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Book online «An Elementary Study of Chemistry, William McPherson [icecream ebook reader txt] 📗». Author William McPherson

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align="left">Malachite CuCO3·Cu(OH)2. Azurite 2CuCO3·Cu(OH)2.

Metallurgy of copper. Ores containing little or no sulphur are easy to reduce. They are first crushed and the earthy impurities washed away. The concentrated ore is then mixed with carbon and heated in a furnace, metallic copper resulting from the reduction of the copper oxide by the hot carbon.

Metallurgy of sulphide ores. Much of the copper of commerce is made from chalcopyrite and bornite, and these ores are more difficult to work. They are first roasted in the air, by which treatment much of the sulphur is burned to sulphur dioxide. The roasted ore is then melted in a small blast furnace or in an open one like a puddling furnace. In melting, part of the iron combines with silica to form a slag of iron silicate. The product, called crude matte, contains about 50% copper together with sulphur and iron. Further purification is commonly carried on by a process very similar to the Bessemer process for steel. The converter is lined with silica, and a charge of matte from the melting furnace, together with sand, is introduced, and air is blown into the mass. By this means the sulphur is practically all burned out by the air, and the remaining iron combines with silica and goes off as slag. The copper is poured out of the converter and molded into anode plates for refining.

Refining of copper. Impure copper is purified by electrolysis. A large plate of it, serving as an anode, is suspended in a tank facing a thin plate of pure copper, which is the cathode. The tank is filled with a solution of copper sulphate and sulphuric acid to serve as the electrolyte. A current from a dynamo passes from the anode to the cathode, and the copper, dissolving from the anode, is deposited upon the cathode in pure form, while the impurities collect on the bottom of the tank. Electrolytic copper is one of the purest of commercial metals and is very nearly pure copper.

Recovery of gold and silver. Gold and silver are often present in small quantities in copper ores, and in electrolytic refining these metals collect in the muddy deposit on the bottom of the tank. The mud is carefully worked over from time to time and the precious metals extracted from it. A surprising amount of gold and silver is obtained in this way.

Properties of copper. Copper is a rather heavy metal of density 8.9, and has a characteristic reddish color. It is rather soft and is very malleable, ductile, and flexible, yet tough and strong; it melts at 1084°. As a conductor of heat and electrical energy it is second only to silver.

Hydrochloric acid, dilute sulphuric acid, and fused alkalis are almost without action upon it; nitric acid and hot, concentrated sulphuric acid, however, readily dissolve it. In moist air it slowly becomes covered with a thin layer of green basic carbonate; heated in the air it is easily oxidized to black copper oxide (CuO).

Uses. Copper is extensively used for electrical purposes, for roofs and cornices, for sheathing the bottom of ships, and for making alloys. In the following table the composition of some of these alloys is indicated:

Aluminium bronze copper (90 to 97%), aluminium (3 to 10%). Brass copper (63 to 73%), zinc (27 to 37%). Bronze copper (70 to 95%), zinc (1 to 25%), tin (1 to 18%). German silver copper (56 to 60%), zinc (20%), nickel (20 to 25%). Gold coin copper (10%), gold (90%). Gun metal copper (90%), tin (10%). Nickel coin copper (75%), nickel (25%) Silver coin copper (10%), silver (90%).

Electrotyping. Matter is often printed from electrotype plates which are prepared as follows. The matter is set up in type and wax is firmly pressed down upon the face of it until a clear impression is obtained. The impressed side of the wax is coated with graphite and the impression is made the cathode in an electrolytic cell containing a copper salt in solution. When connected with a current the copper is deposited as a thin sheet upon the letters in wax, and when detached is a perfect copy of the type, the under part of the letters being hollow. The sheet is strengthened by pouring on the under surface a suitable amount of molten metal (commercial lead is used). The sheet so strengthened is then used in printing.

Two series of copper compounds. Copper, like iron, forms two series of compounds: in the cuprous compounds it is univalent; in the cupric it is divalent. The cupric salts are much the more common of the two, since the cuprous salts pass readily into cupric by oxidation.

Cuprous compounds. The most important cuprous compound is the oxide (Cu2O), which occurs in nature as ruby copper or cuprite. It is a bright red substance and can easily be prepared by heating copper to a high temperature in a limited supply of air. It is used for imparting a ruby color to glass.

By treating cuprous oxide with different acids a number of cuprous salts can be made. Many of these are insoluble in water, the chloride (CuCl) being the best known. When suspended in dilute hydrochloric acid it is changed into cupric chloride, the oxygen taking part in the reaction being absorbed from the air:

2CuCl + 2HCl + O = 2CuCl2 + H2O.

Cupric compounds. Cupric salts are easily made by dissolving cupric oxide in acids, or, when insoluble, by precipitation. Most of them are blue or green in color, and the soluble ones crystallize well. Since they are so much more familiar than the cuprous salts, they are frequently called merely copper salts.

Cupric oxide (CuO). This is a black insoluble substance obtained by heating copper in excess of air, or by igniting the hydroxide or nitrate. It is used as an oxidizing agent.

Cupric hydroxide (Cu(OH)2). The hydroxide prepared by treating a solution of a copper salt with sodium hydroxide is a light blue insoluble substance which easily loses water and changes into the oxide. Heat applied to the liquid containing the hydroxide suspended in it serves to bring about the reaction represented by the equation

Cu(OH)2 = CuO + H2O.

Cupric sulphate (blue vitriol) (CuSO4·5H2O). This substance, called blue vitriol or bluestone, is obtained as a by-product in a number of processes and is produced in very large quantities. It forms large blue crystals, which lose water when heated and crumble to a white powder. The salt finds many uses, especially in electrotyping and in making electrical batteries.

Cupric sulphide (CuS). The insoluble black sulphide (CuS) is easily prepared by the action of hydrosulphuric acid upon a solution of a copper salt:

CuSO4 + H2S = CuS + H2SO4.

It is insoluble in water and dilute acids.


Occurrence. Mercury occurs in nature chiefly as the sulphide (HgS) called cinnabar, and in globules of metal inclosed in the cinnabar. The mercury mines of Spain have long been famous, California being the next largest producer.

Metallurgy. Mercury is a volatile metal which has but little affinity for oxygen. Sulphur, on the other hand, readily combines with oxygen. These facts make the metallurgy of mercury very simple. The crushed ore, mixed with a small amount of carbon to reduce any oxide or sulphate that might be formed, is roasted in a current of air. The sulphur burns to sulphur dioxide, while the mercury is converted into vapor and is condensed in a series of condensing vessels. The metal is purified by distillation.

Properties. Mercury is a heavy silvery liquid with a density of 13.596. It boils at 357° and solidifies at -39.5°. Small quantities of many metals dissolve in it, forming liquid alloys, while with larger quantities it forms solid alloys. The alloys of mercury are called amalgams.

Toward acids mercury conducts itself very much like copper; it is easily attacked by nitric and hot, concentrated sulphuric acids, while cold sulphuric and hydrochloric acids have no effect on it.

Uses. Mercury is extensively used in the construction of scientific instruments, such as the thermometer and barometer, and as a liquid over which to collect gases which are soluble in water. The readiness with which it alloys with silver and gold makes it very useful in the extraction of these elements.

Compounds of mercury. Like copper, mercury forms two series of compounds: the mercurous, of which mercurous chloride (HgCl) is an example; and the mercuric, represented by mercuric chloride (HgCl2).

Mercuric oxide (HgO). Mercuric oxide can be obtained either as a brick-red or as a yellow substance. When mercuric nitrate is heated carefully the red modification is formed in accordance with the equation

Hg(NO3)2 = HgO + 2NO2 + O.

The yellow modification is prepared by adding a solution of a mercuric salt to a solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide:

Hg(NO3)2 + 2NaOH = 2NaNO3 + Hg(OH)2,
Hg(OH)2 = HgO + H2O.

When heated the oxide darkens until it becomes almost black; at a higher temperature it decomposes into mercury and oxygen. It was by this reaction that oxygen was discovered.

Mercurous chloride (calomel) (HgCl). Being insoluble, mercurous chloride is precipitated as a white solid when a soluble chloride is added to a solution of mercurous nitrate:

HgNO3 + NaCl = HgCl + NaNO3.

Commercially it is manufactured by heating a mixture of mercuric chloride and mercury. When exposed to the light it slowly changes into mercuric chloride and mercury:

2HgCl = HgCl2 + Hg.

It is therefore protected from the light by the use of colored bottles. It is used in medicine.

Most mercurous salts are insoluble in water, the principal soluble one being the nitrate, which is made by the action of cold, dilute nitric acid on mercury.

Mercuric chloride (corrosive sublimate) (HgCl2). This substance can be made by dissolving mercuric oxide in hydrochloric acid. On a commercial scale it is made by subliming a mixture of common salt and mercuric sulphate:

2NaCl + HgSO4 = HgCl2 + Na2SO4.

The mercuric chloride, being readily volatile, vaporizes and is condensed again in cool vessels. Like mercurous chloride it is a white solid, but differs from it in that it is soluble in water. It is extremely poisonous and in dilute solutions is used as an antiseptic in dressing wounds.

Mercuric sulphide (HgS). As cinnabar this substance forms the chief native compound of mercury, occurring in red crystalline masses. By passing hydrosulphuric acid into a solution of a mercuric salt it is precipitated as a black powder, insoluble in water and acids. By other means it can be prepared as a brilliant red powder known as vermilion, which is used as a pigment in fine paints.

The iodides of mercury. If a solution of potassium iodide is added to solutions of a mercurous and a mercuric salt respectively, the corresponding iodides are precipitated. Mercuric iodide is the more important of the two, and as prepared above is a red powder which changes to yellow on heating to 150°. The yellow form on cooling changes back again to the red form, or may be made to do so by rubbing it with a knife blade or some other hard object.


Occurrence. Silver is found in small quantities in the uncombined state; usually, however, it occurs in combination with sulphur, either as the sulphide (Ag2S) or as a small constituent of other sulphides, especially those of lead and copper. It is also found alloyed with gold.

Metallurgy. Parkes's process. Silver is usually smelted in connection with lead. The ores are worked over together, as described under lead, and the lead and silver obtained as an alloy, the silver being present in small quantity. The alloy is melted and metallic zinc is stirred in. Zinc will alloy with silver but not with lead, and it is found that the silver leaves

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