» Thriller » Under Wraps, Joseph Venomous Pollard [top 5 ebook reader txt] 📗

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“I don’t understand why we had to visit now; it’s the hottest time of the year there.” Thomas complained from the backseat. “Thomas, because it’s fun and educational. We’re already almost there, so there’s no point in complaining.” Thomas’ mom said from the passenger seat. It was the beginning of the junior year summer for Thomas and he is being forced to vacation in Egypt with his mom and step dad. Another unfortunate fact is that this is usually the time of year that’s hottest in Egypt. I’m losing my first month of summer in a giant nature made furnace. Thomas thought to himself. His phone vibrated on his lamp indicating that his girlfriend had texted him. It read: Baby, I can’t believe you’re leaving me for a month. I’m gonna miss you so much. Thomas groaned in internal pain. This would be the first summer month without his girlfriend of two years. “I hate this shit so much.” He mumbled. “Watch that language of yours.” His step dad, Kevin demanded. “Who in their right mind talks like that?” Kevin continued. “People who speak English, maybe.” Thomas remarked with sarcasm.

“Are you being smart with me, young man?” Kevin asked glaring at him from the rearview mirror.

“It’s better than being dumb with you. If you asked that question I’d say you’re being pretty dumb with me.” Thomas smirked.

Thomas’ mom has only been with Kevin for a few months. Ever since Thomas’ real dad divorced his mom, she “loves” every guy she dates. Kevin is number four and surprisingly the longest relationship his mom has had since the divorce. Thomas, however, didn’t like Kevin from the beginning. He always gave Thomas the wrong vibe. Ever since the first weeks of “bonding” Thomas’ mom suggested for them, they’ve cut each other regularly with the blades from the mouth and tongue. Thomas also doesn’t appreciate the fact he tries state his “fatherly authority” in situations Thomas feels a real father should handle instead of the monthly supplier of coitus. Kevin was ready to raise his voice until Thomas’ mom cut in, “Now, you boys calm your attitudes. I don’t want my favorite boys arguing.” “I’m sorry, honey.” Kevin apologizing while kissing Thomas’ mom. Thomas rolled his eyes and returned to his device. He replied to his girlfriend saying: I’m so sorry babe, but my parents forced me here. It’ll be over before you know it and you’ll be back in my arms again. I love and miss you, Rachel.

A few minutes later her reply came in: I love you too, Thomas. I hope it goes by fast. I gotta go, my mom just called me for dinner. Bye baby.

Thomas smiled as the love bug buzzed around his heart and the butterflies tickled his stomach. He put his phone in his pocket and turned on the car’s DVD player and watched his favorite movie. The sandman eventually diagnosed him with his famous medicine and he fell under the spell.

The antidote of his mom screaming, “We’re finally here!” brought his away from the spell. He looked out of the window to see a city with brick roads and sand everywhere along them. Followed by small shops, fruit stands, and people dressed in robes. The only thing there similar to America was the gruesome traffic. It was as if the car was trapped in a giant Bumper Cars arena at a foreign local town fair. Nothing, but nonstop beeping horns and yelled curses in a language he didn’t understand. “What is the name of the city we’re in?” Thomas asked his mom. “Cairo, the capital of Egypt. We would’ve stayed somewhere less crowded, but they had the nicest hotel here.” “Don’t forget, we have to visit the pyramids and learn more about them.” Kevin added. “Of course, honey,” Thomas’ mom started and turned to Thomas, “he has the hugest interest in these pyramids and I’m not sure why.” “My ancestors are buried there and they built them. I just want to visit their masterpiece.” Kevin said. “I’d say you’re just a nerd, honey.” Thomas’ mom teased and kissed Kevin. “You guys please don’t start having sex in the car again. I don’t feel like waiting at a rest stop, or in this case a foreign store again.” Thomas pleaded closing his eyes. They just laughed and Thomas’ mom said,

“You didn’t know anything until we were done. You didn’t see anything.”

“You’re right; because I’m sure Kevin doesn’t need long. I went in and came right back out. I’m glad I didn’t see anything.”

Kevin glared at him again through the rearview mirror. “There’s the hotel, its coming up soon.” Thomas’ mom said pointing through the windshield. Thomas looked out of the windshield to see a big, white presidential looking building. Weird place to put such a nice and fancy hotel. Thomas thought. “Finally, we’ve been in this line of traffic for forty five minutes now.” Kevin complained. Thomas thought about saying, Isn’t it nice to finally have something long and lasting? He decided to keep his mouth shut to avoid his mom being mad. After five more minutes of exhausting traffic they had arrived at the hotel. Thomas and his mom stayed in the car as Kevin went and got the key to the hotel room. When he came back, along with him was a bellhop. “He’s gonna follow us to the room and carry our bags. When they arrived to the room, room thirteen, Thomas collapsed on the bed out of relief of the long, open road. “If you get hungry, order some room service. Me and Kevin are gonna walk to the lobby and get information and directions on the pyramid and probably head to the store. You have an hour, so eat up.” Thomas’ mom said getting new clothes out of her suitcase. After a long trip, for some reason, she always had to change clothes. “Okay mom, take your time.” Thomas insisted. He knew he had spent hours with them already and didn’t plan on spending more. After she got done changing in the bathroom, she kissed Thomas on the forehead and said, “Don’t go anywhere, please. I love you, but if you leave, I won’t have grandchildren.” “I love you too, mom.” Thomas said rolling his eyes at the threat. After the goodbyes, the single sat in the quiet room.

After an hour of nonstop room service food Thomas’ mom and Kevin finally arrived. They barged in the room with snacks, flashlights, rope, and God knows what else. “Why did you get so much stuff?” Thomas asked wide eyed at all the stuff. “Kevin got all of this and because apparently he wanted to explore the pyramids.”

“Really,” Thomas exclaimed.

“Yeah, so get ready we’re leaving in two minutes.” Kevin said.

“I’m ready, let’s just go now.” Thomas said heading towards the door. Exploring an ancient pyramid actually seemed fun Thomas had to admit. Within two minutes every bag of supplies was in the car. And they headed towards their exploration. When they arrived, hundreds of tourist surrounded the pyramid. “Stay with the group of tourist, I’m gonna go talk to the security guards.” When they split up out of the car, Thomas and his mom headed to the big crowd of tourists. Thomas stared at the masterpiece of a structure. To him, there was something majestic about it or maybe spiritual. His mom was also mesmerized by the structure. Thomas managed to release himself from the hypnosis and look over to where the security guards were. It seemed like Kevin was arguing with one of the guards about something. The argument ended and Kevin headed over towards Thomas and his mom. “What happened?” Thomas asked. “Apparently no one’s aloud to go in the pyramid and explore.” Kevin grimaced. “The guard says it’s too easy to get lost in the tunnels.” “So the exploration is canceled.” Thomas’ mom said, feeling down. “Looks like we have to take all the stuff that we bought at the store earlier.” “Oh, no we’re still going in there. We’re not wasting a long trip.” Kevin said reassuringly.

“What do you mean? If it’s guarded, how are we gonna get in?” Thomas asked.

“We wait it out.” Kevin explained. “We wait until all the tourists leave and all the guards leave. I know these pyramids like a pastor knows the Bible.”

“I don’t know about that, honey. What if something bad happens?” Thomas’ mom asked

“Like what?”

“What if guards watch the inside of the pyramid too?”

“They wouldn’t, these people believe in ancient curses and stuff. They would bother the spirits.”

“What are we gonna do with the car?”

“We park it deep out into the desert. Where no one can see the car and we wait a few hours after sun down.” 

“Sounds like a good plan to me.” Thomas admitted. He was just too eager to not explore.

“Fine, I guess it’s okay, but we better not get caught because of you, Kevin.” Thomas’ mom gave in.

“We won’t get caught. I promise; I know a secret entrance we can go into. Back to the car we go.”

They all headed back to the car, started the car DVD player, and watched a movie to pass the time. Before they knew it, it was time to explore.

“Grab three bags of food and three flashlights. Follow my every step and stay close.” Kevin ordered. For once, Thomas didn’t have a problem doing what Kevin told him. Everyone grabbed their own bag of food and their own flashlight and headed out towards the pyramid. When they arrived, Thomas and his mom followed Kevin to what seemed the back of the pyramid. There was a small, rectangular opening Kevin shined his flashlight through. “Okay, you guys be careful it’s sort of like a small, sliding hill in the entrance. Sit down and push yourself through.” Kevin directed and slid in first. Then went Thomas’ mom and finally Thomas, they were inside the Great Pyramid. Thomas and his mom shined their lights all over the walls, exposing the art painted and carved into them. “This is so incredible,” Thomas’ mom adored, “I can’t believe we’re actually inside the ancient Great Pyramid.” “I can’t believe my ancestors built something like this.” Kevin said, agreeing with Thomas’ mom’s amazement. “It’s weird to think that some kind of productivity runs in your veins.” Thomas teased. Usually when Thomas said something like that, it was out of anger. This time it was a pure joke and Kevin realized that. “Maybe I’ll give you my blood, you seem to need some.” Kevin laughed teasing back. “Come on you guys, let’s start exploring.” They walked through long, art filled tunnels, turned into some rooms with a sarcophagus, and even found some Egyptian treasure. Some of which of course, Thomas snuck in his pocket when his mom or Kevin wasn’t looking. They walked deeper and deeper into the darkness of the pyramid. Kevin’s light was stretched, shining at the end of a curving tunnel, and a dark figure passed back. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. “What was that?” Thomas’ mom asked. “I’m not completely sure.” Kevin said looking worried. “No one should be this deep in the pyramid this late. Not even an archaeologist.”

“Should we turn back around?”

“No, maybe it’s a guard or something. Let’s go check.” Kevin started walking towards the turn in the tunnel.

“Are you crazy?!” Thomas’ mom chased after him, along with Thomas. “If it was a guard he would’ve asked why we’re here. He would’ve stopped.” Kevin didn’t answer. His curiosity pulled him closer and closer to the turn at the end of the tunnel. He drew closer and closer and closer until finally he turned to see…nothing. Just another art covered wall. A dead end. No figure stood in sight of them.   “How is that even possible?” Kevin said confused. “This is the time

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