» Thriller » Night Crawlers Chap 2, Ashley Kielak [my miracle luna book free read txt] 📗

Book online «Night Crawlers Chap 2, Ashley Kielak [my miracle luna book free read txt] 📗». Author Ashley Kielak

As my eyes bored into the boy`s eye I saw terror reflecting back at me. Michael was down and in agonizing pain and I was going to find out why.
I was standing up now and waiting for an answer from Gary, who seemed to be frozen with shock.
“Gary, please tell me what was or is in your blood,” I tried again for the fourth time. No response just more staring in shock. Oh My Ga! I thought to myself, what the hell is wrong with this child.
“I don`t know,” Gary suddenly said,” my mom said it was w-wolf`s something,”
“Wolf`s bane,” I muttered in complete terror but he couldn`t tell.
“yeah, yeah that`s it wolf`s bane,” he nodded in agreement.
“Oh god Michael,” I moaned and sunk down to sit next to him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Gary lean down slightly to rub my back in comfort. My gaze locked on is arm as if it was fire. He stopped for a second then went ahead and rubbed my back.
The scariest part in it was that I enjoyed the comfort.
I was glad that nor he or I took it romantically. Cuz I mean my boyfriend is lying right here, Even if he was in agonizing pain.
Suddenly Michael shot up and pointed behind us with fear in his eyes. I shot up next to him and looked where his finger was pointing to. I saw the woman as soon as she walked up to Michael and slapped him, hard with a thud.
As soon as I jumped to stand up for Michael she back handed me. I shrieked in pain and staggered back and almost fell until Gary caught me a couple of inches away from the ground. That`s the down side of being human, the sped but at least he caught me.
I stood myself up and stared at the woman. She looked like maybe 5`8 in between her twenty`s and thirty`s. She had hair the same color as Gary`s just a little fainter. Who was this woman and why did she look so much like Gary?
“Mom don`t hurt them it`s okay,” Gary said when the lady came towards me looking horrible scary when she walked.
Mom. He just called this psycho path his freak-in mom, oh my ga! I guess I was wrong this night could and did get worse. Michael finally staggered back up looking drunk doing so.
After he was steady he was in front of me in a split-second. He let out a throaty growl.
“Oh shut up,” Gary’s mom said,” you are stupid and annoying enough,”
I lurched forward the punch the bitch only to have Michael and for some reason Gary pull me back. Michael looked at Gary with the same questioningly look I did but didn`t object.
The lady who was supposedly Gary’s mom was laughing out right at this,” Please you couldn`t even hurt me if I let you try let alone when my guard is up,”
“Who are you? And why did you hurt us?” I yelled
“Well I think you know who I am; Gary here is my human child and for the other part your boyfriend killed or tried to kill my son, duh it`s pretty simple,”
That set me off big time I went into kill or be killed mode. I pulled-ripped away from the boys and went after her. My right arm snapped out and connected with her head.
There was a loud snap and her head set sideways. She shrieked out in pain. I smiled in approval like I said I am badass when in kill or be killed mode.
She snapped her head back in place with an even more sickening crack. I winced and turned away slightly.
That had to hurt. When I turned my eyes meet with Gary`s and Michael`s. Michael was looking at me with shock and proudness. Gary looked freighted but otherwise happy that I was okay. Weird.
“Gary tell your `friends` to knock it off before I introduce them to Lauren`s evil side,” Lauren said
“L-Lauren that’s your name really it`s to pretty to be yours you seem like a I don`t know, Mary maybe. Yes perfect Mary and Gary, mother and son,” I said with an evil grin.
“SHUT UP!” Lauren spit at me.
I snapped my hand forward and slapped her hard across the face. She was stunned for a second and I used it wisely. I dragged her to the ground and jumped on her to pound her face into the ground.
“Zoe what are you doing?” Michael yelled
“Getting payback!,” I yelled back at him.
Suddenly there was a shrieking growl and I was five feet away. I shot to my feet and ran back. Lauren was already there and punched my back three feet. I winced from the pain but made no sound.
Now, well I guess, it was Michael`s turn. He had screamed my name then went for Lauren. He caught her off guard so he got the upper hand, but other than that.
Michael was going for the hit when Gary suddenly yelled at him to stop. Michael froze out of habit.
“Don’t interfere with my game Gary,” Lauren said.
I had walked back over silently and was now standing beside Michael. He glanced my way shook his head. Then he nodded to Gary’s angry face. Gary looked like he was looking at me then back at his mom with an evil stare. I walked over to him,” what’s your problem? I thought you were on are side,” I whispered in his ear so only he could hear.
“I am,” he had just barely made a sound so I was pretty sure only I heard. I guess he knew about vampire hearing because I was pretty sure his mom was one, ” just play along okay,”
I nodded slightly then made my way to Lauren.
“Hey bitch way don`t I introduce you to my fist then you can say goodbye and goodnight,” I smirked when she gave me a look of astonishment. Well I guess she didn`t know my personality yet.
“How dare you speak to a respected lady like that?” she yelled.
“How dare I? How dare I? You must be stupid lady, please tell me you know better than to ask me that,” I said with a questioningly look.
This chick needed to learn something about young adults. We are stubborn as hell.
She suddenly disappeared into the night without a word. The rest of us just stood there like idiots. Gary then walked over to stand in front of Michael and I with a weird look I couldn’t understand.
“What?” I asked him.
“Can I talk to you alone Zoe?” he asked.
“Sure, Michael go to Lily`s house and warn her about Lauren and on the way be careful okay,” I said only looking at Gary as I spoke.
“I’m not leaving you out here by yourself,” Michael argued.
“I’ll be fine just go please, for me,” I pleaded making eye contact this time.
“Fine,” he mumbled. He walked away then I heard him break into a run towards the house on the outskirts of the town. Gary and I were officially alone to talk with no witnesses.
“Okay so what did you want to talk to me about Gary?” I asked
He didn`t speak at all just stood there like he really wanted to say something but didn`t dare say it aloud. I walked over to his side and put my hand on his shoulder. If Michael were here I would in no way be doing this.
He glanced up at me; I was about half an inch taller than he was. His eyes were damp and puffy. Ah poor child. I put my arms around him not needing to know what was wrong. This boy had been through so much, he had technically died today.
Gary was suddenly over whelmed with tears and put both of his arms around me and cried into my shoulder. I order myself not to call him a baby for crying in front and on a girl. I patted his back and told him that it was all going to be all okay.
He pulled back away from me slightly to look at me with a grin that said: I got you, got you good. Then he leaned forward and kissed me. He actually kissed me, the little bastard.
He wrapped his arms around me and took my arms and placed the where the wrapped around his neck. Then he held them there with one arm then had the other make its way to my waist. I had no control over it somehow couldn’t fight it, was it the wolf`s bane?
He started trailing his arm up my side and his hands grazed my breast Out of instinct I gasped in pleasure and he moaned and pressed harder against me.
Somehow he had gotten me on the dark night ground. Then he unzipped my jacket and ripped it off me. After that, he was still kissing me so I couldn`t scream, he slid his hands up my shirt and kept going till he got to the edge of my bra.
When he moved his mouth away from mine for a second I screamed Michael`s name only to get slapped by Gary. I cried out in pain and he moaned my name it almost made me gag.
Then Michael was there ripping away Gary and punching him about five feet away. Since he was human he would be down for a while. Michael then leaned down to help me up.
I grabbed my jacket and pulled it on. When I went back Michael glanced at me and smiled as if saying: much better.
“Told you I shouldn`t have left you,” Michael said, “but I’m really glad you`re not hurt,”
“Yeah me too, let’s just go back to Lily`s house and deal with the problems where we are safe.” I said out of it.
“Yeah, good idea make sure you have your stuff and we`ll go,” Michael said looking towards the direction Gary was.


Publication Date: 07-18-2011

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