» Thriller » Baby Breath revised, John Andrew Durler Sr. [best short books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Baby Breath revised, John Andrew Durler Sr. [best short books to read txt] 📗». Author John Andrew Durler Sr.

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Sheila Gilberd lived in a small village south of Liestral in Alsace Lorraine. It was 1939 and where she lived was not safe anymore. She just left Doctor Dahmer's office having herself and her eight month old unborn baby examined. When she left his office she started for home, thankful they were both in good health.

While she was at the doctor, gangs of thugs ran though the streets of her neighborhood and village business district shouting, 'Kill the Jews!" Jews are subhuman!" As they ran, they clubbed Jews with baseball bats, steel rods, broom handles, ax handles, and anything they could get their hands on without paying for it. They broke into shops, professional offices, anything that had a Jewish name on it, and many in their fervor any shop or house they wanted to loot. They threw lit bottles filled with petrol, mixed with kerosene through the windows of stores, houses, anything they had a mind to. As the mob gathered momentum an exodus of people ran from their homes and businesses.

Sheila had gone a short distance when she was grabbed from behind. Her heart raced,
Pumping adrenalin into her system. She screamed, but a workingman's glove on her mouth smothered all sound. When she realized she was dragged into an alley she twisted and turned trying to ease his grip. "Jew Bitch. I am going to show you what a German fucking you, is like." Sheila was terrified her baby was going to be hurt.

She knew that voice. It was Hans, a bully, and the father of six sons, all brutal as he was. She remembered a month ago when he pushed her into the alcove of the vacant shoe repair store owned by the Kohan's, her good friends. They fled after it was broken into so many times. Hans said at that time, "Your days are numbered. You and your people will be wiped from the face of the earth." He reached into her coat pocket, took her coins and two francs, spit in her face, and left with a vicious grin.

"Hans, do not do this. Please let me go."

"You remember me, huh. I have been waiting for you. I am glad you didn't leave with the Kohans." He forced her down in the alley, ripped her heavy wool coat off as buttons popped and cracked until he dropped it. He breathed heavy gulps of air as he pulled her gray cotton dress up, ripped her undergarments down around her ankles, and kicked them off with one boot. He spread her legs slipped a glove less hand on her crotch, found an opening, and guided his engorged cock to it. He rammed it in, ripping her flesh as he did.

Excruciating pain shot out from his battering pelvic bone against hers. Concerned about the baby, Sheila closed her eyes and prayed a prayer she knew: "Oh Lord God Help me to rise above this thing inside me. Give me insight in this time of pain and shame from the depth of suffering that may come a deep sympathy for all who are treated as I am now and Lord protect my baby, that he may be born to love and worship you." Her body slowly relaxed.

Hans whispered , "Oh, I see you like German cock." He plunged deeper as his hips pounded against her so hard she almost fainted. His thrusts came faster and faster until he ejaculated in hot burning bursts that revolted her. Her stomach heaved. Yellow and green puke spewed out of her mouth into his face as the remains dribbled out the corners of her mouth.

He raged, jumped up screamed, face twisted in hate and disgust. "You filthy, rotten Jew Bitch!" He kicked her face, her chest, and her belly, picked her coat up and wiped his face with the lining. He pulled her up, threw her face down, and forced his swollen member into her anal cavity, ripping the entry and walls as it plunged inside. He took his time, punishing her with each thrust as she lay there in shame, rage, and revulsion. He ejaculated twenty minutes later, gave her final kick in her side, cracking ribs and ran off. Sheila went into shock.

Twenty minutes later, coming out of it, confused, wracked with pain, her mouth tasted the thrown up breakfast. She heaved again bringing up bile. She felt the baby kick and felt it was not damaged. She wanted to go home to her husband and tried to think how she would tell him she was raped. He was a proud man and would want revenge. She thought about Hans and his tribe and her husband being maimed and killed. No, she would tell him she fell down the stairs of the doctors office. To lie is no sin to protect one who loves you. She managed to stand, trembling and moaning, found her clothes at her feet, dressed and staggered out of the alley and walked a short distance when she saw her next door neighbor running toward her.

"Sarah, please help me. I must get home." As Sarah drew near, Sheila saw her gray eyes were bloodshot, black streaks ran down her cheeks. Her clothes were disheveled, her hair a straggled mess. "Sheila, we cannot go home. Your husband Jacob was clubbed to death. My brothers, sisters, mother and father, all burned alive in our house. The smell of burning flesh and petrol filled the air. I escaped because I was taking clothes off the clothesline when I heard loud chants of, 'Kill the Jews!' I looked up and suddenly the front of houses on our block in flames reaching up past the rooftops. I started to run, and then a gang of thugs came around the side of our house, went to the back and tossed lit petrol bottles through the windows and against the back door. God has forsaken us again, Sheila. We must leave Germany and get to the border of France which is only three miles."

They walked as fast as they could for awhile, dodging youths doing what Sarah described. Terrified, they walked a short distance more in and out of back-yards, alleys, hiding behind shrubs and trees. As they rested behind a growth of heavy evergreens Sarah said, "I am going on alone. We have a better chance if we separate." Without waiting for an answer she picked up speed, turned a corner and was gone. Sheila sobbed in fear and despair at being alone and moved as fast as she was able because labor cramps started. When they got so bad she could barely walk she made her way into an alley and sat down, and held her swollen belly. Six hours later, sweat pored off her strained body, her mouth dry, her womb on fire, she pushed the baby out and with a final effort pushed the afterbirth out after it and rested for five minutes .

The baby hung between her legs. Sheila bent, groped and found the umbilical cord, and pulled it with one hand, and struggled to grab her baby. Out of breath, she stopped, Praying it was alive, got up on her knees and picked him up by his legs, and slapped his butt until he cried and whimpered. She held his belly to her mouth and chewed the umbilical cord until it was free. She picked up her coat, slipped him into it and cooed until he was quiet. She wiped the fluid and blood off of herself as best she could in the darkness of the alley.

When darkness fell she knew she could not make it out of Germany. She also knew a Jew would not survive here, and a Jewish infant would certainly not. Sheila prayed for her son to be strong and to her God to forgive her for what she was going to do.

Weak and Feeling empty inside, she struggled with her religious beliefs. Finding the only answer, she made her way to a Protestant church, wrapped him in her coat and set the bundle by the front door. She banged the door knocker eight times, slipped behind a clump of bushes on the side of the church and watched the entrance. An elderly woman opened the door, came out, looked down, opened the bundle and cried, "Oh my God, a newborn baby is abandoned." She picked the bundle up, looked around, and went inside, saying, "God help and bless the poor woman who left you on Christmas."

Sheila cried silently, shaking with loss, pain and cold. She stayed there for ten minutes, got up, and walked back to the alley where she gave birth, found the corner of a chimney, slipped down by it, and closed her eyes. Two days later they found her frozen body and the star. She was thrown into a mass grave of Jews killed in the riot.
she ripped from her coat. She was tossed into a mass grave with all the other Jews killed
in the last riot.

Chapter 2

Pastor Lipvak called a doctor, had the child examined and then found some baby clothes left over from a rummage sale, wrapped the baby and laid him in a small wooden box. Nearby nursemaids were contacted, and one suitable was selected to feed the baby. Pastor Lipvak named him Esau, after himself. Having no children because his wife was sterile, which he knew, because when he was a young man he got a girl pregnant.

He arranged for a birth certificate, and Sara's child was legally a German citizen. The pastor had many friends, some influential members of the Nazi party. It was a small problem to get illegal documents made legal..

The pastor and his adopted son never got along. Esau Jr. was not liked because he was gentle, smart, and considerate as a child, and could never bring himself to hurt anyone, unlike his neighborhood friends and schoolmates. He would go to a park and read a book while his schoolmates would play soccer or box bare knuckles in the street. They would rove into the Jewish neighborhoods, break windows, and steal whatever was not locked up, or just mug unwary men and women. He did not resemble his parents or schoolmates. He had a large long nose, a high forehead, and full lips, more like the Jews. He gravitated to the Jewish neighborhoods who were gentler and kind. On Wednesdays and Thursdays he would leave school, meet Jewish friends, and bring them food in exchange for teaching him Hebrew, which was taught in secret places, moved to different locations every week. He did not get along with schoolmates, or for that matter, his parents, who hated Jews and wanted them to leave Germany, or be driven out. His schoolmates at the academy despised him, and were jealous of his proficiency in learning German, Russian, French and English languages, able to read, write and speak it, but they did not know he also was versed as well in Hebrew.

Today, He had been brought home by the Headmaster, because he had taken a book written by Adolph Hitler off of his desk yesterday. His parents thought anything written by Adolph Hitler was a catechism to be studied. When the headmaster told pastor Lipvak what Esau had done, the pastor replied, "The boy is a good boy but easily led. He will return the book this evening. It is

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