Author's e-books - teacher/student romance. Page - 1

Anna Young has been eagerly imagining the day she would meet her mate, and they would live happily ever after. Then she walks into English one day, and meets the new teacher, Mr.Watson. And she instntly knows, he is her mate. "i shook his hand, and millions of emotions flashed through me. Pain, love, relief, love. LOVE?! i felt an urge to kiss him and show everyone he was mine. a possesive urge.then i knew. He was my mate.God help us both" **this is a fan fiction of all those stories

Anna Young has been eagerly imagining the day she would meet her mate, and they would live happily ever after. Then she walks into English one day, and meets the new teacher, Mr.Watson. And she instntly knows, he is her mate. "i shook his hand, and millions of emotions flashed through me. Pain, love, relief, love. LOVE?! i felt an urge to kiss him and show everyone he was mine. a possesive urge.then i knew. He was my mate.God help us both" **this is a fan fiction of all those stories