» Thriller » Shifting, Mountain Lion [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Shifting, Mountain Lion [epub e ink reader .txt] 📗». Author Mountain Lion

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Lanessa- tall, lean, muscular, straight black hair, hazel eyes and pale skin. Tiger form-white with black stripes,pale blue eyes with green flecks, wide paws, razor sharp claws, and a sweeping tail.

Will- tall, lean, fast, wavey shaggy brown hair, hazel eyes and tan skin. Wolf form- white with silver fur, tall and lean, long snout, strong legs and a bushy tail and hazel eyes.

Papa Hojo- Alapha of the Scoshna pack, all black fur, red eyes, bulky musles, REALLY bushy tail and known as Sam- is Papa Hojo, Black, big and hulky, Brown and curly hair and blue eyes

Trisha- short, blonde, curly hair, Brown eyes, caramel skin Wolf form- grey with brown streaks, pearl eyes, large muscles and she is a hunter for the Scoshna pack.

Scooter- shy, dirty blonde, pale skin, and lean and skinny. Wolf form- caramel brown fur, white muzel, great sence of smell, and is a border patrol for the Scoshna pack.

Tony- black spiky hair, pale skn, VERY LARGE musles, Wolf form- black with gray paws and ears, bulky mucles, a cave Guard for the Scoshna tribe.

Kairyn- pale green eyes, hazel hair, peachy skin adn average height. Wolf form- hazel fur with black paws, mazel and tail tip, well built and peach eyes a hunter for the Acama pack.

Killian-  black hair, smirks alot, pale skin, Gold eyes. Wolf form- red fur with white paws, built like a brik house and is alpha of the Acama pack.

Libby-pale skin, green eyes, Dark brown hair and average height Wolf form- Grey and white fur, large musles and lime green eyes.

This Bite

I am Lanessa Summon. I was walking down the hall of Hunters High School like  Bt out of hell, when I crashed into a boy. He smiled and nodded his head when I apologized . Bending down to pick up my stuff I noticed that his sock was bloody. Finishing picking up my stuff I shot up and asked if he was ok. He said "OH my dog must have bitten me."he said twisting his ankel and looking down at it, but I just knew he was lying. Like really man OH my dog must have bittten me who in the world dosn't know when ther dog bites them. I stared at him hard "Do you even have a dog or ya lying about that to." he stared back at me with a nervous gaze. His eyes grew huge in horror and he turned and ran.(I mean like full sprint down the hall) I stood still and watched him run away wonderng why the hell he was runnng away.

When the home bell rang it made me jump, but I quickly recovered and took my time to get to to my locker and shoved my English and Math homework in my bookbag and drove home in my 19187 Monte Carlo with Lizzy in the back. I dropped Lizzy off at her house. I flung open the door so hard that it flew right back shut (now people run from me in fear whats next the incredible Hulk). I flew up the stairs 2 at a time. Running into my bathroom and slamming the door shut I opened the baby blue door to my bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I stared into it... nothing... nothing... about when I gave up my eyes turned a cold, pale blue. (ehat the hell my eyes were Hazel) Stumbling back I tripped over some of my favorite pair of unfortunatley dirty Miss Me Jeans and by the time I hauled myself up there was nothing. I decided to pass it off as staring to long. (awesome now i was delusional) Walking out of the bathroom a searing pain shot through my hands and down into my finger tips. Then guess what happens long, razor, hooked claws revealed them selves at that point I thought I was crazy I screamed my head off and fortunatly my dad wasn't home but I'm preety sure the neighbors could hear. I bolted down stairs and into the kitchen, but things were unusually quiet, normally my mom was making snacks or doing the dished. Then a metallic stench slammed into my nostrils making them flare honestly it knda hurt too. I slowly and cautiously tiptoed around the counter. On the floor lay my mom. I crashed onto my knees and carefully I shook her 

"Mommy.... Mom"  my cries became louder and louder. Hanging my head and closing my eyes I started to bawl, another searing pain shot through me making me cry even harder. When I opened my eyes everything was black white and gray, leaping up to see myself in the kitchen mirror and what do I see I see a black nose, ears and cold blue eyes, just like the ones I saw in the batroom mirror. I was a whit Siberian Tiger. Honestly I thought that I was crazy absoultly insane. I rushed to the home phone and dialed my dads number and it only took me 4 times, he told me to call 911 and I did, my voice was snoty and ful of tears and the lady kept asking me to repeat myself and I didn;t blame her. They preformed an emergency surgery but were to late she had been to far gone already. The sun went down and the cops took my mother and the sun came up. This was a night mare that I couldn't wake up from. 


I went to school, about a week later and didn't say a word to my friends, everybody tried to comfort me but I didn't wan't comfort. 4 class periods went by before I finally saw him, the guy eith the "bite". It felt like a life time. I jumped into the nearest room(which happened to be a cleaning closet) I jurked him in  and when I did he let out a girly suprised yelp. Today he was wearing shorts and his eyes gleamed. "Where is the bite" I demanded, feeling like he had something to do with... her murder. "I don't know and besides why should I tell you I don't even know your name" he snapped. Oh its on buddy! "Fine my name is Lanessa and what is yours Asshole?"I barked. "OH fistey now are we and its William call me Will if we are going to keep talking like this" Will said nonchalantlyreasting his hand on the wall above me. "Get your damn hands off away from me" "OK princess" Will said holding his hands up like he were being arrested. "Your an ass you, now what happpened to the bite" I sid tightlyd "Question mark" Will said walking out of the cleaning room. "Thats not good enough man!" I shouted grabing at his arm him not helping but nocking over the mo  when he just continued walking. The one minute bell rang "CRAP" I yelled. Racing out of the cleaning closet and to my locker and what does my locker do to me, my locker code dosn't work and so what do I do tugg at the handle, only not realizing my strength since my "transformation" I accidentally ripped of the entire locker door "screw it" I said. Picking up my stuff I raced to class deciding to leave my locker door on the hallway floor.


"Hey Nesse" Will said "Why were you so interested in my bite and were it went?"

"like you don't know" I chocked, almost on the verge of tears.

"Can I come over to your house and we can talk about it?" Will asked shyly.

"Uh Why?" I said trying hard not to punch him.

"My dad was murdered the same way 7 years ago, same way your..." Will trailed off saring at his feet.


We walked on past my dads room."Um sweety who is that?"Dad said drily still in bed.

"OH dad this is Will we are going to talk about some homework" I lied

"MMMMM K bye"he said, normakky he would have been out of his room in an instant but since mom he had not been out of his room this whole week.

Racing up stairs Will and I went into my room. We started talking about the murder of our parents

"Why would some one fake a wolf attack in your home"

"And why my mom" I got teary eyed.

"Were you and your mom close?"

"No she was always gone on work but I still loved her"


 Will spotted something out the window like little red lights

"What is that?" he said.

"I don't knoe mabey dod got off his butt and got patio lights."Nope I was definetly wrong about patio lights shirtless man came flying through my window, His skin tan and a devilish smile on his face

"How ya'all doing this evening" he said like a waiterin a huskey accent. I looked back at Will only a silvery white wolf had replaced him and he seemed quite suprised himself to be a wolf. He checked under his feet lifting his leggs. My eyes bulged but inside I was like what im a tiger he a wolf how cool is this. In suprise Istarted laughing and accidently turned tiger.wish I could control the tiger The man sook himself and leaped out the window as a black wolf I wasn't the only one who seemed suprisded at  my transformation. What was Will looken at he's the one who is a wolf. Both me and will raced to the shattered window and stared out at the fight between the black wolf we had just seena and a ragged aubern wolf, there was snarling and blood everywhere. I leaped out the window and hissed like crazy. The black and red wolf stopped and turned to look at me fear shot through me making me turn back human I guess. 

"uhhh can you dudes take this somewhere else" I said i a shaky voice. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Will jump out the window and stand next to me. Then the totally unexpected happened the black wolf cracks up laughing. WTF!!!!

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