» Thriller » Freddy's coming for you!, Nyamal Makuac [books to read in a lifetime txt] 📗

Book online «Freddy's coming for you!, Nyamal Makuac [books to read in a lifetime txt] 📗». Author Nyamal Makuac

How it all started


How it all started

That was the scariest night of my life! It all started when my friends asked me to go camping with them. I didn't want to go at first because it was Friday, a very scary Friday. It was Friday the 13th! That's when Freddy Cougar comes lurking around the woods causing mischief. My friends said I get scared easily and I'm a goody goody. So I decided to go. When I got home,I asked my mom if I could go camping with my friends next Friday. She said no. I was thinking of my friends calling me a goody goody. I asked my mom again and said no. I kept on begging and pleading for days and days and she finally said yes!I was so happy I could barely go to sleep. It was like I was bouncing off the walls. I told my friends that I could go with them. We all squealed with delight.

Camping out in the woods on Friday the 13th


I haven't gone camping since I was 7 so I read an article about camping. After that, I went downstairs to get a snack and watch TV. There were 30 more min. until Cortney's mom comes. I got packed up and went downstairs to put on my shoes. Then, I heard a honk(Cortney's mom). My mom told me to be careful before I left. Cortney's mom helped me put my bags in the trunk. When I got into the car, I saw Cortney,Jessica,Maggy,Page,Kendal,and Madison. I also saw Cloe (Cortney's little sister). Before I could ask,Cortney said,shes not coming with us shes going to ballet practice.Cortney's mom dropped us off and took Cloe to ballet practice. Cortney's mom let us stay by our self because we were16 (almost17). 4 HOURS LATER( 10:00pm). We had a water drinking contest. Jessica won, and Maggy was in second place, then Madison,Kendal,me,Cortney then last,Page. We all had to use the bathroom really badly. We all didn't want to use the public bathroom.



Jessica went to the bathroom first. The second she walked outside, she screamed! We all came rushing outside alarmed. Then we saw what she was looking at. The reason I didn't want to go camping in the first place.It was.....FREDDY COUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!We all froze for a second. Freddy Cougar was standing on top of the bathroom roof stroking his long finger nails on his chin. We ran into the tent terrified. He followed us there. He slowly walked into the tent. He said" I guess I'm eating Breakfast early today!!!!! Then pulled a mask off and standing there,was Kendal's brother Cris. We yelled, Cris!!! He started laughing so hard it looked like he was ding.30min later: We went outside again. We saw(a Fake) Freddy Cougar.Me and Kendal Yelled, quit it Cris we know it's you. But Cris was in the tent. We screamed and ran into the tent. And then..........TO BE CONTINUED!!!!


Text: Nyamal Makuac
Images: Nyamal Makuac
Editing: Nyamal Makuac
Translation: Nyamal Makuac
Publication Date: 03-08-2013

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