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Book online «An Elementary Study of Chemistry, William McPherson [icecream ebook reader txt] 📗». Author William McPherson

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once reduced to carbon monoxide by the intensely heated carbon present, so that no carbon dioxide can be found at that point. For practical purposes, therefore, we may consider that carbon monoxide is the first product of combustion.

Varieties of iron. The iron of commerce is never pure, but contains varying amounts of other elements, such as carbon, silicon, phosphorus, sulphur, and manganese. These elements may either be alloyed with the iron or may be combined with it in the form of definite chemical compounds. In some instances, as in the case of graphite, the mixture may be merely mechanical.

The properties of iron are very much modified by the presence of these elements and by the form of the combination between them and the iron; the way in which the metal is treated during its preparation has also a marked influence on its properties. Owing to these facts many kinds of iron are recognized in commerce, the chief varieties being cast iron, wrought iron, and steel.

Cast iron. The product of the blast furnace, prepared as just described, is called cast iron. It varies considerably in composition, usually containing from 90 to 95% iron, the remainder being largely carbon and silicon with smaller amounts of phosphorus and sulphur. When the melted metal from the blast furnace is allowed to cool rapidly most of the carbon remains in chemical combination with the iron, and the product is called white cast iron. If the cooling goes on slowly, the carbon partially separates as flakes of graphite which remain scattered through the metal. This product is softer and darker in color and is called gray cast iron.

Properties of cast iron. Cast iron is hard, brittle, and rather easily melted (melting point about 1100°). It cannot be welded or forged into shape, but is easily cast in sand molds. It is strong and rigid but not elastic. It is used for making castings and in the manufacture of other kinds of iron. Cast iron, which contains the metal manganese up to the extent of 20%, together with about 3% carbon, is called spiegel iron; when more than this amount of manganese is present the product is called ferromanganese. The ferromanganese may contain as much as 80% manganese. These varieties of cast iron are much used in the manufacture of steel.

Wrought iron. Wrought iron is made by burning out from cast iron most of the carbon, silicon, phosphorus, and sulphur which it contains. The process is called puddling, and is carried out in a furnace constructed as represented in Fig. 86. The floor of the furnace F is somewhat concave and is made of iron covered with a layer of iron oxide. A long flame produced by burning fuel upon the grate G is directed downward upon the materials placed upon the floor, and the draught is maintained by the stack S. A is the ash box and T a trap to catch the solid particles carried into the stack by the draught. Upon the floor of the furnace is placed the charge of cast iron, together with a small amount of material to make a slag. The iron is soon melted by the flame directed upon it, and the sulphur, phosphorus, and silicon are oxidized by the iron oxide, forming oxides which are anhydrides of acids. These combine with the flux, which is basic in character, or with the iron oxide, to form a slag. The carbon is also oxidized and escapes as carbon dioxide. As the iron is freed from other elements it becomes pasty, owing to the higher melting point of the purer iron, and in this condition forms small lumps which are raked together into a larger one. The large lump is then removed from the furnace and rolled or hammered into bars, the slag; being squeezed out in this process. The product has a stranded or fibrous structure. The product of a puddling furnace is called wrought iron.

Fig. 86 Fig. 86

Properties of wrought iron. Wrought iron is nearly pure iron, usually containing about 0.3% of other substances, chiefly carbon. It is tough, malleable, and fibrous in structure. It is easily bent and is not elastic, so it will not sustain pressure as well as cast iron. It can be drawn out into wire of great tensile strength, and can also be rolled into thin sheets (sheet iron). It melts at a high temperature (about 1600°) and is therefore forged into shape rather than cast. If melted, it would lose its fibrous structure and be changed into a low carbon steel.

Steel. Steel, like wrought iron, is made by burning out from cast iron a part of the carbon, silicon, phosphorus, and sulphur which it contains; but the process is carried out in a very different way, and usually, though not always, more carbon is found in steel than in wrought iron. A number of processes are in use, but nearly all the steel of commerce is made by one of the two following methods.

Fig. 87 Fig. 87

1. Bessemer process. This process, invented about 1860, is by far the most important. It is carried out in great egg-shaped crucibles called converters (Fig. 87), each one of which will hold as much as 15 tons of steel. The converter is built of steel and lined with silica. It is mounted on trunnions T, so that it can be tipped over on its side for filling and emptying. One of the trunnions is hollow and a pipe P connects it with an air chamber A, which forms a false bottom to the converter. The true bottom is perforated, so that air can be forced in by an air blast admitted through the trunnion and the air chamber.

White-hot, liquid cast iron from a blast furnace is run into the converter through its open necklike top O, the converter being tipped over to receive it; the air blast is then turned on and the converter rotated to a nearly vertical position. The elements in the iron are rapidly oxidized, the silicon first and then the carbon. The heat liberated in the oxidation, largely due to the combustion of silicon, keeps the iron in a molten condition. When the carbon is practically all burned out cast iron or spiegel iron, containing a known percentage of carbon, is added and allowed to mix thoroughly with the fluid. The steel is then run into molds, and the ingots so formed are hammered or rolled into rails or other forms. By this process any desired percentage of carbon can be added to the steel. Low carbon steel, which does not differ much from wrought iron in composition, is now made in this way and is replacing the more expensive wrought iron for many purposes.

The basic lining process. When the cast iron contains phosphorus and sulphur in appreciable quantities, the lining of the converter is made of dolomite. The silicon and carbon burn, followed by the phosphorus and sulphur, and the anhydrides of acids so formed combine with the basic oxides of the lining, forming a slag. This is known as the basic lining process.

2. Open-hearth process. In this process a furnace very similar to a puddling furnace is used, but it is lined with silica or dolomite instead of iron oxide. A charge consisting in part of old scrap iron of any kind and in part of cast iron is melted in the furnace by a gas flame. The silicon and carbon are slowly burned away, and when a test shows that the desired percentage of carbon is present the steel is run out of the furnace. Steel may therefore be defined as the product of the Bessemer or open-hearth processes.

Properties of steel. Bessemer and open-hearth steel usually contain only a few tenths of a per cent of carbon, less than 0.1% silicon, and a very much smaller quantity of phosphorus and sulphur. Any considerable amount of the latter elements makes the steel brittle, the sulphur affecting it when hot, and the phosphorus when cold. This kind of steel is used for structural purposes, for rails, and for nearly all large steel articles. It is hard, malleable, ductile, and melts at a lower temperature than wrought iron. It can be forged into shape, rolled into sheets, or cast in molds.

Relation of the three varieties of iron. It will be seen that wrought iron is usually very nearly pure iron, while steel contains an appreciable amount of alloy material, chiefly carbon, and cast iron still more of the same substances. It is impossible, however, to assign a given sample of iron to one of these three classes on the basis of its chemical composition alone. A low carbon steel, for example, may contain less carbon than a given sample of wrought iron. The real distinction between the three is the process by which they are made. The product of the blast furnace is cast iron; that of the puddling furnace is wrought iron; that of the Bessemer and open-hearth methods is steel.

Tool steel. Steel designed for use in the manufacture of edged tools and similar articles should be relatively free from silicon and phosphorus, but should contain from 0.5 to 1.5% carbon. The percentage of carbon should be regulated by the exact use to which the steel is to be put. Steel of this character is usually made in small lots from either Bessemer or open-hearth steel in the following way.

A charge of melted steel is placed in a large crucible and the calculated quantity of pure carbon is added. The carbon dissolves in the steel, and when the solution is complete the metal is poured out of the crucible. This is sometimes called crucible steel.

Tempering of steel. Steel containing from 0.5 to 1.5% carbon is characterized by the property of "taking temper." When the hot steel is suddenly cooled by plunging it into water or oil it becomes very hard and brittle. On carefully reheating this hard form it gradually becomes less brittle and softer, so that by regulating the temperature to which steel is reheated in tempering almost any condition of temper demanded for a given purpose, such as for making springs or cutting tools, can be obtained.

Steel alloys. It has been found that small quantities of a number of different elements when alloyed with steel very much improve its quality for certain purposes, each element having a somewhat different effect. Among the elements most used in this connection are manganese, silicon, chromium, nickel, tungsten, and molybdenum.

The usual method for adding these elements to the steel is to first prepare a very rich alloy of iron with the element to be added, and then add enough of this alloy to a large quantity of the steel to bring it to the desired composition. A rich alloy of iron with manganese or silicon can be prepared directly in a blast furnace, and is called ferromanganese or ferrosilicon. Similar alloys of iron with the other elements mentioned are made in an electric furnace by reducing the mixed oxides with carbon.

Pure iron. Perfectly pure iron is rarely prepared and is not adapted to commercial uses. It can be made by reducing pure oxide of iron in a current of hydrogen at a high temperature. Prepared in this way it forms a black powder; when melted it forms a tin-white metal which is less fusible and more malleable than wrought iron. It is easily acted upon by moist air.

Compounds of iron. Iron differs from the metals so far studied in that it is able to form two series of compounds in which the iron has two different valences. In the one series the iron is divalent and forms compounds which in formulas and many chemical properties are similar to the corresponding zinc compounds. It can also act as a trivalent

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