» Thriller » REMOVE, Guillaume Mwamba [best novels to read for students .TXT] 📗

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Never imagine the unseen spiritual warfare would be so tough to me. Every morning when I wake up, I found myself battling for my soul. In fact, we all are into spiritual warfare. Against the unseen enemy, against the principality of the high place, rulers, and high power of darkness. But the only thing which will make us even stronger to stand firm, it is only if we put the whole full armor of God. The Eternal, Everlasting and Living God which is Jesus our Lord. Since the beginning He was before Abraham was born, He existed. He's the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and Last. The Eternal Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

  ‘My faithful prophet, my son Guillaume, I know that you are heartbroken, hurt, confused, and desperate for your friends' betrayal. Loneliness is not a solution. Guillaume, I have loved you since the beginning your day began. I’d love you with a love that is everlasting with faithfulness and wanting for your goodness beyond your furthest dreams. I have a future and a plan for you Guillaume it will melt your heart. To even the smallest measure of care and wonder that is before you within the entrance of my hope. And I will never live you Guillaume as so many have I will never abandon or turn you away. And I love you, Guillaume. I love you. I love you. I love you with all my heart. Continually nothing will stand or separates me from you. For me to reach your heart and give you peace and harmony. If only, if only you can let go fo all your troubles fo seeking for an answer by having doubts in your heart.  And get yourself crush or worst and believe in me. Because I AM the only way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by me…’

   Emerging out of the earth with really sharp teeth, with her eyes turning into the color of gold and back to normal. And another scene appears with swarms of dark smoke, coming to possessed any unrepented or worldly human beings. Has their vessels of course with their eyes turning dark. Following it turning back to normal. That’s where the dream ended with me screaming in suffering.

“Waaaaaah! Such a disastrous dream. They are already here! Legion with their lord are already here bringing calamity upon unbelievers who have repented of their sins to Yahweh!” I shouted.

After I run outside that early morning.

“Ugh! That's was the scariest nightmare!  Jesus who was them? That you showed me in the vision?” I asked while looking up.

  I was still breathing heavily and panting really hard restlessly. Unless I heard a voice coming from heaven.

"My faithful prophet, Guillaume those are Legion coming for the ungodly and unrepented nation. And those whom you hold dearly, shall face torturing and beheading for my name’s sake. The Legion shall take away your friends and loved ones to afflicted to denied my name. You are in spiritual warfare. Henceforth, you must put on my whole full armor so you might stand against them. So art those you hold dearly, once more they are already here get yourselves ready,” says the Lord God.

  “What they are already here? This cannot be serious!” I grumbled.

   Looking at my watch it was five O’clock.

“Ugh, come on. It's just early in the morning and you are telling me that they are here?” I asked still looking up for the answer. “Yeah, we are here and what your God says, has come to pass.” Interrupted the voice.

  Interfering by the voice, when I immediately turn around where I face six of them. With their dark eyes, I saw in my dream, turning back to normal.

  “Well, what shall I call you? Anointed or Messenger what choice do I have for me to call you?” She asked. “Hmmph, well-well, I should know better than it was Abaddon. And why won’t you be a good Legion and turn back where you came from with your minions?” I replied.

Till flaming firing strength boiled in me even strongest.

  “My-my, bravo-bravo, it seems like you just guess my name so magically,” Abaddon said. “And do you want a trophy? Excellent choice. Yup, keep chit-chat. Howdy, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Jealous, and Wrath. Do you really want to do this?” I asked.

  Abaddon snaps her fingers to summoned his Legion to attack me. Has the other two went fishing out Dilly including Kyla from the room they were resting.

  “Oh no, Kyla-Dilly, listen to me Legion if you dare touch a finger on them, I am sure I will terminate you mercilessly,” I warned.

  Lust, Envy, and Sloth attacked me, but I dodged all of their attacks while I sent Lust flung on the tree. Following the other two who went backward. With them coming back with their Blades. Tripping one of them and turned their own weapons against them.

  “Gaaaah!” Lust and Sloth screamed in anguish.

With Envy brought himself to his own death, as I hurried to rescued Kyla and Dilly. Abaddon waved her hand which flung me on the tree that I bumped myself into it really hard. Falling to the ground with my vision kind of nubs and blurry as I watch them vanishing with my friends. Still holding the Blade in my head, I fell unconscious since I bump my head pretty rough.





 I fell unconscious since I bump my head pretty rough and Still held the Blade in my head. Couple of hours I was still on the ground when the Lord called unto me.
  “Guillaume, Guillaume. Guillaume, arise and go save your friends before it’s too late.” Said the Lord.
   Still not moving and I was laying on the floor breathless.
  “Guillaume, arise and go save your friends now!" He called.
    His voice sounded once more like thunder with the loudest whistling sound ringing in my ears. Causing me to quickly woke up, my ears bleed from the whistler sound and wailed in pain.
  “Ouch, that hurt! Stop it, stop it whosoever you are! You are hurting me!” I snapped anxiously.
  Getting back upon my feet, went into my car and hit the road. Focusing my eyes on the road but at the same time looked from side to side for any sign of Abaddon and her gangs. I was been led by the Lord God’s Spirit, still, my ears bleed.
   "Yup, whosoever think that demons don’t exist well they do and they are now roaming amongst in humans form. We can’t see them, but they do exist among us taking humans as their vessels to roam the earth. Roaming into churches to make people sleep and causing any foolish Christians his or her downfall. Oh, Lord, I pray thee to give me strength. So I might fight against my enemies more fiercely and without holding back." I thought out loud.
  When all of a sudden before, I saw a think dark smoke coming on my way fast.
  “What on earth? Come on, Abaddon you can’t be serious? Legions?” I snarled at myself.
  And before I would think twice, the dark smoke came even faster, and whoop my car upside down. Collapsing with the head upside down while I was covered in bruises and was tasking my blood. All of a sudden, the bottom of my car was reaped apart when I saw four Legions looking down on me.
  “Well, well, what do we have here? If it isn’t the prophet going to rescue his friends. How pity to see you don’t know where you would look for your friends so you might save them. However, we know where they are furthermore, there is no way we going to let you pass,” Red teased. “Red? You can’t be saying this. Are you stopping me? Or please step aside or else?” I warned. “Or else what? Or else you will tickle us to death-ugh?” Red grunted.
I whacked her to toasting with my kick. She went to thwack herself on the nearby hotel’s wall, as she tasted her blood.
  “Howdy, Amona, Med, and Canis. You know better than messing up with me is to wish for your death beds.” I answered. “Ah, I should know better than the Messenger is fierce and powerful but he is nowhere in my level anywhere. Therefore, Messenger, I invite you to a duel. Like we always say mano y mano!” Answered Red while calling three of her gangs. “Seriously Red? Uno against tres of you? Come on, you know that’s not fair!” I replied. “Yup, ha-ha, it is fair. And it’s going to be game over for you!” Red growled.
  She snaps her fingers for her three partners who bounce at me. This began in Tucson, AZ where I and my friend usually came to visit us who lived in a humongous house with the girl I mostly like. Furthermore, it was the longest conflict and I was beaten very terribly. Without realizing that I had spiritual Revolvers in my hands. With me realizing all of a sudden holding something, looking down and I was shocked to see the Revolvers in my hands.
  "Huh? What? Revolvers? Where did they come from?" I thought out loud. “Hey, stop daydreaming and fight like a warrior you are!” Interfered Canis.
  However, before she would reach me, I open fire with the bullet piercing through his skull. Canis squealed in afflictions as he collapses to the ground and breath his last. Leaving nothing but the sketchy dark ashy wings on the vessel. 
  After Red, Med, and Amona saw their friend Canis dead, they were furious against me. When they all charged after me, however, I shot my bullets from my Revolvers to all three of Amona and Med. Both of them wail in pain as they fall to the ground. Leaving their vessels and their wings on the floor. Red was left alone without anyone to command against me with anger in her eyes.
   “Howdy, Red so who is next? Have you can see you have been left alone. Henceforth are you ready for the death penalty like you partners or are you going to run with your tail behind?” I asked. “Well-well, very frightening and scary prophet but I am not afraid of you. How about the engagement of mano y mano? To see who is stronger against who?” Asked Red.
    Both of us drop our weapons, getting ready to confront each other, and that’s where the warfare began. I was beaten so terribly at the point I couldn’t move, but when it arrived at the point Red pick up the Blade and was about to pierce through. Yet I grabbed the hand which she was holding the Blade and used against her. Which pierced through her throat who wails in anguish.

“Waaaaaaaaah! This cannot be fair, prophet!” Cried Red. “My-my, sorry Red but it is fair because you and your friends start this warfare,” I murmured.
  Pushing her aside, she left the ashy wings and vessel on the floor.

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