» Thriller » Secrets Never Stay Hidden, Alicia Duncan, Roxy Wilson [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗

Book online «Secrets Never Stay Hidden, Alicia Duncan, Roxy Wilson [the beginning after the end read novel .txt] 📗». Author Alicia Duncan, Roxy Wilson

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Test Of Faith

Athena hasn’t been this excited since Bruce asked her to marry her in January. Who is Bruce you may ask, that’s Athena boyfriend, Bruce is your everyday dream guy, he has hazel eyes and is six feet and five inches tall.

Even though she’s only seventeen years old, still in High School she’s still struggling to gather her twenty-four credits that she needs to graduate she still has time to get married. Athena was a normal girl until around eleventh grade when she started having unprotected sex with her pervert of a boyfriend Bruce came into the picture. Suzie and Athena have been friends since they were in diapers, they even picked the same high school Spring Valley Charter High. This school was the only way Athena and I were going to be popular. It took two years for people to noticed us, it happened because I was the first fifteen years old who never had my period. I finally caught up with puberty, my period happened in the worst possible way, it happened during a pool party. It was just any pool party it was the pool party everyone from Villager Farm which was our town's name  was going to attend, and once I stepped in the pool and it happened. I should've stayed home that day. That's how I got the name swimming pool cleaner because everyone ran away from me and that’s where my popularity started.


Athena has changed since then, and now she's seventeen and getting married and still does see to notice the weirdness of it all.

From the inside of their apartment complex, Suzie noticed her best friend Athena sitting outside on the bench, with the biggest smile it almost looked like she was smiling to herself. Suzie walks outside and approaches her best friend Athena. “Athena spit it out! Why are you so damn happy?” said suzie.You can see the confusion on Suzie’s face, looking at her best friend with concern. Athena looks at Suzie then jumps up from the bench she was sitting on and gives her a big hug, whispers in Suzie’s ear, “I’m Pregnant,’’ said Athena. Suzie still with a confused face began to drift off into her own thoughts. The wind begins to blow and for a moment Suzie’s little body began to feel cold. ‘’Let’s go inside and drink some hot chocolate,” says Athena. As they walked inside, the weather once warm became bitterly cold. The instant change in the weather felt like a warning to Suzie, but she didn’t know why? Bruce walks in the room with the worse aura you can possibly feel and grabs Athena’s hand with full strength, you can see Athena’s little hand, gasping for air and blood circulation.

Bruce began to yell and says " Explain something to me, why do you have doctors calling me for stupid ultrasounds.” Rosey rushes into the living room filled with tears, she looked as if she had been eating ice cream for hours with all the ice cream in her hair. Rosey sees Bruce and felt a sharp pain in her stomach, Rosey knew it was the guilt she carried for sleeping with Athena’s boyfriend Bruce. Bruce was in the room and, she knew that he didn’t want to see all of us in the same room.  “What the hell happened to you,’’ said Bruce. In a matter of seconds Rosey drops to the floor and crawls to the corner and screams “Two wrongs don’t make a right. "Suzie and Bruce look at Rosey with a shocked face. “Here you go with your church talk,”said Bruce. Everyone looks at Rosey. “Shut up you damn dog, "says Bruce. Athena pulls away from Bruce’s tight grip and runs to Rosey, holding her in her arms and begins to sing. Bruce looks at Suzie and says “Tell your dog of a best friend or your sex slave to calm down.”


Rosey jumps out of Athena’s arm and yells “I wasn’t a dog when you were,” Suzie stops Rosey mid sentence “She wasn’t a dog when you were friends.” Rosey mumbles “We weren’t friends more like people who sleep together.” You could see the anger in Rosey’s face, her face was as red as a cup of old fashion Kool-Aid. “What did you say under your breath bitch, ”said Bruce. As the mood grew intense and everyone got awkwardly uncomfortable. Lauren walks into the room and without any hesitation and yells out. “Hey, quick question who's pregnant in this house,” said Lauren. Everyone in the room felt a dark present hovering over them, but no one can tell what it was. “Why is everyone so angry,” said Lauren. Silence fills the room and for a moment you can nearly hear everyone’s heartbeat as constant blood, flows into their bodies. Lauren grew impatient and says “ So is no one going to speak?” Lauren looked at everyone, then proceeded to look in her bag, pulling something out and unwrapped it and shocked everyone. “Whose pregnancy test is this?” While the look of confusion fills everyone's face, but Rosey’s.

Rosey once filled with color became white as snow. Her face looks as if she had left her own body and went with god.  Rosey opens her mouth and says “ Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary, the devil ,prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” John 1:9 Here you go with your religious talking, "said Bruce. Bruce grabs Athena’s hand once again and whispers in her ears “See me later.” Bruce walks out of the living room and slams the back door behind him. Athena holds her waist with a small smirk on her face, she laughs. "Why do you make him do things like that to you, "said Suzie. "Are you kidding me Athena," said Lauren. Athena looks at the both of them," I love him, I must obey, "said Athena with happiness. "Obey," "you must obey," said Lauren. "Are you dumb or just plain retarded,"said Lauren. "Retarded isn't a nice word," said Suzie. Athena still holding her stomach, walks into the kitchen, she looks in the refrigerator for snacks. "Bring me a drink ,"said Suzie. Lauren looks at Suzie and then grabs her hand and pulls her closer to her. Lauren whispers into her ears "she's pregnant." Suzie looks at her and opens her mouth, then closes it. "I know, so is Rosey." They both turn their heads to Rosey. Rosey continued to lose color, then out of nowhere Rosey drops to the floor and passes out.“what was that noise, "said Athena. She comes back into the living room and sees Rosey on the floor. Suzie and Lauren already trying to wake her up. Athena pulls out her phone and calls the police.

First Responder: What is your emergency? Athena: My friend just passed out! First Responder: Is she breathing? Athena: Yes First Responder: Why are you calling me then ? Athena: What? just Dumb! First Responder: What is your skin color ma’am? Athena: Why does this matter? First Responder: What is your color? Athena: I'm White First Responder: Sounds like white people problems! Athena: Please send me help, my friend’s hurt First Responder: I'm hungry, you cooking? Athena I don't care First Responder: I'm sending help now, what's the address? Athena: 2020 Village Farm, 32302


Athena hangs up the phone. “Athena !” said Suzie. “Did you call for help, “Yes their coming. "Lauren looked down at Rosey and began to shake her. “wake up sugar foot,”said Lauren. Athena ran upstairs and into the bathroom and emerged with a towel and a hot rag. Athena ran down the stairs and ran to the living room giving Lauren the towel and a hot rag. Lauren placed the towel under her head and placed the hot rag on her forehead. Suzie looked outside and saw the ambulance. The first responder was a friend, “India”, said Suzie. India ran into the living room with her gear and began CPR. “Tell Robin to come in here”, said India. Suzie and Lauren ran outside. Athena looks at Rosey and feels shame instead of sorrow and she didn't understand why. Lauren and Suzie ran to the ambulance and screamed “Robin we need you in the house," said both of them. Robin licked his fingers filled with donut jelly and wiped his mouth, and he grabbed the bag sitting in the passenger seat then proceeded to the house. Suzie and Lauren looked at each other and rolled their eyes, and ran to the house. India Lifted up Rosey's head and Robin kneels behind India and grabs a needle from the pocket of the bag. He slowly injected the needle with liquid into the left side of her head. The agreement with the angel of death was kept and Rosey was unharmed. After battling with death, Rosey opens her eyes and started breathing heavily. In her mind death became a myth. Rosey looks at everyone, but couldn’t hear anything all she heard was a baby crying and a yell of Bruce’s voice “How could you be pregnant,"said bruce

Twisted Memories

Athena is the only one that could be carrying my child, "said Bruce. Everyone looked outside and notices it's already getting dark. Everyone grabs their things and heads home, Athena and Suzie stay back in their apartment and look at each other. They both go upstairs and go to their bedrooms. Beep-beep a sound of an alarm goes off in Suzie’s head “The next day already” said suzie. Suzie whispers to herself and says “What happened yesterday?’’ “Suzie get the fuck downstairs right down dammit!,” said Mr. Johnson who happens to be Suzie’s father. Suzie looks down, and in her head she constantly hears these words floating; That her parental units have poured into her soul. Suzie your worthless, Suzie your dumb, Suzie your brainless, and moronic. She paced  back and forth in her room contemplating. “Am I really misguided?” Suzie began to hear their repeated judgement. You could almost see the rage and anger build up inside of her, blasting out in a bloody Mary red. She knows deep inside herself she couldn’t find the courage to do anything about it.


Suzie gets a phone call and it’s Rosey filled with tears. “Suzie can you please lend me three hundred dollars and I'll pay you back ,”said Rosey. Suzie still filled with anger says “I dont have the money I'm sorry I can’t.  “I just got kicked out my house, because my parents found out I’m pregnant and I don't know what to do, says Rosey. Suzie hangs up the phone thinking to herself she sends Rosey a text message. The text message said “come to my house, I give you the money.” Rosey looks at her old home and thinks I once had the life of a princess no worries, no responsibilities nothing my best friends was all I had. These moments in my life reminds me of when my mom was here. She always had a meal waiting for me when I came home from fooling around with people that meant nothing to me and now it’s clear they felt the same way.

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