» Thriller » Violet Scarlett, Beky Cybille [read 50 shades of grey .txt] 📗

Book online «Violet Scarlett, Beky Cybille [read 50 shades of grey .txt] 📗». Author Beky Cybille

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the beta’s mind.

'Can’t we just kill them and get out of here' my wolf scowled back in her bad mood. 'Oh come on it'll be fun' I chuckled.

As we were walking towards the alpha's office I saw the pack members staying back either glaring or giving looks of disgust and curiosity. I glared at them all making my eyes a little red making their stares turned into fear, it was rolling off of them in waves. Much better.

"Can you stop scaring the members" The beta spoke annoyed. "I don’t know what you mean" I said shrugging. He turned around glaring at me.

"What? It’s him who's the intimidating one" I pointed towards Derek who just chuckled "so don’t blame it on me" he just continued glaring at me.

"Besides if you just let us go we wouldn't be here would we" I said seriously. He just turned around and kept walking. No answer? Okay I shrugged and followed him.

That’s it this man's grip is annoying me now. "If you don’t loosen your grip or let me go I will rip both of your hands off" probably not a good situation to be threatening someone I'm in a foul mood, it won’t help if I get anymore annoyed.

The man just smirked at me and tightened his grip. 'He did not just do that' my wolf and I growled out in my head. I stopped walking and turned towards him.

"Hands off me or else your hands will be off of you." I growled feeling my yes turn red but I held it back. My wolf and I don't like the disrespect and my mate going at it, again! He isn't helping.

"Dude you know she will actually do it right?" Derek raised an eyebrow at the man still holding me. He looked into my piercing glare flinching probably wondering if it’s true or not before slowly removing his hand. "Thank you" I turned around and started walking again.

It was then I noticed some of the pack members watching along with the beta and some warriors in defensive stances. I rolled my eyes turning to the beta "Well I want to be out of here as soon as possible." I gestured him to lead.

He stared at me cautiously before walking again tenser this time. These people are such wusses.

We finally got to a door with the word alpha in silver before the beta knocked on the door and entered his buddies pushing us in.

There was a man probably the same age as Trent with black hair and light brown eyes. "Here the rogues alpha" The beta pushed us forward.

"Watch it" I stumbled cached off guard.

"So you’re the rogues who have been giving probl-." He spoke coming in front of us.

"-Actually they led us to these problems so they caused it" I pointed towards the warriors and Beta who growled. The alpha growled at me interrupting.

"Don’t interrupt" he growled. Someone needs anger management. Meh I shouldn’t be one to judge.

"Why are you on-?"

"Hold that thought" I cut him off holding up a finger. I heard Derek muffling his laugher as I listened intently.

It sounded like someone screaming. The alpha growled almost braking my concentration.

"Shush" I put the index finger I held up to him on my lips still listening, Derek was really laughing now.

"You do not tell-" yup that was definitely a scream I thought as I ran towards the window jumping through cutting off the alpha.

"What the- get her!" The alpha ordered. 'Cover me Derek' I linked him. Soon I hear a growl followed by other growls. I love it how he listens without even questioning it.

'Why exactly am I risking my life here?' He asked. Not. 'Because one of their pack members is in danger' I said as I ran dodging tree's hearing others behind me but I was faster.

Soon I smelt the scent of two rogues and two other pack members, one smelled young. I ran into a clearing and saw two girls cornered along with two rogues. "How about we have some fun" One said running his palm down one of the girls face. She looked about 18 or so.

 She spit in his face as the other girl whimpered, she looked about 10, sisters too. The rogue grabbed the older sister’s face roughly "why you little-" and a bunch of profanities.

Wow someone hasn't been getting some, not surprised those man are nasty in more ways than on. I sighed and sat cross-legged on a boulder hiding my scent and aura.

A few minutes later I heard the others coming with my enhanced senses so I made my entrance before they ruined it. "Someone isn't getting some" I commented as the rogue fought the girls to kiss and touch them. I hate pedophiles.

They all turned to me as I released my scent and aura. The rogue's faces turned into smirks.

"Well hey there want to join the fun?" the older one asked. I think I just barfed a little in my mouth. "Depends what kind of fun you're talking about" I shrugged not showing my disgust.

The wolves were closer but they were too distracted by me to even notice. "Oh we'll give you a good time" the other grinned. His teeth were yellow, I mean like really yellow.

"Well now that I think about it" I got up walking towards them. "Maybe I will have some fun" I purred running my finger down his chest.

I looked and saw the girls watching the scene in disgust which soon turned into shock as I put my hand through the man's chest and ripped his heart out.

"Mmm that was fun" I let the heart drop to the ground. I felt the pack was here by now. The other rogue stared at his dead partner before turning towards me. "You’re gonna pay for that bitch." He said outraged.

"Oh I’m not a bitch" I chuckled "besides you promised me a good time did you not?" I tilted my head to the side.

I was behind him in a flash decapitating him. "You can come out now" I turned to where they were.

About 20 wolves came into the clearing including Derek who they surrounded and a bigger brown wolf. Oh the alpha this should be good.

He shifted back quickly putting on shorts. "Why did you save them?" he asked making me realize something, why did I save them?

I don’t know why but my wolf and I had an urge to protect the pack members here. I also noticed how calm and reassured I am here.

Oh no.

"What pack is this?" I asked ignoring his previous question. I really need an answer to this.

The alpha growled but otherwise answered "Dark moon pack"

I froze oh shit.

The pack that I have been avoiding.

One of the original packs.

The pack I was supposed to be in.

Dark Moon Pack.

'I told you to get out of here but noooooo' my wolf spoke 'oh come on it'll be fun' my wolf mimicked me.

'Shut up'


Chapter 6 Part 3



I unfroze and stared at the alpha who was a few feet away.

"Well, it’s been fun but we've got to go" I laughed nervously stepping backwards.

He stepped closer and growled, I growled right back.

He growled again stepping forward. How dare he, I am his alpha. I growled stepping also stepping forward trying to keep my eyes from changing colors and my wolf at bay. We don’t take well in challenges and by my guess neither does he?

He looked angry at me for challenging him, guess what so I am.

He growled louder putting his alpha power behind it, I saw his eyes turning black meaning his wolf close to the surface. My wolf was so close to the surface demanding respect and angry he dared use his alpha power against us.

I growled feeling my eyes turning red. He better back down or else he will be six feet under, literally. He’ll be lucky if he has anything to put in his coffin.

He went to growl again but I growled putting my power behind it making sure it wasn’t all of it. I could feel the other wolves cowering by the force and power of the growl. He was no exception.

His eyes quickly returned to its original color with a fearful look he bowed his head and whimpering.

My wolf calmed at his submission, my eyes returning to their original color. "Don’t ever dare growl at me again pup" I growled at him. And he’s older than me.

He whimpered and I sighed. I looked around and saw the other wolves also bowing their heads in submission.

"Let him go" I demanded referring to Derek, they released him without a word. He walked towards me in shorts only. Which reminds me where did out bags go?

I sense someone coming and glanced at the direction of the pack house. A woman burst through the clearing, I could see the resemblance between her and the alpha.

She's not a wolf but I feel great power from her including ones of a Luna. What is she? It’s on the tip on my tongue. "Merideth, where are you going this is dangerous." A man burst throught the clearing. I sense his alpha aura around him and he resembles the current alpha.

They were his parents, but what are they doing here. Also, Merideth, Merideth where have I heard that name before…….

Damn she's a-

"I sensed a great power here" She spoke coming closer to me. I growled warningly but she just ignored it coming closer.

"Mom what are you doing?" the alpha asked frantically.

"Merideth stay back" her mate called out. She ignored them both and kept coming towards me while I stepped back. Derek stared in shock.

I never backed down this was weird behavior from me but if he could remember who she is better yet what she is.

My back hit a tree as Merideth came closer. I growled in warning again but nothing really happened she just kept coming.

I heard growls and saw the pack trying to interfere but they were held back by a force. Damn smart-

I was cut off by a hand touching mine, her eyes widened as we made contact. Damn she knows.

Then her eyes changed into disbelief then determination, I felt the air shift towards her. What is she doing?

Suddenly I felt my wolf coming out, I tried pushing her back but a force was pushing her to the surface. She was forcing me to shift!

I tried to stop it but it was no use. I felt my eyes red in anger and my wolf coming to surface.

My nails became claws at my teeth became canines, this was like the first shift over again, doesn't hurt as much but it hurts nonetheless.

My fur began sprouting out and my spine cracked. I was trying to stop it but it was no use. "Damn witch" I spat at her before giving up. I dropped on all four fully shifted into my pure black wolf and red eyes.

Everyone in the pack gasped. "I don’t believe it” the alpha gasped.

I shifted back facing her “damn witch I was so close." I mumbled but I know they heard with the enhanced senses. I was so close to getting out of here that witch! Seriously she is actually a witch.

"The black wolf, our alpha returns" the alpha bowed along with the pack members. "Merideth how did

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