» Study Aids » A Handbook of the English Language, Robert Gordon Latham [some good books to read txt] 📗

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comparative physiology of the inferior animals. Pictorial illustrations have been freely introduced, wherever it was thought they could aid or interest the student.

Physiology cannot but be considered, by every intelligent and reflecting mind, an exceedingly interesting and necessary study. It makes us acquainted with the structure and uses of the organs of life, and the laws by which we may keep them active and vigorous for the longest period. The publishers would respectfully urge its importance on such teachers as have not heretofore made it a regular branch in their institutions; and would solicit, at the hands of all, an impartial examination of what is pronounced by good judges, "the best elementary text-book" on the science.

From M. Y. Brown, Principal of Webster School, New Haven.

"I have used Comings' Class-Book of Physiology for nearly two school terms in the First Department of my school. I am happy to say that I regard it the best text-book on this important branch with which I have any acquaintance. The subjects are systematically arranged; the principles, facts, and illustrations are clearly and fully represented to the pupil. I find that his introduction of Comparative Anatomy and Physics, tends greatly to increase the interest of the pupil in this most important and necessary study. I therefore can cheerfully recommend this admirable work to my fellow-teachers as one of rare excellence, and hope it may take the rank it deserves as a text-book upon this subject."

From Abraham Powelson, Jr., Teacher, Brooklyn, New York.

"After a very careful examination of the Class-Book of Physiology, by Comings, I can freely say that I consider it a performance of superior excellence. It embodies a fund of information surpassing in importance and variety that of any other work of the kind which has come under my notice."

"Get the Best." Webster's Quarto Dictionary.



From Daniel Webster.

I possess many Dictionaries, and of most of the learned and cultivated languages, ancient and modern; but I never feel that I am entirely armed and equipped in this respect, without Dr. Webster at command.

Autograph of Daniel Webster.

From Rufus Choate.

Messrs. G. &. C. Merriam:—Gentlemen, I have just had the honor of receiving the noble volume in which you and the great lexicographer, and the accomplished reviser, unite your labors to "bid the language live." I accept it with the highest pride and pleasure, and beg to adopt in its utmost strength and extent, the testimonial of Daniel Webster.

Autograph of Rufus Choate.

From John C. Spencer.

Unquestionably the very best Dictionary of our language extant. Its great accuracy in the definition and derivation of words, gives it an authority that no other work on the subject possesses. It is constantly cited and relied on in our Courts of Justice, in our legislative bodies, and in public discussions, as entirely conclusive.

Autograph of John C. Spencer.

From Elihu Burritt.

Webster's great Dictionary may be regarded as bearing the same relation to the English language which Newton's "Principia" does to the sublime science of Natural Philosophy.

Autograph of Elihu Burritt.

From President Hopkins, Williams College.

There is no American scholar who does not feel proud of the labors of Dr. Webster as the pioneer of lexicography on this continent, and who will not readily admit the great and distinctive merits of his Dictionary.

Autograph of Mark Hopkins.

From John G. Whittier.

The best and safest guide of the students of our language.

Autograph of John Whittier.

From Fitz Greene Halleck.

Of the book itself I hear but one opinion from all around me, and do but echo the universal voice in expressing my approval of its great worth, and my belief that it has rendered any further research, or even improvement in our time, unnecessary in its department of instruction.

Autograph of Fitz Greene Halleck.


The Publishers invite particular attention to the following school-books, by G. P. Quackenbos, A. M. They have stood the test of criticism, and have become acknowledged standards on the subjects of which they respectively treat. The secret of their success is their perfect adaptation in style, language, and development of the subject, to the pupil's comprehension. It is this that wins for them a general introduction, and makes them special favorites with both teacher and scholar.

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In elegance of style, accuracy, clearness, interest of narrative, richness of illustration, and adaptation to public and private schools of every grade, this History is pronounced by all who have examined it, far in advance of every similar work heretofore published.

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"It is a most delightful volume, and, were I teaching a dozen classes in United States History, I would use no other book but yours."—Rev. Charles Reynolds, Rector of Trinity Church, Columbus, Ohio.

QUACKENBOS'S FIRST LESSONS IN ENGLISH COMPOSITION. Intended for beginners in Grammar and Composition. 12mo. 182 pages. Price 63 cts.

QUACKENBOS'S ADVANCED COURSE OF COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC. 12mo. 450 pages. Price $1 25. A Series of Practical Lessons on the Origin, History, and Peculiarities of the English Language, Punctuation, Taste, the Pleasures of the Imagination, Figures, Style and its essential Properties, Criticism, and the various departments of Prose and Poetical Composition.

QUACKENBOS'S ILLUSTRATED NATURAL PHILOSOPHY for Schools and Academies: which unfolds the Laws of the Material World, treats of the various branches of Physics, exhibits the Application of their Principles in every day life and embraces the most recent Discoveries in each. 12mo. 450 pages. Price $1 25.

Confident as to the result of an impartial examination of the above works, the Publishers will mail a copy of either of them, post-paid, to any teacher or school officer remitting one-half of its price.


Composition and Rhetoric.

A Series of Practical Lessons on the Origin, History, and Peculiarities of the English Language, Punctuation, Taste, the Pleasures of the Imagination, Figures, Style and its essential Properties, Criticism, and the various departments of Prose and Poetical Composition. Illustrated with Copious Exercises.


12mo. 450 pages. Price $1 25.

This work is an eminently clear and practical text-book, and embraces a variety of important subjects, which have a common connection, and mutually illustrate each other; but which the pupil has heretofore been obliged to leave unlearned, or to search for among a number of different volumes. Claiming to give a comprehensive and practical view of our language in all its relations, this "Advanced Course" views it as a whole, no less than with reference to the individual words composing it; shows how it compares with other tongues; points out its beauties; indicates how they may best be made available; and, in a word, teaches the student the most philosophical method of digesting his thoughts, as well as the most effective mode of expressing them.

It teaches Rhetoric not merely theoretically, like the old textbooks, but practically, illustrating every point with exercises to be prepared by the student, which at once test his familiarity with the principles laid down, and impress them on his mind so vividly that they can never be effaced.

Hon. A. Constantine Barry, State Superintendent of the Common Schools of Wisconsin, in a Report to the Legislature of that State, uses the following strong language in relation to Quackenbos's works on Composition:

"It would be difficult to point out in these admirable books any thing that we would desire to have altered; they meet our wants in every respect, making no unreasonable draft on the time or patience of the teacher, and leaving him no excuse for neglecting to make composition a regular study, even with his younger classes. It is unnecessary to compare these books with others on the subject, for THERE ARE NONE THAT APPROACH THEM in clearness, comprehensiveness, excellence of arrangement, and above all, in direct practical bearing. Affording an insight into the mechanism of language, they will hardly fail to impart facility and grace of expression, and to inspire a love for the beauties of literature."

From Prof. John N. Pratt, of the University of Alabama.

"I have been using Quackenbos on Composition and Rhetoric in the instruction of my classes in the University, and I am persuaded of its GREAT EXCELLENCE. The First Lessons in Composition, by the same author, I regard as very useful for beginners. Of these two books, I can speak with the greatest confidence, and I do MOST HEARTILY RECOMMEND THEM to all."

Illustrated School History OF THE UNITED STATES,

From the Earliest Discoveries to the Present Time: embracing a Full Account of the Aborigines, Biographical Notice of Distinguished Men, and Numerous Maps, Plans of Battle-fields, and Pictorial Illustrations.


12mo. 473 pages. Price $1 25.

The Author has aimed to be simple, that youth of lower as well as advanced classes may understand him; clear, that no indistinct or erroneous impressions may be conveyed; accurate in the recital of facts; and interesting as regards both matter and style. Avoiding fragmentary statements, he has gone into detail sufficiently to show events in their connections, convinced that a fairer idea of them is thus imparted, and that facts otherwise dry may in this way be made attractive and indelibly impressed on the mind. He has tried throughout to be fair and national. He has neither introduced offensive allusions, nor invidiously attempted to bias the minds of the young on controverted questions connected with politics or religion.

The pronunciation of all difficult and foreign names is given in brackets; and appropriate illustrations have been liberally provided. Maps are as useful in history as in geography, and plans are often essential to the lucid delineation of military movements. Both are here presented wherever it was thought they would be of service.

In elegance of style, accuracy clearness, interest of narrative, richness of illustration, and adaptation to the school-room, this History is pronounced far in advance of every similar work heretofore published.

From Prof. H. D. Lathrop, Gambier, Ohio.

It seems to me admirably adapted to the purpose intended. The style is simple and attractive, the narrative accurate and sufficiently minute, the illustrations appropriate and elegant, and the typographical execution all that could be desired.

From J. D. H. Corwine, Principal Kentucky Liberal Institute.

I shall at once introduce it as the best-work of the kind on this important branch of education.

From Rev. Joseph Shackelford, Principal Institute, Moulton, Ala.

I think it superior to many that I have examined as a school-book. I have been using Wilson's, but I think this is a much better book for schools.

From Rev. Charles Reynolds, Rector of Trinity Church, Columbus, Ohio.

It is a most delightful volume, and were I teaching a dozen classes in United States History, I would use no other book but yours.

End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of A Handbook of the English Language, by
Robert Gordon Latham

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