» Study Aids » Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation, William W. Mann [crime books to read TXT] 📗

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>mee ahktsehp'tahss veeahn peh-tohn I apologise Mi petas pardonon mee peh-tahss pardoh'nohn It was all a mistake La tuta afero estis eraro la too-tah ahfehr'oh eh-steess ehrah'ro I claim damages Mi postulas monkompenson mee postoo'lahss mohnkompehn'sohn The case is adjourned until… La proceso estas prokrastita ĝis… la prohtseh'so eh-stahss prohkrah-stee'tah jiss… I will be here Mi estos tie ĉi mee ehstohss tee-eh chee

Commercial and Trading.
(Komercaj kaj Negocaj Frazoj.)

(For Vocabulary see page 56.)

English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. The firm has failed La firmo bankrotis la feer'mo bahnkro'teess What assets are there? Kiom da aktivo estas? kee-ohm dah ahktee'vo eh-stahss? Show me a balance-sheet Montru al mi bilancon mohn-troo ahl mee bee-lahnt'sohn What dividend is declared? Kioman dividendon oni deklaris? keeohman dividen'dohn ohnee deklah'reess? The Bank rate is down La Banka kurso malaltiĝis la bahn-kah koor-so mahlahltee'jeess Send in my account Sendu mian konton sehn-doo mee-ahn kontohn There is an error in your account Estas eraro en via konto eh-stahss eh-rah'ro ehn vee-ah kon-toh You have over-charged me Vi kalkulis al mi tro kare vee kahlkoo'leess ahl mee tro kah-reh This has been paid Tio estas pagita teeoh ehstahss pahgheetah Your account is overdue Estas jam post la pagdato de via konto ehstahss yahm pohst la pahg-dah'toh deh veeah kon-toh Give me a receipt Donu al mi kvitancon donoo ahl mee kvitahnt'sohn My samples are delayed Miaj specimenoj malfruas mee'ahy speht-seemeh'noy mahl-froo'ahss Your esteemed order to hand Via ŝatata mendo alvenis vee-ah shahtah'tah mehndoh ahlveh'neess We require trade references Ni bezonas negocreferencojn nee behzoh'nahss nehgohts-rehfehrent'soyn I have a letter of introduction Mi havas prezentan leteron mee havahss prehzehn'tahn lehteh'rohn When can you deliver the goods? Kiam vi povas liveri la komercaĵojn? kee-ahm vee po-vahss leeveh'ree la komehrtsah'zhoyn? We will deliver on the 1st proximo Ni liveros la unuan de la proksima monato nee leeveh'rohss la oonoo'ahn deh la proksee'mah mohnah'toh To execute an order Plenumi mendon plehnoo'mee mehndohn Can I insure my baggage? Ĉu mi povas asekuri miajn pakaĵojn? choo mee po-vahss ahsehkoo'ree mee'ahyn pahkah'zhoyn? Your baggage is liable to duty Viaj pakaĵoj estas imposteblaj vee'ahy pahkah'zhoy eh-stahss imposteh'blahy What is the rate? Po kiom? po kee-ohm? To discount a bill Diskonti kambion diskon'tee kahmbee'ohn Will you accept a bill? Ĉu vi akceptos kambion? choo vee ahktsehp'tohss kahmbee'ohn? Give me your estimate Donu al mi vian kostproponon dohnoo ahl mee vee-ahn kost-prohpo'nohn Quote me a price Proponu prezon prohpo'noo preh-zohn Carriage forward Transporto pagota de la ricevonto trahnspor'toh pahgoh'tah deh la ritsehvon'toh Send by fast train Sendu per rapidira vagono sehn'doo pehr rahpeedee'rah vahgo'no It is short weight Mankas iom al la pezo mahn-kahss ee-ohm ahl la peh-zo What is the weight? Kiom estas la pezo? kee-ohm eh-stahss la peh-zo? The consignment is bad La sendaĵo estas malbona la sehndah'zho ehstahss mahl-bo'nah Not according to sample Ne laŭ specimeno neh lahw spehtseemeh'no Changing Money.
(Por ŝanĝi monon.) English. Esperanto. Pronunciation. Where can I get money changed? Kie mi povas ŝanĝigi monon? kee-eh mee po-vahss shahnjee'ghee mo-nohn? I want change for a five-pound note Mi volas havi monerojn por kvinfunta bankbileto mee volahss hahvee moneh'royn por kvinfoon'tah bahnk-beeleh'toh Will you give me English money? Volu doni al mi Anglan monon? vo-loo doh-nee ahl mee ahn-glahn mo-nohn? What is the exchange on English money? Po kiom estas la kurso pri Angla mono? po kee-ohm eh-stahss la koor-so pree ahn-glah mo-no? A bank-note Bankbileto bahnk-beeleh'toh Will you change me these sovereigns? Ĉu vi povas ŝanĝi por mi ĉi tiujn funtojn sterlingajn? choo vee po-vahss shahnjee por mee chee tee-ooyn foon-toyn stehrlin'gahyn? Will you cash this cheque for me? Ĉu vi povas ŝanĝi por mi ĉi tiun ĉekon? choo vee po-vahss shahnjee por mee chee tee-oon cheh-kohn? This cheque needs endorsing Estas necese, ĝiri tiun ĉi ĉekon eh-stahss nehtseh'seh, jee-ree tee-oon chee cheh-kohn


The following tables will be found useful:

English Money, with French, German and Italian Equivalents.
ENGLISH. FRENCH. GERMAN. ITALIAN. £ s. d. Fr. C. Mark Pf. Lire Cent. 50 0 0 1250 00 1000 00 1260 00 10 0 0 250 00 200 00 252 00 5 0 0 125 00 100 00 126 00 4 0 0 100 00 80 00 100 80 1 0 0 25 00 20 00 25 20   16 0 20 00 16 00 20 16   10 0 12 50 10 00 12 60   5 0 6 25 5 00 6 30   4 0 5 00 4 00 5 04   2 6 3 12.5 2 50 3 15   1 0 1 25 1 00 1 25   6   62.5   50   62   5   52   41   52   4   41   33   41   1   10     8   10   ½     5     4     5 French, German and Italian Money, with English Equivalents.
FRENCH.   ENGLISH. GERMAN.   ENGLISH. ITALIAN.   ENGLISH.   £ s. d.   s. d.   £ s. d. 50 francs = 2   0   0 1 mark = 1 0 50 lire = 1 19 8 20 " =   16   0 8 pfennig =   1 20 " =   16 0 5 " =     4   0 4 pfennig =   ½ 5 " =     4 0 1 franc =   10   1 lira =   9½ 10 centimes =     1   10 centesimi =   1 5 " =     ½   5 " =   ½

Considerable use is also made by Esperantists of the International Aŭiliary Money-unit (Internacia Helpa Mono) introduced by M. René de Saussure, of the Internacia Scienca Asocio, Geneva. The unit is the Speso, equivalent to one-tenth of a farthing in English money.

10 spesoj (abbr. 10 s.) = 1 spesdeko (1 sd.) = ¼d. 100 spesdekoj (100 sd.) = 1 spesmilo (1 sm.) = 2s. 0d. 1 sm. = 100 sd. = 1,000 s.

The approximate values of 10 spesmiloj in terms of the various national units are as follows: 10 spesmiloj = 25 francs = 20 shillings = 20 marks = 5 dollars = 24 Austrian kroner = 18 Scandinavian kroner = 12 Dutch florins = 9½ roubles = 4½ Portuguese milreis = 9 Brazilian milreis = 5 pesetas = 9¾ yen.

The chief point to remember is that 1 spesmilo equals 2 shillings, and 1 spesdeko equals approximately 1 farthing.

(Pezoj kaj Mezuroj.)

The Metric System is the one in general use among Esperantists. The following table shows the essential decimal character of the system:

Parts. Length. Weight. Capacity. One-thousandth. Milimetro. Miligramo. Mililitro. One-hundredth. Centimetro. Centigramo. Centilitro. One-tenth. Decimetro. Decigramo. Decilitro. One. Metro (unit). Gramo (unit). Litro (unit). Ten. Dekametro. Dekagramo. Dekalitro. Hundred. Hektometro. Hektogramo. Hektolitro. Thousand. Kilometro. Kilogramo. Kilolitro. MEASURES OF LENGTH.
(Mezuroj de Longeco.)
English.   Esperanto. Esperanto.   English. 1 inch = 2.54 centimetroj 1 centimetro = 0.394 (1/3) inch 1 foot (12 in.) = 30.48 " 1 decimetro = 3.94 inches 1 yard (3 ft.) = 91.43 " 1 metro = 39.37 in. (3 ft. 3-1/3 in.) 1 furlong (220 yds.) = 201 metroj 1 hektometro = 109 yds. 1 ft. 1 mile (1760 yds.) = 1.61 kilometroj 1 kilometro = 1093 yds. (5/8 mile) 5 miles = 8.05 " 5 kilometroj = 3 miles 220 yds. WEIGHTS.
English.   Esperanto. Esperanto.   English. 1 ounce… = 28 gramoj 1 gramo = .0357 (1/30) oz. (15.432 gr.) 1 lb. (16 oz.) = 453 " 1 hektogramo = 3½ oz. 1 stone (14 lb.) = 6 kilo. 345 gr. 1 kilogramo = 2.2 lb. 1 quarter (28 lb.) = 12 kilo. 690 gr. 5 kilogramoj = 11 lb. 1 cwt. (112 lb.) = 50 kilo. 750 gr. 1000 " = 19 cwt. 2 qr. 23 lb. 1 ton (20 cwt.) = 1015 kilogramoj   LIQUIDS.
English.   Esperanto. Esperanto.   English. 1 pint = 0.57 litro 1 litro = 1.76 (1¾) pints (0.22 gall.) 1 quart (2 pints) = 1.14 litroj 5 litroj = 1 gallon 1 pint 1 gallon (4 quarts) = 4.54 " 1 hektolitro = 22 gallons 1 barrel (36 gallons) = 160.32 " 1 kilolitro = 220 " 1 hogshead (54 gall.) = 240.48 "   AREA.
English.   Esperanto. Esperanto. English. 1 sq. inch = 6.45 kvadrataj centimetroj 1 centiaro (1 kv. metro) = 1.196 sq. yd. 1 sq. foot = 9.29 " decimetroj 1 aro (100 kv. metroj) = 0.099 rood 1 sq. yard = 83.6 " decimetroj 1 hektaro (10,000 kv. metroj) = 2.471 acres 1 acre = 4046.78 kv. metroj  

The following Esperanto translations of English units are sometimes needed: Colo, inch; futo, foot; jardo, yard; mejlo, mile; unco, ounce; funto, pound; ekro, acre.


The postage on Letters from the United Kingdom to foreign countries (except Egypt and the United States) is 2½d. for 1 ounce, and 1½d. for each succeeding ounce or fraction thereof; Postcards, 1d.; Newspapers, ½d. for every 2 ounces; Commercial Papers, 2½d. for the first 10 ounces, and ½d. per 2 ounces thereafter. Special Coupons for Prepayment of Reply are issued in connection with many countries.


[1] Any information as to Esperanto groups, literature, etc., may be obtained on application to The British Esperanto Association, 142, High Holborn, London, W.C. 1.

[2] The names of trees and bushes are formed by adding the suffix -uj (or simply -arbo, tree) to the root denoting the fruit or flower. E.g., pruno, plum—prunujo or prunarbo, plum-tree; marono, chestnut—maronujo, maronarbo, chestnut-tree; rozo, rose—rozujo, rozarbeto, rose-bush.

[3] See p. 77, "The Noun."

[4] Where a country is called after its inhabitants, the Esperanto name for it is formed by adding the suffix -uj (= that which contains, see p. 85) or -lando (land) to the root denoting the inhabitant. Thus: Belg-o, Belgian—Belg-ujo, Belgium; Brito, Briton—Grandbritujo, Great Britain; Sviso, a Swiss—Svisujo, Switzerland; or Belgolando, Skotlando, Anglolando, Svislando, etc. Where the name of the inhabitants is formed from that of the country, use is made of the suffix -ano (= member of). Thus: Eŭropo, Europe—Eŭropano, European; Irlando, Ireland—Irlandano, Irishman.

[5] See -an, p. 85.

[6] See Participles, p. 81.

[7] See Affixes, p. 85.

[8] See Suffixes, p. 85.

[9] For this purpose the small penny Esperanto "key," which contains the fundamental roots of the language, will be found useful. It may be obtained of any Esperanto bookseller.


The following typographic errors were corrected:

p. 20, piedovojeto > piedvojeto p. 46, ŝraubturnilo > ŝraŭbturnilo p. 60, Telephono > Telefono (in title) p. 78, double > duoble (duoble, doubly) p. 85, -ac > -aĉ p. 87, autaŭ'ĉambro > antaŭ'ĉambro p. 101, Lauhore > Laŭhore p. 103, esta > estas (Ĉu la matenmanĝo estas…?) p. 108, miaj-amikoj
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