» Thriller » Amnesia, Erin C, Lana L [books to read as a couple TXT] 📗

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Chapter One

Lana walked past a police car and smirked slightly to herself. They didn't realize that a thief had just walked past. To them she seemed like an insignificant teen but she was way more than that. The afternoon sun was beaming down, not like the Russian chill she was used to. Turning a corner, the hotel she was staying in came into view. Lana took her hand out of her pocket so she could enter the four digit pin into the gate. The cast iron gate swung open allowing Lana to enter. She walked up the steps and through the sliding doors. Giving the guy at the counter a wave, she made her way up to the room she was temporarily sharing with her best friend. 'Room 68' she said aloud as she looked at the doors for the correct number. After a few minutes she saw the room. She went up and lightly tapped on the door. Only a split second later it swung open. "We're not interested in your drugs sorry. BYE!" Erin exclaimed then slammed the door right in Lana's face.


Lana sighed and smiled slightly before opening the door herself. She gave Erin a fake glare as she stepped past which in return all she got was a roll of the eyes. Erin was a very sarcastic person. Erin paused for a moment as if trying to remember something. After a moment it finally came to her "We are going to a carnival in about ten minutes" She said simply before heading into her room. Lana also headed into her room and both girls refreshed themselves and got changed out of their sweaty clothes. When they emerged from their rooms  Erin was wearing ripped black skinny jeans, red converse and a grey hoodie with a panda on it.


Her electric blue hair was tied in a loose ponytail and of course, no make-up.  Lana on the other hand was wearing bright green leggings, denim shorts and a Call of Duty shirt. Her white blonde hair was in a plait and again, no make-up. They both scanned each other's outfits before nodding, a silent code passing between them. Then Lana walked out.


Erin rolled her eyes and took the keys off the table. She then proceeded to lock the door before exiting the apartment. Together they walked down the road to the carnival. They passed by many people. Old and young, big and small. Some waved and some smiled. Finally Erin spoke "hi". Lana rolled her eyes and lightly hit Erin on the shoulder "great convo" she replied. Erin merely grinned. Soon after silence fell upon them. Neither uttered a word as they walked along the concrete. Eventually a huge Ferris wheel came into view. Both girls looked at each other excitedly and a secret message passed between them. A race. Erin and Lana sprinted towards the carnival. Of course, Erin won. Lana arrived out of breath and panting slightly where as Erin was absolutely fine. That was a huge part of Erin though, she could run for miles without a sweat.


But as soon as you arm wrestled her she went down like a stick.​ Lana finally regulated her breathing as Erin was laughing her head off. A quick glare soon shut her up though. "Oh La La! Why so serious?" She quoted the joker and inserted the dreaded nickname. Lana just stalked off without a word causing Erin to run after her holding back her laughter. "Lana! Lana wait! I was only kidding!!" She couldn't walk after for long before having to bend over laughing. Although she soon stopped when it appeared that everyone else had disappeared. Startled she looked around as some strange music started to play. 

Chapter Two

Startled, Erin looked around her to find that the carnival was now empty. The hairs on the back of her neck rose as she processed that she was now alone. Lana was gone. And so was everyone else. What happened? "La la? Lana?" She slowly turned around in a circle looking for her best friend then started to panic when she realised she had, fully disappeared. "HEY!" She called out then started to get a little mad thinking this was all some joke, she huffed and tilted her head slightly, trying to find the source of the disturbing music and find out what was happening. She grudgingly decided to play along with this game for now. I mean.. What was the harm? "Okay..... So we're playing hide and seek now? I'm supposed to find you?" She sighed then mumbled a sarcastic remark which she could've of sworn was responded to by a chuckle.


Fully creeped out now since she didn't like being alone, she slowly started walking while keeping alert in case her ears picked up on any sounds. Her sharp eyesight played tricks on her and she kept thinking she saw movement of black and white trailing behind her in the shadows.


Feeling a little more on edge, Erin continued walking but at a faster pace and kept glancing behind her. After a while she decided to stop and take a break. Sitting down on a bench, she looked around at the park, which now had an eery atmosphere to it. She rubbed her arms to tried and shake off the cold and dread filled feeling. Something about this felt wrong. Extremely wrong, like this wasn't natural... She knew she could defend herself if that's what it came down to. But what would she be defending herself against? A small giggle caused her to snap out of her thoughts and she turned her head towards the sound. The carousel. Hesitantly standing up, Erin slowly walked towards it and called out "hello? If you think this is some game it's not very fun ya know." She shivered as a cool wind picked up and brushed the leaves around her feet up. Finally reaching the colourful and fully working carousel, Erin carefully stepped onto it. The fact that all of the rides were on was only more unsettling. What was going on? This didn't seem like a game anymore and the dreadful feeling only got worse when she looked around the carousel, tightening her stomach.


Stop it. She scolded herself for being so nervous and vulnerable, straightening her back she skimmed her hands over the carousel horse. She needed to find Lana but where was she? One minute they were running after each other and laughing then she was just gone. Along with all the other people. Children and elders a-like. Another giggle broke through her thoughts, this time sounding closer and she could point out that it sounded like a male. "Who's there?" She called out with a steady voice. Another strange feeling passed through her and she recognised it as her feeling of danger. Her instincts telling her something was about to happen. Spinning around, she was about to start running when she colliding into something solid that definitely was not there before. Alarmed, she jumped back and drew her fist back ready to strike out at whoever or whatever it was that had bumped into her. "What-" she froze as she took in the sight before her.


A tall and rather imposing figure stood in front of her. He looked more like he belonged in an important business meeting rather than an empty carnival. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that his skin was stark white and he didn't have a face and he was unnaturally tall.... She'd say he's an average everyday business man going out for the day after work. "Uh......" Erin stared at him almost petrified. His appearance didn't frighten her. It was the apposing and dangerous aura he put off. There was a certain way he held himself that said he knew he could hurt her. And he knew she was frightened. For the first time in her long life, Erin felt small and vulnerable. Her instincts would normally tell her to lash out and fight, but right now...


Everything was telling her to run and find Lana. And that's exactly what she would've done if it weren't for the trance she seemed to have been put in by the tall figure. The same giggle that she'd heard before sounded behind her and she stiffened. Now she wasdefinitely screwed.


Not wanting to turn around in case the faceless man did something, she only turned her head slightly and tried tosee behind her through the corner of her eye. Another tall figure stood behind her but with a more casual structure. What she could make out was that he seemed to have a wide grin etched on his face and was clothed in black and white. His arms crossed over in an almost careless way and on the end were long thin black claws. Swallowing, Erin turned her head back to the faceless man. She waited for him to say something before raking her mind on any sarcastic comment. She finally manages to get out a few words. "Nice suit......." Was the best she could manage and she cringed at the stupidity of it. The man behind her broke out into a laugh "This ones funny slender..."


It was the first words that were spoken to her from either of them and it wasn't really what she hoped for. Sighing, Erin tried to appear more unaffected and swung her arms around "glad to know I amuse you?" Causing another laugh from the black and white clown. The man in front of her had stayed silent this whole time, merely staring at her as if burning a hole into her soul. If she had one.


Feeling very uncomfortable and still on edge, Erin gestured around at the carnival "Did you do this? Make everyone disappear I mean.." The faceless man continued staring at her before he finally spoke. "Yes" was all he said and Erin expected some lips to appear on his face but the words seemed to silently be projected into her head instead. It confused her for a second, she almost thought she was talking to herself until she realised that it wasn't her voice in her head but more like millions of voices all bunched together to form an almost male sounding voice. "Uh..... Okay well that's very neat and all but.... I kinda need to get my friend and head off now... You know.... Traveling is very tiring work-" Erin hadn't realised that while she was distracted by the faceless mans strange way of responding, the monochrome clown had come up behind her and now clamped a hand over her mouth. Silencing her rambles.


Eyes widening, Erin didn't move and froze. She knew she could get out of his grip if she wanted to, but she didn't want to find out what the tall 'faceless man' as she now called him, would do.


Suddenly her vision was blurred with static and the voices echoed through her head again "where are you keeping it?" They said. Or rather, the faceless man said. Struggling against the clowns grip, Erin pulled his hand away from her

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