Love Thy Friend, Ariane Washington [i can read books .TXT] 📗

- Author: Ariane Washington
Book online «Love Thy Friend, Ariane Washington [i can read books .TXT] 📗». Author Ariane Washington
Diane- will you just leave.
Peter-no not until you tell me why
Diane-peter get out...Beth has seen enough.
Peter- now you'r re worried about Beth, were you worried when you were out there...
Diane-stop it...let me go Peter.
Peter-not till you tell me why..
Beth-dad what the hell are you doing.
Peter-Beth honey I ...
Beth-just leave
Peter-Beth just here me out
Beth-dad just leave the cops are on their way.
Peter-Beth I want you to know that I have always loved your mom...I just want you to know that.
Diane-I'm sorry
Beth-mom I know
(Beth throws rocks at Jena's window)
Jena-Beth...whats wrong
Beth-I'm sorry for waking you up
Jena-no it's okay
Beth-my parents were fighting keeps getting worse and worse
Jena-Beth...look you just have to remeber to be strong for them you want to stay over tonight and you can go to school from here..
Beth-yeah I don't know what I would do with out you
Jena-come on get some sleep and we will talk about it in the morning.
Beth-you are such a good friend.
Next day
Beth-thank you Jena thank you for helping me get through last night...I really needed that...but can you believe it we are seniors now..
Jena-I know it feels great doesn't it?
Beth-hell yeah and the best thing of all no guy trouble.
Jena-I don't know about that.
Beth-lets not bring that up please
Lewis- hey Jena
Lewis-wow you look great
Jena-you do too
Lewis-as good as you I hope
Lewis- ahh I was wondering if you wanted to hang out Friday
Lewis-yeah...okay Friday then
Lewis-see you around
Beth-wow he asked you out
Jena- I know can you believe it
Beth-you aren't going to go out with him are you
Jena-why not
Beth-Jena he dated every girl here
Jena-he did not
Beth-he is a pig
Jena-what are you talking about...
Beth-you remember Jake don't you
Jena-how can I forget
Beth-so Lewis can be the same a matter of fact Jake did the same thing ask me out and then it happened.
Jena-you are right
Beth-I'm just trying to be a good friend
Jena-I know
Approches Lewis
Jena-Lewis can I talk to you for a sec
Lewis-sure what's up
Jean-I can't go out with you Friday
Lewis-what about Saturday
Jena-that's just it I can't date you
Lewis- why?
Jena-long story
Lewis-I'm not in a rush...
Jena-Lewis I just can't...
Lewis-okay...but why did you say yes in the first place
Lewis-you like me
Jena-well yes
Lewis-I'm asking
Lewis-and I like you too so whats the problem...what bad first date?
Lewis-then what is it then....I'm a 100% positive that you are going to have a good time...look I din't think I would be saying this anytime soon but I liked you sense freshmen year I was just kind of nervous to ask you out because you are so beautiful and smart...and I thought a guy like me didn't have a chance with you could understand why I was happy when you said yes.
Jena-why would you think I would turn you down.
Lewis-could you blame me you are amazing...
Jena-that is so sweet.
Lewis-I'm even more sweetier once you get to know go out with me.
Jena-okay...yes (and then he went in for a kiss)
Beth -wow Jena what was that
Jena-he just kissed me
Beth-I saw...Jena what did we just talk about
Jena- I know but...he's really sweet and...
Beth-they all seem that way thats how they trap you.
Jena-wait were you spying on me?
Beth-no...look you know what when he dumps you don't come crying to me.
Jena-that was harsh...I got to go
Beth-wait Jena look I'm sorry.... I'm just trying to be a good friend...I don't want to see you get hurt.
Jena-and I appreciate you for that...but you can't protect me from everything okay...I have to make my own mistakes alright...Beth I want to go out on a date, I want to experience fresh love..I want those feelings...and I'm willing to risk my own...and I know you care but...I like him and I want to find out for myself if he's a good guy are please in the nices way just.... back off alright Beth...Beth
Beth-okay fine that's what you want fine
Jena-okay good we are still going to be friends...Beth come on.
Jena-okay see you later
Beth-what was don't like are just doing this so he could leave you alone...okay...Jena no one will ever love you the way I one will ever hurt you...if he has to di...die then so be it...bestfriends I promise...
Jena-you are so crazy how did you figure that out..
Lewis-I get around
Jena-wow...I'm really having a good time...
Lewis-so that means that I just earn 20 points
Jena-I guess
Lewis-my goal tonight is to leave here with 50 points
Jena-you really think you are that smooth
Lewis-we will just have to what do you like doing for fun.
Jena-wow I'm really boring person...
Lewis-come can't be that bad
Jena-I like to write and play the piano
Lewis-I play the piano too..
Lewis-no I'm kidding
Jena-sense of humor...I see
Lewis-is that a bad thing
Jena-no that's a good thing...I like people who can make me laugh
Lewis-well you are going to love me then...wait that means that I just earned 10 points
Jena-I guess so
Lewis-but I always wanted to learn how to play the piano...will you teach me
Jena-sure just set a date...
Lewis-how about Monday
Jena-sounds great...I love this song
Lewis-I do too
Jena-you aren't just saying that are you?
Lewis-no he's one of my favorite artist
Jena-one of mine too
Lewis-you want to dance just earn yourself 20 points know what that means I got 50 points
Jena-so what is the reward?
Lewis-a big kiss from you at the end of the date
Jena-why wait till the end of the date...
Lewis-I wasn't planning on waiting
ever sense that day we've been dating. He's amazing and so sweet.
I'm so glad that I reconsidered. I didn't think I was going to fall for him as hard as I did, and I'm glad, but me and Beth have been kind of distant and I want to fix it.
Jena-hey Beth
Beth-hey Jena are you okay did he break up with you...hurt you not...Beth I'm falling for this guy
Beth-wow so fast
Beth-I thought you said a guy will never come between us
Jena-Beth he hasn't come between us
Beth-oh really where were you 3 weeks ago when my dad was kicking my moms a**...where were you when Jake did what he did, where were you when I needed someone to talk to...I know where, with Lewis Sanders
Jena-Beth I have always been there for you...I just have a life now but it doesn't change decided to go to Jakes place and don't tell anyone where you are going...I love Lewis okay...and hes became a big part of my life alright be friend and understand...
Beth-goodbye Jena
Lewis-what's wrong
Jena-nothing...nothing just a little problem
Lewis-want to talk about it
Jena-come on talk to me(kisses her on the forhead)
Jena-you knew Jake Collins
Lewis-yeah...the jock
Jena-yeah...what do you know about him?
Lewis-I know he was sent away
Jena-yeah but do you know why?
Lewis-ahh his parents were killed and he moved with his aunt
Jena-not exactly can you keep a secret?
Lewis-yes you are my girlfriend...ofcourse
Jena-okay the real reason he was sent away
Jena-because he rapped my bestfriend
Jena-it's true
Lewis-that's crazy.... well I don't know the guy to well but I know he wouldn't do something like that...
Jena-you didn't here about what happened
Jena-she said he didn't do any time for it...but he and his parents had to be sent away
Lewis-I didn't here about it...well I heard his parents were killed last year...that's all
Jena-that's crazy
lewis-it was all over the newspapper they never find out who did it
Jena-that's weird
Lewis-I know.
Jena-I got to go.
Lewis-wait where
Jena-I need to go talk to Beth...
Lewis-okay call me...
Lewis-Beth what are you doing here?
Beth-I thought I heard Jena's voice
Lewis-yeah she just left she"s looking for you.
Beth-so you like Jena?
Lewis-yeah I really like Jena
Beth-Lewis I See the way you look at me
Beth-you want me don't you?
Lewis-no I'm with your friend
Beth-(kisses him)
Lewis-what the hell are you doing I love your friend
Beth-oh you love her now that you kissed me
Lewis-you kissed me
Beth-lets just see about that
Lewis-you are jealous of her aren't you?
Beth-excuse me
Lewis-you heard me
Beth-take it back
Lewis-you are insane...I'm out
Beth-hey I've been looking all over for you
Jena-same here I wanted to talk to you
Beth-me first....I need to tell you something
Jena-what go go ahead
Beth-yesterday I was looking for you and..... I ran into Lewis and he k...kissed me
Beth-I'm so sorry
Jena-thats crazy
Beth-Jena he didn't even care...have you talked to hims sense last night
Jena-no something was wrong with my phone
Beth-you know I wouldnt do anything to hurt you
Jena-I believe you
Jena-Lewis how could you
Lewis-I've been calling you all night
Jena-you go and kiss my friend
Lewis-she"s lying she kissed me
Jena-why would she lie?
Lewis-I don't know ...Jena I will never do anything to jepordized that...everything we got
Jena-bull**** you are a pig...someone that I trusted
Lewis-you don't believe yourself...why her...why not Amy, Brittany...all the girls and my classes my neighbor who I know for 5 years but no I chose Beth the girl that I'am in love with bestfriend...I called you all night so I could tell you what happened and you didnt answer...but you know something I noticed...Beth has you on a leach...the day I asked you out she convinced you not to go out with me didn't she ...but inside you felt something didn't you thats why you went out with me...but you know where we went wrong...moving to fast I got to go.
Jena-Lewis...Lewis (calls Lewis please call me back so we can talk I'm sorry)
Jena-JakeCollins please...10 seconds later Jake hie it's Jena
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