Author's e-books - humanity. Page - 1

No matter who you are, no matter what your profession, if you are a student, no matter what you studying, you will rise to there top. Not only that. You will also become a indispensable person. Because the universe fills you with divine love. These are not just words. If you follow the guidance of the wisdom correctly, you will see that all this becomes a reality. Let me say something here that encourages you. That is, in this all activities the universes does certain things for you. It will

In the very distant future, a fierce war is being fought between two super-city-states, Ensarian and Imgradon, on the planet Zegandaria over the resources zegandarian kevlarite and interon fuel. The two camps begin the clash lightly as a joke with good intentions much like children, but from a minor dispute and local conflict, it quickly grows and spreads to the entire planet, and later even reaches universal proportions. Many other distant planets such as Sebur Nag and Osonia are also

Every human being is living a life, but how much humanity does he have? Birth, education, job, marriage, kids, family and at the end…death! Is this the standard cycle of life that has to be followed? What is the ultimate goal of such a life? Why do we take birth? What do we want? The human body that we have received... should do the duty of being humane. There should be humanity in life. But what is humanity? According to Param Pujya Dadashri, the Gnani Purush (the enlightened One). The

Harry Pond Looks Homeward focuses on the Light beyond Earthy conflicts of light and darkness – conflicts we sadly all know so very well on this beautiful planet we call home. Nevertheless, the Harry Pond books hold out the hope of humanity one day soon reaching a higher place of thought, understanding, compassion and love that allows us all, collectively and individually, to raise ourselves above these conflicts and contradictions to a place of Light beyond the duality of light and darkness on

A Virus is plaguing humans. But this is no ordinary Virus. It's turning people into monsters. The News has dubbed these different creatures common names; Banshees, Witches, Sirens, Dragons and Mermaids. Each creature is from a different strand of The Virus. The Banshee strand mainly affects woman, while the Witch strand focuses on men. The Sirens are the rarest strand. Dragons and Mermaids are the least devastating to the human brain, so those infected with those two strands are still conscious

THIS MESSAGE IS BASED UPON THE SAYINGS OF THE HOLY BOOKS & THE MESSENGERS OF GOD. THE DIVINE TRUTH IS INDEED FOR EVERYONE. “The Divine Truth” is a source to gain knowledge, to rectify faith. And this message is not a sectarian call to the people of this world to leave a religion and join the other. So read to rectify your faith and remain in your GOD-blessed home-religion and follow the commandments of GOD for salvation. Mankind needs nothing but GOD and GOD is one and the same for everyone

No matter who you are, no matter what your profession, if you are a student, no matter what you studying, you will rise to there top. Not only that. You will also become a indispensable person. Because the universe fills you with divine love. These are not just words. If you follow the guidance of the wisdom correctly, you will see that all this becomes a reality. Let me say something here that encourages you. That is, in this all activities the universes does certain things for you. It will

In the very distant future, a fierce war is being fought between two super-city-states, Ensarian and Imgradon, on the planet Zegandaria over the resources zegandarian kevlarite and interon fuel. The two camps begin the clash lightly as a joke with good intentions much like children, but from a minor dispute and local conflict, it quickly grows and spreads to the entire planet, and later even reaches universal proportions. Many other distant planets such as Sebur Nag and Osonia are also

Every human being is living a life, but how much humanity does he have? Birth, education, job, marriage, kids, family and at the end…death! Is this the standard cycle of life that has to be followed? What is the ultimate goal of such a life? Why do we take birth? What do we want? The human body that we have received... should do the duty of being humane. There should be humanity in life. But what is humanity? According to Param Pujya Dadashri, the Gnani Purush (the enlightened One). The

Harry Pond Looks Homeward focuses on the Light beyond Earthy conflicts of light and darkness – conflicts we sadly all know so very well on this beautiful planet we call home. Nevertheless, the Harry Pond books hold out the hope of humanity one day soon reaching a higher place of thought, understanding, compassion and love that allows us all, collectively and individually, to raise ourselves above these conflicts and contradictions to a place of Light beyond the duality of light and darkness on

A Virus is plaguing humans. But this is no ordinary Virus. It's turning people into monsters. The News has dubbed these different creatures common names; Banshees, Witches, Sirens, Dragons and Mermaids. Each creature is from a different strand of The Virus. The Banshee strand mainly affects woman, while the Witch strand focuses on men. The Sirens are the rarest strand. Dragons and Mermaids are the least devastating to the human brain, so those infected with those two strands are still conscious

THIS MESSAGE IS BASED UPON THE SAYINGS OF THE HOLY BOOKS & THE MESSENGERS OF GOD. THE DIVINE TRUTH IS INDEED FOR EVERYONE. “The Divine Truth” is a source to gain knowledge, to rectify faith. And this message is not a sectarian call to the people of this world to leave a religion and join the other. So read to rectify your faith and remain in your GOD-blessed home-religion and follow the commandments of GOD for salvation. Mankind needs nothing but GOD and GOD is one and the same for everyone