» Thriller » The Isle, Emily Nunn [speld decodable readers TXT] 📗

Book online «The Isle, Emily Nunn [speld decodable readers TXT] 📗». Author Emily Nunn

The shipwrecking

The night was as black as black itself plus there was a horrible raging storm coming and a fight was arising on the ship. many people had clearly had to much champane. FIGHT, FIGHT FIGHT every one seemed to be shouting it. "bring it on" nick said casually Charlie winked at him in a teasing way, then it happend, there was punches, blood and all sorts of stuff. Then a scream pirced the sound of the fight, "THE BOAT IS SINKING" screamed avalon.every body scrambeled around not knowing what to do. "EVERY BODY CALM DOWN" screamed Ryan everybody settled then the ship lurched it had hit something and it broke into two. there were screams that pierced the sounds of the ship breaking and smashing everyone fell into the water and they were all swimming for there lives.

The isle

The storm was over and the morning sun raised over the island. Avalon looked around on to what seemed to be a deserted island.she saw everyone lying on the beach unconsious and ran over to them she woke everyone but ryan.


Publication Date: 05-02-2012

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to Sarah Lynn as she was with me as i was writing it and she is a great best friend friend :)

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