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00 Kirkaldy, A. W., and Evans, A. D. History and Economics of Transport. 8vo, *3 00 Kirkaldy, W. G. David Kirkaldy's System of Mechanical Testing. 4to, 10 00 Kirkbride, J. Engraving for Illustration. 8vo, *1 50 Kirkham, J. E. Structural Engineering. 8vo, *5 00 Kirkwood, J. P. Filtration of River Waters. 4to, 7 50 Kirschke, A. Gas and Oil Engines. 12mo, *1 25 Klein, J. F. Design of a High-speed Steam-engine. 8vo, *5 00 —— Physical Significance of Entropy. 8vo, *1 50 Klingenberg, G. Large Electric Power Stations. 4to, *5 00 Knight, R.-Adm. A. M. Modern Seamanship. 8vo, *6 50 Knott, C. G., and Mackay, J. S. Practical Mathematics. 8vo, 2 00 Knox, G. D. Spirit of the Soil. 12mo, *1 25 Knox, J. Physico-Chemical Calculations. 12mo, *1 25 —— Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen. (Chemical Monographs.) 12mo, *0 75 Koester, F. Steam-Electric Power Plants. 4to, *5 00 —— Hydroelectric Developments and Engineering. 4to, *5 00 Koller, T. The Utilization of Waste Products. 8vo, *3 00 —— Cosmetics. 8vo, *2 50 Koppe, S. W. Glycerine. 12mo, *2 50 Kozmin, P. A. Flour Milling. Trans. by M. Falkner. 8vo. (In Press.)   Kremann, R. Application of the Physico-Chemical Theory to Technical Processes and Manufacturing Methods. Trans. by H. E. Potts. 8vo, *3 00 Kretchmar, K. Yarn and Warp Sizing. 8vo, *4 00   Lallier, E. V. Elementary Manual of the Steam Engine. 12mo, *2 00 Lambert, T. Lead and Its Compounds. 8vo, *3 50 —— Bone Products and Manures. 8vo, *3 00 Lamborn, L. L. Cottonseed Products. 8vo, *3 00 —— Modern Soaps, Candles, and Glycerin. 8vo, *7 50 Lamprecht, R. Recovery Work After Pit Fires. Trans. by C. Salter. 8vo, *4 00 Lancaster, M. Electric Cooking, Heating and Cleaning. 8vo, *1 00 Lanchester, F. W. Aerial Flight. Two Volumes. 8vo.   Vol. I. Aerodynamics.   *6 00 Vol. II. Aerodonetics.   *6 00 Lanchester, F. W. The Flying Machine. 8vo, *3 00 Lange, K. R. By-Products of Coal-Gas Manufacture. 12mo, 2 00 Larner, E. T. Principles of Alternating Currents. 12mo, *1 25 La Rue, B. F. Swing Bridges. (Science Series No. 107.) 16mo, 0 50 Lassar-Cohn. Dr. Modern Scientific Chemistry. Trans. by M. M. Pattison Muir 12mo, *2 00 Latimer, L. H., Field, C. J., and Howell, J. W. Incandescent Electric Lighting. (Science Series No. 57.) 16mo, 0 50 Latta, M. N. Handbook of American Gas-Engineering Practice. 8vo, *4 50 —— American Producer Gas Practice. 4to, *6 00 Laws, B. C. Stability and Equilibrium of Floating Bodies. 8vo, *3 50 Lawson, W. R. British Railways. A Financial and Commercial Survey. 8vo, 2 00 Leask, A. R. Breakdowns at Sea. 12mo, 2 00 —— Refrigerating Machinery. 12mo, 2 00 Lecky, S. T. S. "Wrinkles" in Practical Navigation. 8vo, 10 00 Le Doux, M. Ice-Making Machines. (Science Series No. 46.) 16mo, 0 50 Leeds, C. C. Mechanical Drawing for Trade Schools. oblong 4to, *2 00 —— Mechanical Drawing for High and Vocational Schools. 4to, *1 25 Lefévre, L. Architectural Pottery. Trans. by H. K. Bird and W. M. Binns. 4to, *7 50 Lehner, S. Ink Manufacture. Trans. by A. Morris and H. Robson. 8vo, *2 50 Lemstrom, S. Electricity in Agriculture and Horticulture. 8vo, *1 50 Letts, E. A. Fundamental Problems in Chemistry. 8vo, *2 00 Le Van, W. B. Steam-Engine Indicator. (Science Series No. 78.) 16mo, 0 50 Lewes, V. B. Liquid and Gaseous Fuels. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00 —— Carbonization of Coal. 8vo, *3 00 Lewis, L. P. Railway Signal Engineering. 8vo, *3 50 Lewis Automatic Machine Rifle; Operation of. 16mo, *0 75 Licks, H. E. Recreations in Mathematics. 12mo, *1 25 Lieber, B. F. Lieber's Five Letter Standard Telegraphic Code. 8vo, *10 00 —— Code. German Edition. 8vo, *10 00 —— —— Spanish Edition. 8vo, *10 00 —— —— French Edition. 8vo, *10 00 —— Terminal Index. 8vo, *2 50 —— Lieber's Appendix. folio, *15 00 —— —— Handy Tables. 4to, *2 50 —— Bankers and Stockbrokers' Code and Merchants and Shippers' Blank Tables. 8vo, *15 00 —— 100,000,000 Combination Code. 8vo, *10 00 —— Engineering Code. 8vo, *12 50 Livermore, V. P., and Williams, J. How to Become a Competent Motorman 12mo, *1 00 Livingstone, R. Design and Construction of Commutators. 8vo, *2 25 —— Mechanical Design and Construction of Generators. 8vo, *3 50 Lloyd, S. L. Fertilizer Materials. (In Press.)   Lobben, P. Machinists' and Draftsmen's Handbook. 8vo, 2 50 Lockwood, T. D. Electricity, Magnetism, and Electro-telegraph. 8vo, 2 50 —— Electrical Measurement and the Galvanometer. 12mo, 0 75 Lodge, O. J. Elementary Mechanics. 12mo, 1 50 —— Signalling Across Space without Wires. 8vo, *2 00 Loewenstein, L. C., and Crissey, C. P. Centrifugal Pumps.   *4 50 Lomax, J. W. Cotton Spinning. 12mo, 1 50 Lord, R. T. Decorative and Fancy Fabrics. 8vo, *3 50 Loring, A. E. A Handbook of the Electromagnetic Telegraph. 16mo 0 50 —— Handbook. (Science Series No. 39.) 16mo, 0 50 Lovell, D. H. Practical Switchwork. 12mo, *1 00 Low, D. A. Applied Mechanics (Elementary). 16mo, 0 80 Lubschez, B. J. Perspective. 12mo, *1 50 Lucke, C. E. Gas Engine Design. 8vo, *3 00 —— Power Plants: Design, Efficiency, and Power Costs. 2 vols. (In Preparation.)   Luckiesh, M. Color and Its Application. 8vo, *3 00 —— Light and Shade and Their Applications. 8vo, *2 50 Lunge, G. Coal-tar and Ammonia. Three Volumes. 8vo, *20 00 —— Technical Gas Analysis. 8vo, *4 00 —— Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and Alkali. Four Volumes. 8vo,   Vol. I. Sulphuric Acid. In three parts.   18 00 —— Vol. I. Supplement. 8vo, 5 00 Vol. II. Salt Cake, Hydrochloric Acid and Leblanc Soda. In two parts.   *15 00 Vol. III. Ammonia Soda.   *10 00 Vol. IV. Electrolytic Methods. (In Press.)   —— Technical Chemists' Handbook. 12mo, leather, *3 50 —— Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis. Trans. by C. A. Keane in collaboration with the corps of specialists.     Vol. I. In two parts. 8vo, *15 00 Vol. II. In two parts. 8vo, *18 00 Vol. III. In two parts. 8vo, *18 00 The set (3 vols.) complete.   *50 00 Luquer, L. M. Minerals in Rock Sections. 8vo, *1 50   Macewen, H. A. Food Inspection. 8vo, *2 50 Mackenzie, N. F. Notes on Irrigation Works. 8vo, *2 50 Mackie, J. How to Make a Woolen Mill Pay. 8vo, *2 00 Maguire, Wm. R. Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing. 8vo, 4 00 Malcolm, C. W. Textbook on Graphic Statics. 8vo, *3 00 Malcolm, H. W. Submarine Telegraph Cable. (In Press.)   Mallet, A. Compound Engines. Trans. by R. R. Buel. (Science Series No. 10.) 16mo,   Mansfield, A. N. Electro-magnets. (Science Series No. 64.) 16mo, 0 50 Marks, E. C. R. Construction of Cranes and Lifting Machinery. 12mo, *1 50 —— Construction and Working of Pumps. 12mo, *1 50 —— Manufacture of Iron and Steel Tubes. 12mo, *2 00 —— Mechanical Engineering Materials. 12mo, *1 00 Marks, G. C. Hydraulic Power Engineering. 8vo, 3 50 —— Inventions, Patents and Designs. 12mo, *1 00 Marlow, T. G. Drying Machinery and Practice. 8vo, *5 00 Marsh, C. F. Concise Treatise on Reinforced Concrete. 8vo, *2 50 —— Reinforced Concrete Compression Member Diagram. Mounted on Cloth Boards.   *1 50 Marsh, C. F., and Dunn, W. Manual of Reinforced Concrete and Concrete Block Construction. 16mo, morocco, *2 50 Marshall, W. J., and Sankey, H. R. Gas Engines. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00 Martin, G. Triumphs and Wonders of Modern Chemistry. 8vo, *2 00 —— Modern Chemistry and Its Wonders. 8vo, *2 00 Martin, N. Properties and Design of Reinforced Concrete. 12mo, *2 50 Martin, W. D. Hints to Engineers. 12mo, *1 50 Massie, W. W., and Underhill, C. R. Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony. 12mo, *1 00 Mathot, R. E. Internal Combustion Engines. 8vo, *4 00 Maurice, W. Electric Blasting Apparatus and Explosives. 8vo, *3 50 —— Shot Firer's Guide. 8vo, *1 50 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and Motion. (Science Series No. 36.) 16mo, 0 50 Maxwell, W. H., and Brown, J. T. Encyclopedia of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. 4to, *10 00 Mayer, A. M. Lecture Notes on Physics. 8vo, 2 00 Mayer, C., and Slippy, J. C. Telephone Line Construction. 8vo, *3 00 McCullough, E. Practical Surveying. 12mo, *2 00 —— Engineering Work in Cities and Towns. 8vo, *3 00 —— Reinforced Concrete. 12mo, *1 50 McCullough, R. S. Mechanical Theory of Heat. 8vo, 3 50 McGibbon, W. C. Indicator Diagrams for Marine Engineers. 8vo, *3 00 —— Marine Engineers' Drawing Book. oblong 4to, *2 50 McIntosh, J. G. Technology of Sugar. 8vo, *5 00 —— Industrial Alcohol. 8vo, *3 00 —— Manufacture of Varnishes and Kindred Industries. Three Volumes. 8vo.   Vol. I. Oil Crushing, Refining and Boiling.   *3 50 Vol. II. Varnish Materials and Oil Varnish Making.   *4 00 Vol. III. Spirit Varnishes and Materials.   *4 50 McKnight, J. D., and Brown, A. W. Marine Multitubular Boilers.   *1 50 McMaster, J. B. Bridge and Tunnel Centres. (Science Series No. 20.) 16mo, 0 50 McMechen, F. L. Tests for Ores, Minerals and Metals. 12mo, *1 00 McPherson, J. A. Water-works Distribution. 8vo, 2 50 Meade, A. Modern Gas Works Practice. 8vo, *7 50 McGibbon, W. C. Marine Engineers Pocketbook. 12mo, *4 00 Meade, R. K. Design and Equipment of Small Chemical Laboratories, 8vo,   Melick, C. W. Dairy Laboratory Guide. 12mo, *1 25 Mensch, L. J. Reinforced Concrete Pocket Book. 16mo, leather, *4 00 Merck, E. Chemical Reagents; Their Purity and Tests. Trans. by H. E. Schenck. 8vo, 1 00 Merivale, J. H. Notes and Formulae for Mining Students. 12mo, 1 50 Merritt, Wm. H. Field Testing for Gold and Silver. 16mo, leather, 1 50 Mierzinski, S. Waterproofing of Fabrics. Trans. by A. Morris and H. Robson. 8vo, *2 50 Miessner, B. F. Radio Dynamics. 12mo, *2 00 Miller, G. A. Determinants. (Science Series No. 105.) 16mo,   Miller, W. J. Introduction to Historical Geology. 12mo, *2 00 Milroy, M. E. W. Home Lace-making. 12mo, *1 00 Mills, C. N. Elementary Mechanics for Engineers. 8vo, *1 00 Mitchell, C. A. Mineral and Aerated Waters. 8vo, *3 00 Mitchell, C. A., and Prideaux, R. M. Fibres Used in Textile and Allied Industries. 8vo, *3 00 Mitchell, C. F., and G. A. Building Construction and Drawing. 12mo.   Elementary Course.   *1 50 Advanced Course.   *2 50 Monckton, C. C. F. Radiotelegraphy. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00 Monteverde, R. D. Vest Pocket Glossary of English-Spanish, Spanish-English Technical Terms. 64mo, leather, *1 00 Montgomery, J. H. Electric Wiring Specifications. 16mo, *1 00 Moore, E. C. S. New Tables for the Complete Solution of Ganguillet and Kutter's Formula. 8vo, *5 00 Morecroft, J. H., and Hehre, F. W. Short Course in Electrical Testing. 8vo, *1 50 Morgan, A. P. Wireless Telegraph Apparatus for Amateurs. 12mo, *1 50 Moses, A. J. The Characters of Crystals. 8vo, *2 00 —— and Parsons, C. L. Elements of Mineralogy. 8vo, *3 00 Moss, S. A. Elements of Gas Engine Design. (Science Series No. 121.) 16mo, 0 50 —— The Lay-out of Corliss Valve Gears. (Science Series No. 119.) 16mo, 0 50 Mulford, A. C. Boundaries and Landmarks. 12mo, *1 00 Mullin, J. P. Modern Moulding and Pattern-making. 12mo, 2 50 Munby, A. E. Chemistry and Physics of Building Materials. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00 Murphy, J. G. Practical Mining. 16mo, 1 00 Murray, J. A. Soils and Manures. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 00   Nasmith, J. The Student's Cotton Spinning. 8vo, 3 00 —— Recent Cotton Mill Construction. 12mo, 2 50 Neave, G. B., and Heilbron, I. M. Identification of Organic Compounds. 12mo, *1 25 Neilson, R. M. Aeroplane Patents. 8vo, *2 00 Nerz, F. Searchlights. Trans. by C. Rodgers. 8vo, *3 00 Neuberger, H., and Noalhat, H. Technology of Petroleum. Trans. by J. G. McIntosh. 8vo, *10 00 Newall, J. W. Drawing, Sizing and Cutting Bevel-gears. 8vo, 1 50 Newell, F. H., and Drayer, C. E. Engineering as a Career 12mo, cloth, *1 00   paper, 0 75 Newbeging, T. Handbook for Gas Engineers and Managers. 8vo, *6 50 Nicol, G. Ship Construction and Calculations. 8vo, *5 00 Nipher, F. E. Theory of Magnetic Measurements. 12mo, 1 00 Nisbet, H. Grammar of Textile Design 8vo, *3 00 Nolan, H. The Telescope. (Science Series No. 51.) 16mo, 0 50 North, H. B. Laboratory Experiments in General Chemistry 12mo, *1 00 Nugent, E. Treatise on Optics 12mo, 1 50   O'Connor, H. The Gas Engineer's Pocketbook 12mo, leather, 3 50 Ohm, G. S., and Lockwood, T. D. Galvanic Circuit. Translated by William Francis. (Science Series No.
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