» Study Aids » A Handbook for Latin Clubs, Susan Paxson [digital book reader .TXT] 📗

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A Day in Pompeii as Described by Shelley.
The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Harry Buxton Forman. Vol. iv, p. 71.
With Shelley in Italy. Anna B. McMahan. P.187.
A Day in Pompeii as Described by Howells.
Italian Journeys. W. D. Howells. Chap. viii.

Edgar Fawcett. Cosmopolitan. Vol. xxiv, p. 182.
The Interior of a Pompeian House.
H. G. Huntington. Cosmopolitan. Vol. xxiv, p. 521.
A Municipal Election in a.d. 79.
Littell's Living Age. Vol. ccxlii, p. 188.
Recent Excavations and Discoveries in Pompeii.
John L. Stoddard's Lectures. Naples. Vol. viii.
A Day in Pompeii as Described by Dickens.
Pictures from Italy. Charles Dickens. P. 164.
Probing Pompeii.
Antonio Sogliano. Cosmopolitan. Vol. liii, p. 760.
Poem.—The Eruption of Vesuvius.
Poems. Victor Hugo. P. 112.

"Yet wears thy Tiber's shore
A mournful mien—
Rome, Rome! Thou art no more
As thou hast been."
Mrs. Hemans
Roll Call.
Quotations referring to Rome from Byron's "Childe Harold" or other poems.
The Topography Of Rome.
A Day in Ancient Rome. Edgar S. Shumway. P. 5.
Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero. W. Warde Fowler. Chap. i.
Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Rodolfo Lanciani. Chap. iv.
Ancient History. Hutton Webster. P. 631.
Rome: The Eternal City.
The Eternal City. Lyman Abbott. Harper's Magazine. Vol. xliv, p. 1.
New Splendors of Old Rome. Dante Vaglieri. Cosmopolitan. Vol. lii, p. 440.
A Walk in Ancient Rome.
A Walk in Rome. Oscar Kuhns. Chautauqua. Vol. xxxiv, P. 56.
The Waterworks Of Rome.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. ii, p. 461.
Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Rodolfo Lanciani. P. 299.
Poem.—A Roman Aqueduct.
Poetical Works. Oliver Wendell Holmes. P. 326.

The Gardens.
The Gardens of Ancient Rome and What Grew in them. St. Clair Baddely, Littell's Living Age. Vol. ccxxxix, p. 458.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. ii, P. 475, 533.
Poem.—A Roman Garden.
Florence Wilkinson. Current Literature. Vol. xliii, p. 570.
The Fountains.
Roman Fountains. E. McAuliffe. Catholic World. Vol. lxxvii, p. 209.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. ii, p. 464.
Roba di Roma. William W. Story. Chapter xvii.
The Prose Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Harry Buxton Forman. Vol. iv, p. 96.
With Shelley in Italy. Anna B. McMahan. P 99.
Walks in Rome. Augustus J. C. Hare. P. 305.
Poem.—The Fountain of Trevi.
Poetical Works. Bayard Taylor. P. 91.
Hawthorne's Description of the Fountain of Trevi.
Walks in Rome. Augustus J. C. Hare. P. 65.
Poem.—The Fountain.
Poetical Works. James R. Lowell. P. 10.
A Stroll in Rome as Described by Horace.
A Day in Ancient Rome. Edgar S. Shumway. P. 51.
The Burning of Rome.
Tacitus. Annales. Chap. xv.
Readings in Ancient History. Hutton Webster. P. 232.
Readings in Ancient History. Rome and the West. William Stearns Davis. P. 192.
Illustrated History of Ancient Literature. John D. Quackenbos. P. 414.
Foreign Classics in English. William Cleaver Wilkinson. Vol. iv, p. 105.

The Sky Scrapers Of Rome.
Rodolfo Lanciani. North American Review. Vol. clxii, p. 45.
Poem.—Nero's Incendiary Song.
Poems. Victor Hugo. P. 31.
Poem.Urbs, Roma, Vale.
Littell's Living Age. J. P.M. Vol. cliv, p. 575; vol. clv, p. 447.
Blackwood's Magazine. Vol. cxxxii, pp. 176, 490, 781.

"In many a heap the ground
Heaves, as if Ruin in a frantic mood
Had done its utmost. Here and there appears,
As left to show his handiwork, not ours,
An idle column, a half-buried arch,
A wall of some great temple."
The Topography of the Forum.
Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Rodolfo Lanciani. P. 82.
A Day in Ancient Rome. Edgar S. Shumway. Pp. 21, 43.
The Remains of Ancient Rome. J. H. Middleton. Vol. i, p. 231.
Ancient History. Hutton Webster. P. 636.
The Roman Capitol.
Eugene Lawrence. Harper's Magazine. Vol. xliv, p. 570.
The Rostra.
Rome of To-day and Yesterday. John Dennie. Pp. 65, 117.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. i, P. 356.
The Mamertine Prison.
Rome of To-day and Yesterday. John Dennie. P. 35.
Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Rodolfo Lanciani. P. 75.
A Day in Ancient Rome. Edgar S. Shumway. P. 22.
Dickens' Description of the Mamertine Prison.
A Day in Ancient Rome. Edgar S. Shumway. P. 21.
Recent Excavations in the Forum as Seen by a Traveler.
Roma Beata. Maud Howe. P. 254.
The Roman Forum as Cicero Saw it.
Walter Dennison. The Classical Journal. Vol. iii, p. 318.

Cicero's House near the Forum.
Walks in Rome. Augustus J. C. Hare. P. 249.
A Roman Street Scene.
Gallus. W. A. Becker. P. 43.
Poem.—The Pillar of Trajan.
Complete Poetical Works. William Wordsworth. P. 652.
Nero's Golden House.
Rome of To-day and Yesterday. John Dennie. P. 192.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. i, p. 342.
The Life of the Greeks and Romans. Guhl and Koner. P. 369.
The Golden House of Nero. J. G. Winter. Classical Weekly. Vol. vii, p. 163.
The Lapis Niger.
Roma Beata. Maud Howe. Pp. 163, 260.
Pompey's Theater.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. i, P. 374.
Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Rodolfo Lanciani. P. 190.
The Roman Forum as it Appears To-day.
Roman Holidays and Others. W. D. Howells. P. 96.
Poem.—In the Roman Forum
Amelia Josephine Burr. Literary Digest. Vol. xlviii, p. 1130.

THE ROMAN HOUSE "Here is my religion, here is my race, here are the traces of my forefathers. I cannot express the charm which I find here, and which penetrates my heart and my senses."
Cicero: Pro Domo.
The Plan of the Roman House.
Callus. W. A. Becker. P. 237.
The Life of the Greeks and Romans. Guhl and Koner. P. 357.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. Chap. vi.
Society in Rome under the Caesars. William R. Inge. Chap. x.
The Heating and Lighting of the House.
The Life of the Greeks and Romans. Guhl and Koner. P. 457.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. Chap. vi.
Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Rodolfo Lanciani. Pp. 78, 269.
The Interior of the House.
Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero. W. Warde Fowler. Chap. viii.
The Interior of a Pompeian House. H. G. Huntington. Cosmopolitan. Vol. xxiv, p. 52.
Household Furniture.
Gallus. W. A. Becker. P. 295.
Society in Rome under the Caesars. W. R. Inge. Chap. x.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. Chap. vi.
A Day in Ancient Rome. Edgar S. Shumway. P. 77.
The Palatine: Home of the Aristocracy.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara E. Clement. Vol. i, p. 324.
Walks in Rome. Augustus J. C. Hare. Pp. 225, 249.
A Haunted House.
C. Pliny. Epist. 7, 27, 5-11.

ROMAN SLAVES "Is not a slave of the same stuff as you, his lord? Does he not enjoy the same sun, breathe the same air, die, even as you do? Then let your slave worship rather than dread you. Scorn not any man. The Universe is the common parent of us all."
The Roman Slave.
Gallus. W. A. Becker. P. 200.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. ii, P. 530.
Caesar. A Sketch. James Anthony Froude. Chap. ii.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. Chap. v.
The Life of the Greeks and Romans. Guhl and Koner. P. 511.
Ancient History. Hutton Webster. P. 596.
The Roman Slave as Seen in Literature.
Vergilius. Irving Bacheller. P. 38.
A Friend of Caesar. William Stearns Davis. Chap. ii, pp. 33, 44.
Treatment of Slaves.
Cato: On Agriculture. Translation in Source Book of Roman History. Dana C. Munro. P. 184.
Letter of Pliny the Younger. Translation in Readings in Ancient History. Hutton Webster. P. 245.
The Household Slave.
The Life of the Greeks and Romans. Guhl and Koner. P. 513.
Society in Rome under the Caesars. William R. Inge. P. 160.
Slaves as Physicians.
The Life of the Greeks and Romans. Guhl and Koner. P. 526.

Ancient Rome in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Rodolfo Lanciani. P. 71.
Trimalchio's Cook.
Trimalchio's Dinner. Harry Thurston Peck. P. 115.
Seneca's Opinions Upon Slavery.
Readings in Ancient History. Rome and the West. William Stearns Davis. P. 259.
Dialogue.—A Slave Owner and His Slaves.
Readings in Ancient History. Rome and the West. William Stearns Davis. P. 90.

ROMAN CHILDREN "Pueri mei sunt mea ornamenta."
The Roman Child.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. P. 67.
His Pets and Games.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. P. 73.
His Playthings.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. P. 71.
Second Latin Book. Miller and Beeson. Introduction. P. 20.
A Roman Boy as Described by Petronius.
Trimalchio's Dinner. Harry Thurston Peck. P. 112.
Cicero's Son.
Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Alfred J. Church. Chap. ii.
A Roman Boy's Birthday.
Bertha A. Bush. Saint Nicholas. Vol. xxii, p. 38.
The Story of a Roman Boy.
Second Latin Book. Miller and Beeson. Introduction.
Poem.—A Girl's Funeral in Milan.
In the Garden of Dreams. Louise Chandler Moulton. P. 39.
Roman Children on their Way to School.
Second Latin Book. Miller and Beeson. Introduction. P. 24.
Poem.—To Lesbia's Sparrow.

"Iam tristis nucibus puer relictis
Clamoso revocatur a magistro."
Ode.—To a Schoolmaster.
The Epigrams of Martial. Book x: lxii.
Education Among the Romans.
A Literary History of Rome. J. Wight Duff. P. 49.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. Chap. iv.
Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero. W. Warde Fowler. Chap. vi.
Wages of Schoolmasters in Ancient Rome.
R. F. Leighton. Education. Vol. iv, p. 506.
The Troubles of the Roman Schoolmaster.
Society in Rome under the Caesars. William R. Inge. Chap. vi.
The Punishment of Pupils.
Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Alfred J. Church. P. 15.
Readings in Ancient History. Rome and the West. William Stearns Davis. P. 230.
Cato's Training of His Son.
Rome: The Eternal City. Clara Erskine Clement. Vol. ii, p. 525.
Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero. W. Warde Fowler. Chap. vi, p. 172.
A Letter Written By Cicero's Son while at College.
Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero. W. Warde Fowler. Chap. vi, p. 199.
Masterpieces of Latin Literature. Gordon J. Laing. P. 176.

The Boy Poet Sulpicius: A Tragedy of Roman Education.

J. Raleigh Nelson. School Review. Vol. xi, p. 384.

SOME COMMON PROFESSIONS AND TRADES AMONG THE ROMANS "Rome had her great shopping district (mainly on streets leading into the Forum), and seemingly her 'department stores'; also her class of inveterate shoppers."
Readings in Ancient History. William Stearns Davis, p. 225.
Poem.—Pan in Wall Street.
Edmund Clarence Stedman. Atlantic Monthly. Vol. xix, p. 118.
The Classic Myths in English Literature. Charles Mills Gayley. Chap. xv, p. 183.

How a Well-to-do Roman Spent His Day.

Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero. W. Warde Fowler. Chap. ix.
Society in Rome under the Caesars. William Ralph Inge. Chap. viii.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. P. 308.
Ancient History. Hutton Webster. P. 581.
Banking and Money Lending.
Social Life at Rome in the Age of Cicero. W. Warde Fowler. Chap. iii, p. 80.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. P. 306.
A Roman Author.
Society in Rome under the Caesars. William Ralph Inge. Chap. vi.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. P. 296.
The Baker.
The Life of the Greeks and Romans. Guhl and Koner. P. 521.
The Private Life of the Romans. H. W. Johnston. P. 191.

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