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classes are again subdivided into five different types of dry kilns as follows: The "Progressive" kiln; The "Apartment" kiln; The "Pocket" kiln; The "Tower" kiln; The "Box" kiln. The "Progressive" Dry Kiln

Dry kilns constructed so that the material goes in at one end and is taken out at the opposite end are called Progressive dry kilns, from the fact that the material gradually progresses through the kiln from one stage to another while drying (see Fig. 31).

In the operation of the Progressive kiln, the material is first subjected to a sweating or steaming process at the receiving or loading end of the kiln with a low temperature and a relative high humidity. It then gradually progresses through the kiln into higher temperatures and lower humidities, as well as changes of air circulation, until it reaches the final stage at the discharge end of the kiln.

Progressive kilns, in order to produce the most satisfactory results, especially in the drying of hardwoods or heavy softwood timbers, should be not less than 100 feet in length (see Fig. 35).

In placing this type of kiln in operation, the following instructions should be carefully followed:

When steam has been turned into the heating coils, and the kiln is fairly warm, place the first car of material to be dried in the drying room—preferably in the morning—about 25 feet from the kiln door on the receiving or loading end of the kiln, blocking the wheels so that it will remain stationary.

Exterior View of Four Progressive Dry Kilns

Fig. 35. Exterior View of Four Progressive Dry Kilns, each 140 Feet long by 18 Feet wide. Cross-wise piling, fire-proof construction.

Five hours later, or about noon, run in the second car and stop it about five feet from the first one placed in the drying room. Five hours later, or in the evening push car number two up against the first car; then run in car number three, stopping it about five feet from car number two.

On the morning of the second day, push car number three against the others, and then move them all forward about 25 feet, and then run in car number four, stopping it about five feet from the car in advance of it. Five hours later, or about noon, run in car number five and stop it about five feet from car number four. In the evening or about five hours later, push these cars against the ones ahead, and run in loaded car number six, stopping it about five feet from the preceding car.

On the morning of the third day, move all the cars forward about six feet; then run in loaded car number seven stop it about four feet from the car preceding it. Five hours later or about noon push this car against those in advance of it, and run in loaded car number eight moving all cars forward about six feet, and continue in this manner until the full complement of cars have been placed in the kiln. When the kiln has been filled, remove car number one and push all the remaining cars forward and run in the next loaded car, and continue in this manner as long as the kiln is in operation.

As the temperature depends principally upon the pressure of steam, maintain a steam pressure of not less than 80 pounds at all times; it may range up to as high as 100 pounds. The higher the temperature with a relatively higher humidity the more rapidly the drying will be accomplished.

If the above instructions are carried out, the temperatures, humidities, and air circulation properly manipulated, there should be complete success in the handling of this type of dry kiln.

The Progressive type of dry kiln is adapted to such lines of manufacture that have large quantities of material to kiln-dry where the species to be dried is of a similiar nature or texture, and does not vary to any great extent in its thickness, such, for instance, as:

Oak flooring plants; Maple flooring plants; Cooperage plants; Large box plants; Furniture factories; etc.

In the selection of this kind of dry kiln, consideration should be given to the question of ground space of sufficient length or dimension to accommodate a kiln of proper length for successful drying.

The "Apartment" Dry Kiln

The Apartment system of dry kilns are primarily designed for the drying of different kinds or sizes of material at the same time, a separate room or apartment being devoted to each species or size when the quantity is sufficient (see Fig. 36).

These kilns are sometimes built single or in batteries of two or more, generally not exceeding 40 or 50 feet in length with doors and platforms at both ends the same as the Progressive kilns; but in operation each kiln is entirely filled at one loading and then closed, and the entire contents dried at one time, then emptied and again recharged.

Any number of apartments may be built, and each apartment may be arranged to handle any number of cars, generally about three or four, or they may be so constructed that the material is piled directly upon the floor of the drying room.

Exterior View of Six Apartment Dry Kilns

Fig. 36. Exterior View of Six Apartment Dry Kilns, each 10 Feet wide by 52 Feet long, End-wise Piling. They are entirely of fire-proof construction and equipped with double doors (Hussey asbestos outside and canvas inside), and are also equipped with humidity and air control dampers, which may be operated from the outside without opening the kiln doors, which is a very good feature.

When cars are used, it is well to have a transfer car at each end of the kilns, and stub tracks for holding cars of dry material, and for the loading of the unseasoned stock, as in this manner the kilns may be kept in full operation at all times.

In this type of dry kiln the material receives the same treatment and process that it would in a Progressive kiln. The advantages of Apartment kilns is manifest where certain conditions require the drying of numerous kinds as well as thicknesses of material at one and the same time. This method permits of several short drying rooms or apartments so that it is not necessary to mix hardwoods and softwoods, or thick and thin material in the same kiln room.

In these small kilns the circulation is under perfect control, so that the efficiency is equal to that of the more extensive plants, and will readily appeal to manufacturers whose output calls for the prompt and constant seasoning of a large variety of small stock, rather than a large volume of material of uniform size and grade.

Apartment kilns are recommended for industries where conditions require numerous kinds and thicknesses of material to be dried, such as:

Furniture factories; Piano factories; Interior woodwork mills; Planing mills; etc. The "Pocket" Dry Kiln

"Pocket" dry kilns (see Fig. 37) are generally built in batteries of several pockets. They have the tracks level and the lumber goes in and out at the same end. Each drying room is entirely filled at one time, the material is dried and then removed and the kiln again recharged.

The length of "Pocket" kilns ranges generally from 14 feet to about 32 feet.

The interior equipment for this type of dry kiln is arranged very similiar to that used in the Apartment kiln. The heating or radiating coils and steam spray jets extend the whole length of the drying room, and are arranged for the use of either live or exhaust steam, as desired.

Inasmuch as Pocket kilns have doors at one end only, this feature eliminates a certain amount of door exposure, which conduces towards economy in operation.

In operating Pocket kilns, woods of different texture and thickness should be separated and placed in different drying rooms, and each kiln adjusted and operated to accommodate the peculiarities of the species and thickness of the material to be dried.

Exterior View of Five Pocket Dry Kilns

Fig. 37. Exterior View of Five Pocket Dry Kilns, built in Two Batteries with the Front of each Set facing the other, and a Transfer System between. They are also equipped with the asbestos doors.

Naturally, the more complex the conditions of manufacturing wood products in any industry, the more difficult will be the proper drying of same. Pocket kilns, are, therefore, recommended for factories having several different kinds and thicknesses of material to dry in small quantities of each, such as:

Planing mills; Chair factories; Furniture factories; Sash and door factories; etc. The "Tower" Dry Kiln

The so-called "Tower" dry kiln (see Fig. 38) is designed for the rapid drying of small stuff in quantities. Although the general form of construction and the capacity of the individual bins or drying rooms may vary, the same essential method of operation is common to all. That is, the material itself, such as wooden novelties, loose staves, and heading for tubs, kits, and pails, for box stuff, kindling wood, etc., is dumped directly into the drying rooms from above, or through the roof, in such quantities as effectually to fill the bin, from which it is finally removed when dry, through the doors at the bottom.

These dry kilns are usually operated as "Blower" kilns, the heating apparatus is generally located in a separate room or building adjacent to the main structure or drying rooms, and arranged so that the hot air discharged through the inlet duct (see illustration) is thoroughly distributed beneath a lattice floor upon which rests the material to be dried. Through this floor the air passes directly upward, between and around the stock, and finally returns to the fan or heating room.

This return air duct is so arranged that by means of dampers, leading from each drying room, the air may be returned in any quantity to the fan room where it is mixed with fresh air and again used. This is one of the main features of economy of the blower system of drying, as by the employment of this return air system, considerable saving may be made in the amount of steam required for drying.

Exterior and Sectional View of a Battery of Tower Dry Kilns

Fig. 38. Exterior and Sectional View of a Battery of Tower Dry Kilns. This is a "Blower" or "Hot Blast" type, and shows the arrangement of the fan blower, engine, etc. This type of dry kin is used principally for the seasoning of small, loose material.

The lattice floors in this type of dry kiln are built on an incline, which arrangement materially lessens the cost, and increases the convenience with which the dried stock may be removed from the bins or drying rooms.

In operation, the material is conveyed in cars or trucks on an overhead trestle—which is inclosed—from which the material to be dried is dumped directly into the drying rooms or bins, through hoppers arranged for that purpose thereby creating considerable saving in the handling of the material to be dried into the kiln. The entire arrangement thus secures the maximum capacity, with a minimum amount of floor space, with the least expense. Of course, the higher these kilns are built, the less relative cost for a given result in the amount of material dried.

In some instances, these kilns are built less in height and up against an embankment so that teamloads of material may be run directly onto the roof of the kilns, and dumped through the hoppers into the drying rooms or bins, thus again reducing to a minimum the cost of this handling.

The return air duct plays an important part in both of these methods of filling, permitting the air to become saturated to the maximum desired, and utilizing much of the heat contained therein, which would otherwise escape to the atmosphere.

The "Tower"

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