» Thriller » The Soldiers of the Shadows, Shianne Ayers [100 best novels of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «The Soldiers of the Shadows, Shianne Ayers [100 best novels of all time .txt] 📗». Author Shianne Ayers

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On Planet Luau....


A star exploded and killed millions of people on Luau that's what they say but I think their lying. I was born on May 1, 9890 BC. The destruction of Planet Luau and Planet Sparta was on May 1, 9891 BC. When this happen a woman named Marina who was the goddess of Creation. She made the Spartans (oh yes the Spartans are real)Planet Luau she sent her ten children including me to a planet called Earth to her old friend Madurai and her husband Kolya Ivanovna.

Two years later, I was two years old when we found out my father was killed in action his name was General Kolya Ivanovna. After we found out that happened it was now just my mother, my eight brothers Nikifor, Kolya Jr., Aleksei ,Averki, Dmitri or Dima, John, Rikonnoin, and Lusen also my three sisters Marina, Anya, Nynia, and then there was me. But I'm the oldest out of the girls. One day these men came in and took my brothers and they left and we never saw them again until...

Chapter 1

May 6, 2012

I was nervous as I reached the tattoo shop I was in my uniform I was and will always be part of the Navy Seals. I just parked my 1976 Ford Mustang I was about to knock on the door when a man opened it and he said “Yes?”

I replied, “I'm here for the job”

he looked at me than asked, “Are you Brynhildr Ivanovna the daughter of General Kolya Ivanovna?”

I was really surprised and I replied, “Yes. And it's Brynhildr. This is my sister Marina she is under my protection fuck with her. I with kill you and steal your soul. Ok?”

“Yes ma'am. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Lee but you can call me Ghost. Let me show you around.”

“No thank you. I can figure it out on my own.”

I start to walk towards my car then Ghost said, “Wait Brynhildr you need to meet the rest of the guys” I

turn around then I walk toward Ghost then I said, “Okay.”

As I follow Ghost; he takes me into the tattoo shop there were a lot of guys talking to each other than Ghost got their attention and he said, “Blake, Yin Yang, Rikonnoin, Kolya, Ryan, Rick, Tools, Billy, Nikifor, and Vladimir. I want to introduce you to our newest member this is Brynhildr Ivanovna and Marina”

then I heard Rikonnoin again suddenly I started remembered my brothers and then Blake came up to me said, “Welcome Brynhildr This is where we live”

I look around and I wave at every one so I thank Blake and then Vladimir came up to me and said, “You look fucking hot”

I blushed and I said, “Thank you”.

I was showed around and then Blake ask me “How good is your combat skills?”

so I said, “There better then every fucking person in this shop house or in the military”

he look at me than said “We'll see about that. Come with me.”

I follow Blake we end up in a training place next he said to me “Hit me”

 I look at him and said “Are you sure you can handle it?”

then he replied, “I can take anything thrown at me”

“Okay whatever” I punch Blake in the gut then I hit him in the jaw with my right hand then I step forward and I punch him in the ribs after that I do a round house and then Blake said “Good. That’s good.”

I said “I'm not finished yet”

I tackle Blake to the ground and I punch him with my left hand then my right and then Marina came in and said in a commanding tone, “Stop Brynhildr!”

I look at him then I said “You’re lucky” so I help him up then took him to the shop. Next thing I know every one stops looked at me someone grabbed Blake then Vladimir grabbed me by my arm, took me out side than said,

“What did you do to Blake?”

so I replied, “He told me to hit him plus he did said that he could take it and handle it”

“And you believe him”

“Yes” then Vladimir walk off. I was standing there in the rain then I drove off and I didn't come back for a while.


2 Hours later....


I came back to the tattoo shop and I come in and every one looks at me and then they continue to talk as if I wasn’t there and I went to my new room and I stayed there. I lay on my bed someone knocked on my door so I said, “Who is it?”

 the person replied, “It's me Vladimir”

and I said, “Come in Vladimir” then Vladimir came in with some whiskey, vodka, and beer. I look at Vladimir so he offered me some and I said,

“Sit down with me”

so Vladimir sat down and I grab some of the whiskey, vodka, and beer. Vladimir looks at me then he grabs a bottle of vodka and he drinks it. After five of each bottle I was completely drunk but I didn't care. I come downstairs and I look at the guys then they look at me and they shake their heads so I left to get something to eat. I head back to my room when Tools stopped me and he said

“You have a phone call”

I replied “Tell them I’m drunk as hell. I'm asleep and tell them to call me at noon tomorrow, ok”

Tools told them what I said. I get ready for bed and I look at my only picture of my father and I start to feel tears run down my cheeks and I said to the picture,

“Why dad? Why did you leave us?”

 I hold to the picture and I fall asleep with the picture.



The next morning....


I just woke up I had a bad hangover then I run to the bathroom. I start to puke into the toilet and Kolya comes in and he asks me, “Need a hangover cure?”

“What's that?”

“It's three ibuprofen and coffee”

 I replied, “Yes please”

I hear him in the kitchen and I'm still puking he comes upstairs and gives me the Hangover cure so I thank him than I take the hangover cure. As the day gone by I was in the garage working on my truck with my music turn up max and Kolya comes in and turns off the music and he shakes my foot and I come rolling from my truck and I said

“Yes Kolya?”

 he said, “Blake want to see you right now”

“Well tell him I have to fix my truck right now”

“That can wait. He wants to see you now!”  I sigh then finally I replied,


I follow Kolya to Blake's room, he opened the door and Blake said, “Brynhildr I want to talk to you about Rora?”

 fear started to take over my body but I fought it and was scared I said, “What about her?”

“We need her dead. Can you do that?”

“No she's my sister asshole!”

I stormed off and I went to my truck and I went back to fixing it. Marina came in and look at me with sorrow in her eyes and ask, “What did the ask you to kill Rora?”

I didn't look at her and replied, “Yes they did and I said no and I walked off”.


That night.....


I was asleep and I started to have a flashback about the time when I was part of Operation Overlord or known as D-Day and I remember seeing General Aleksandr Ivanovna I ran to him and I started to shake him and saying, “General Ivanovna wake up. GENERAL!!”

 then I woke up and Marina was next to me and she said, “You were yelling out his name again sister.”

I replied, “I know Marina. It's my fault that he died.”

“No. It’s not” she said.

Then I went back to sleep and I have another dream about him and he was standing in front of me and he said, “Niko my beautiful wife why you leave me?”

“I didn't leave you baby”

he puts his hands on my cheek than he said, “Wow I forgot how soft you were. You will see me soon and by that I mean alive.”

Then he disappeared. I woke up and I looked at the clock it was 6:00 am. I got dressed and I went downstairs and I put on a song called So Far Away and I started to make breakfast and then Marina came downstairs and said, “What's for breakfast?”

I replied, “Biscuits and gravy, scramble eggs, bacon, and toast. Sit down and eat Marina I know how hungry you are”

“What about you?”

“I'm not hungry”

“You still miss Aleksandr?”

“Yes. And he said he's still alive but I saw him die in front of me”

“Well I felt his presents last night and I actually saw him and-”

then Kolya came downstairs he said,

“Wait you guys talking about General Aleksandr Ivanovna?”

I look into his eyes then I saw that he was hiding information about Aleksandr so I said, “You’re hiding something from me. I can see it in your eyes so tell us now”

he said, “He is still alive. I can call him every day-” I stood there frozen “and he'll be here at 012:00 and he wants to see you and he wants to know if you still married to him.”

I was nervous and I replied “Well he has to find that out for himself.”

Chapter 2


I was working on my truck. I remember that wedding ring I sold. I sigh as I continued to work on my truck. While I was fixing the truck I got oil all over my jeans, shirt so I got out from underneath it then took off my shirt. I left on my black tank top with red lacing. When I got underneath my truck someone came in and said, “Guess who baby doll”

there was only one person who would ever called me that. I rolled out from underneath the truck and there stood Aleksandr a I ran up to him then hugged him I felt emotions flooding out and I started crying then

I said, “If your truly real than prove it”

then he pulled me into his arms then he kissed me. I knew that's him alright I look him than I said, “How? How did you survive all this and never let me know?”

he notice that I just had my tank top on and he said,

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