.

There are some who appear to have no Fate, and others who seem to carve their Destiny from day to day.

I have seen hundreds of cases where every step of the journey was indicated from childhood to the grave; others where only the principal changes in the career were marked in advance. There are, again, others where nothing seemed decided, and where the events indicated by the Line of Fate appeared to change from year to year.

The why and wherefore of such things may be impossible to fathom, but there are so many mysteries in Life itself that one more or less does not seem to matter.

Some of the greatest teachers and philosophers have come to the conclusion that Fate exists for all. In the 17th Article of Religion in the Episcopal Church it is stated, and in no uncertain manner, that "Predestination to life is the everlasting purpose of God." All through the Bible the Destiny of nations and of men is clearly laid down, and from the first chapter of Genesis to the last page of Revelation the trials, tribulations, and pathway of the Jews was prophesied and predicted ages in advance.

Thousands of years before the birth of Christ, it was foretold in Holy Writ in what manner He should be born, and in what manner He should die. It was predicted that a Virgin should conceive and that a Judas should betray, and that both were necessary "that the Scriptures might be fulfilled."

In more recent ages thousands and thousands of predictions have been fulfilled, and all point to some mysterious agency that underlies the purpose of humanity, and that nothing from the smallest to the greatest is left to blind chance.

It may be that the Soul—in being part of the Universal Soul of all things—knows all things, and so through the instrumentality of the brain writes its knowledge of the Future in advance.

To the mysteries of the mind there are no limits. Medical science has, in late years, gone so far as to prove that there must be an advance growth or change in the brain cells years before action or change in character become the result of such development. For all we know, every deed in our careers is the result of some such mental change, and as there are more super-sensitive nerves from the brain to the hand, it may then follow that such changes and subsequent actions in our lives may be written in our hands even long years in advance.

It may be, then, that to all living beings there is a Destiny "that shapes our ends, rough hew them as we will."

I would, however, humbly suggest that each of us endeavour by knowledge to find what our Fate may be, and like loyal workmen accept whatever the task should prove, and so carry it out to the utmost of our ability, willing to leave the final result to the Master that thought fit to employ us in the working out of His design.

All such questions as these the student of this subject must settle in his own mind, for when he or she once broaches this study of Fate, he will be assailed on all sides, and the student must be prepared to give "an answer for the faith that is in him."

In studying the hand it will be found that the Line of Fate may rise from the following distinct positions:

It may rise from and out of the Line of Life (2-2, Plate XI.), straight up from the wrist (1-1, Plate XI.), from the Mount of the Moon (3-3, Plate XI.), or from the middle of the palm.

The following is the meaning of these principal positions:


Rising from the Line of Life (2-2, Plate XI.), the subject's success will be made by personal effort and merit; the early years of such a Fate will be cramped and difficult; circumstances and the early surroundings will not be favourable, and such people will be greatly hampered or sacrificed to the wishes and plans of their parents or relatives. If the Line of Fate, however, should run on clear and strong from where it leaves the Line of Life, then the subject will overcome all such difficulties and win success by his own personal effort and merit, and not depend on what is termed luck at any time in the career.

Another striking and important point is that the date or years marked on the Line of Fate of such a breaking out into the palm, will be found to coincide with the year in the subject's life in which he asserted his independence or launched out into what he more particularly wanted to do. (See also end of chapter on Time, page 112.)

In any case this date as indicated will be found to be one of the most important in his career.[1]

[1] For how to obtain dates and years see Chapter XIX.


When the Line of Fate rises from the Wrist (1-1, Plate XI.) and goes straight up the centre of the palm to the Mount of Saturn, provided at the same time the Line of Sun (4-4, Plate XI.) is found well marked, luck, brilliance, and success will attend the Destiny, and extreme good fortune may be anticipated.


Rising from the Mount of the Moon (3-3, Plate XI.) the Fate will be more eventful, changeable, and largely depending on the fancy and caprice of other people.


If such a line be found joining the Line of Heart (1-1, Plate XII.), it foretells a happy and prosperous marriage, but one in which idealism, romance, and some fortunate circumstances play their rôle, and one which results more from the caprice or fancy of the person of the other sex.

If the Line of Fate be itself straight but with a line running in and joining it from the Mount of the Moon (5-5, Plate XI.), it indicates that the influence of some outside person has helped the subject's Fate, and it is generally an indication of the influence of another sex to the one on whose hand it appears.

When this line of influence from the Mount of the Moon does not, however, blend with the Fate Line (2-2, Plate XII.), it denotes that the other person's life will always remain distinct, and the influence will last only for the length of time that it runs by the side of the subject's Fate.

When this influence line cuts the Line of Fate and, leaving it, travels on for some distance towards the Mount of Jupiter (3-3,

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