» Study Aids » English Synonyms and Antonyms, James Champlin Fernald [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

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the visitor was deeply ——. ABBREVIATION (page 4). QUESTIONS.

1. Is an abbreviation always a contraction? 2. Is a contraction always an abbreviation? Give instances. 3. Can we have an abbreviation of a book, paragraph, or sentence? What can be abbreviated? and what abridged?


The treatise was already so brief that it did not admit of ——.

The —— Dr. is used both for Doctor and Debtor.

F. R. S. is an —— of the title "Fellow of the Royal Society."


1. Abet, incite, instigate: which of these words are used in a good and which in a bad sense? 2. How does abet differ from incite and instigate as to the time of the action? 3. Which of the three words apply to persons and which to actions? Give instances of the use of abet; instigate; incite.


To further his own schemes, he —— the viceroy to rebel against the king.

To —— a crime may be worse than to originate it, as arguing less excitement and more calculation and cowardice.

The prosecution was evidently malicious, —— by envy and revenge.

And you that do —— him in this kind
Cherish rebellion, and are rebels all.

1. Which is the stronger word, abhor or despise? 2. What does abhor denote? 3. How does Archbishop Trench illustrate the difference between abhor and shun? 4. What does detest express? 5. What does loathe imply? Is it[379] physical or moral in its application? 6. Give illustrations of the appropriate uses of the above words.


He had sunk to such degradation as to be utterly —— by all good men.

Such weakness can only be ——.

Talebearers and backbiters are everywhere ——.

—— that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.


1. What limit of time is expressed by abide? by lodge? by live, dwell, reside? 2. What is the meaning of sojourn? 3. Should we say one is stopping or staying at a hotel? and why? 4. Give examples of the extended, and of the limited use of abide.


One generation passeth away and another generation cometh, but the earth —— forever.

And there were in the same country shepherds —— in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

So great was the crowd of visitors that many were compelled to —— in the neighboring villages.

He is —— at the Albemarle.

He has —— for forty years in the same house.

By faith he —— in the land of promise, as in a strange country.


1. Is abolish used of persons or material objects? 2. Of what is it used? Give examples. 3. What does annihilate signify? Is it stronger or weaker than abolish? 4. What terms do we use for doing away with laws, and how do those terms differ among themselves? 5. What are the differences between overthrow, suppress, and subvert? especially between the last two of those words? 6. How does prohibit differ from abolish? 7. What word do we especially use of putting an end to a nuisance? 8. What other words of this class are especially referred to? 9. Give some antonyms of abolish.


The one great endeavor of Buddhism is to —— sorrow.

Modern science seems to show conclusively that matter is never ——.

The law, which had long been —— by the revolutionists, was at last —— by the legislature.

The ancient statute was found to have been —— by later enactments, though never formally ——.

The Supreme Court —— the adverse decision of the inferior tribunal.

Even in a republic, sedition should be promptly ——, or it may result in the —— of free institutions.

From the original settlement of Vineland, New Jersey, the sale of intoxicating liquor has been ——.



1. To what was abomination originally applied? 2. Does it refer to a state of mind or to some act or other object of thought? 3. How does abomination differ from aversion or disgust? 4. How does an abomination differ from an offense? from crime in general?


After the ship began to pitch and roll, we could not look upon food without ——.

It is time that such a —— should be abated.

Capital punishment was formerly inflicted in England for trivial ——.

In spite of their high attainments in learning and art, the foulest —— were prevalent among the Greeks and Romans of classic antiquity.


1. How does an abridgment differ from an outline or a synopsis? from an abstract or digest? 2. How does an abstract or digest differ from an outline or a synopsis? 3. Does an analysis of a treatise deal with what is expressed, or with what is implied? 4. What words may we use to express a condensed view of a subject, whether derived from a previous publication or not?


The New Testament may be regarded as an —— of religion.

There are several excellent —— of English literature.

An —— of the decision of the court was published in all the leading papers.

The publishers determined to issue an —— of their dictionary.

Such —— as U. S. for United States should be rarely used, unless in hasty writing or technical works.


1. What does absolute in the strict sense denote? supreme? 2. To what are these words in such sense properly applied? 3. How are they used in a modified sense? 4. Is arbitrary ever used in a good sense? What is the chief use? Give examples. 5. How does autocratic differ from arbitrary? both these words from despotic? despotic from tyrannical? 6. Is irresponsible good or bad in its implication? arbitrary? imperative? imperious? peremptory? positive? authoritative?


God alone is —— and ——.

The Czar of Russia is an —— ruler.

—— power tends always to be —— in its exercise.

On all questions of law in the United States the decision of the —— Court is —— and final.

Learning of the attack on our seamen, the government sent an —— demand for apology and indemnity.

Man's —— will and —— intellect have given him dominion over all other creatures on the earth, so that they are either subjugated or exterminated.



1. What is the original sense of absolve? 2. To what does it apply? 3. What is its special sense when used with reference to sins? 4. How does it differ from acquit? forgive? justify? pardon? 5. What are the chief antonyms of absolve?


No power under heaven can —— a man from his personal responsibility.

When the facts were known, he was —— of all blame.


1. When is a fluid said to be absorbed? 2. Is the substance of the absorbing body changed by that which it absorbs? Give instances. 3. How does consume differ from absorb? 4. Give instances of the distinctive uses of engross, swallow, imbibe, and absorb in the figurative sense. 5. What is the difference between absorb and emit? absorb and radiate?


Tho the fuel was rapidly —— within the furnace, very little heat was —— from the outer surface.

In setting steel rails special provision must be made for their expansion under the influence of the heat that they ——.

Jip stood on the table and barked at Traddles so persistently that he may be said to have —— the conversation.


1. How does abstinence differ from abstemiousness? from self-denial? 2. What is temperance regarding things lawful and worthy? regarding things vicious and injurious? 3. What is the more exact term for the proper course regarding evil indulgences?


He was so moderate in his desires that his —— seemed to cost him no ——.

Among the Anglo-Saxons the idea of universal and total —— from all intoxicants is little more than a century old.


1. What is the difference between abstract and separate? between discriminate and distinguish?[C] 2. How does abstract, when said of the mind, differ from divert? from distract? 3. How do abstracted, absorbed, and preoccupied differ from absent-minded? 4. Can one who is preoccupied be said to be listless or thoughtless? one who is absent-minded?[382]


He was so —— with these perplexities as to be completely —— of his surroundings.

The busy student may be excused if ——; in the merely —— or —— it is intolerable.

The power to —— one idea from all its associations and view it alone is the —— mark of a philosophical mind.

Numerous interruptions in the midst of —— occupations had made him almost ——.

[C] Note. See these words under DISCERN as referred to at the end of the paragraph on ABSTRACT in Part I. The pupil should be instructed, in all cases, to look up and read over the synonyms referred to by the words in small capitals at the end of the paragraph in Part I.


1. What is the difference between absurd and paradoxical? 2. What are the distinctions between irrational, foolish, and silly? 3. What is the especial implication in unreasonable? 4. How do monstrous and preposterous compare with absurd? 5. What is the especial element common to the ludicrous, the ridiculous, and the nonsensical? 6. What are some chief antonyms of absurd?


A statement may be disproved by deducing logically from it a conclusion that is ——.

Carlyle delighted in —— utterances.

The —— hatred of the Jews in the Middle Ages led the populace to believe the most —— slanders concerning them.

I attempted to dissuade him from the —— plan, but found him altogether ——; many of his arguments were so —— as to be positively ——.


1. To what does abuse apply? 2. How does abuse differ from damage (as in the case of rented property, e. g.)? 3. How does abuse differ from harm? 4. What words of this group are used in a bad sense? 5. Is reproach good or bad? 6. How do persecute and oppress differ? 7. Do misemploy, misuse, and pervert apply to persons or things? To which does abuse apply?


The tenant shall not —— the property beyond reasonable wear.

—— intellectual gifts make the dangerous villain.

In his rage he began to —— and —— all who had formerly been his friends.

To be —— for doing right can never really —— a true man.

In no way has man —— his fellow man more cruelly than by —— him for his religious belief.


1. Which words of this group are used in a good, and which in a bad sense? 2. Which are indifferently either good or bad? 3. To what does ally generally apply? colleague? 4. How does an associate compare in rank with a principal?[383] 5. Is assistant or attendant the higher word? How do both these words compare with associate? 6. In what sense are follower, henchman, and retainer used? partner? 7. What is the legal distinction between abettor and accessory? 8. To what is accomplice nearly equivalent? Which is the preferred legal term?


The Senator differed with his —— in this matter.

The baron rode into town with a great array of armed ——.

France and Russia seem to have become firm ——.

The —— called to the —— for a fresh bandage.

All persons, but especially the young, should take the greatest care in the choice of their ——.

As he was not present at the actual commission of the crime, he was held to be only an —— and not an ——.


1. What is the difference between accident and chance?

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