» Thriller » The Unknown, Lara Grellner [popular romance novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Unknown, Lara Grellner [popular romance novels TXT] 📗». Author Lara Grellner

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A new sensation


My legs got heavier with every second i was running more, at first i could hear that Thing right behind me, but now its gone at least i thought so.
After what felt like Hours to me i couldn't run anymore i didn't want to die like this but it was just not possible.

I stopped trying to catch my breath, i put my hands on my knees and crouched down i didn't want to get seen by it and i honestly couldn't stand anymore either.

,,It hurts"i said after cursing myself for never being up for any Activity that involved Sport in the past.
In the end i sat down, i just had to it felt so much better for my legs.

And then i listened, it was so dark and the Trees were so close to each other i almost didn't see anything at all.
So i just listened, i heared Water, probably a nearby River, Birds, the Wind, and then suddenly the noise of breaking Wood.
I stood up almost falling, from my legs being to weak i got panic, turned in all directions trying to figure out where the sound came from.
,,I just cant.."i whispered while a tears run down my cheeks,, Why me?" and again that sound louder almost near, breaking Wood, Footsteps, the horrible sound of breaking

That Thing.
It Followed me all the way here?
I couldn't get my Mind straight i was too scared. Now that i look back at it i think i was never that scared in my life than it that exact moment.
I was also not the person to cry but in this situation and with knowing now what would be ahead of me, I was right to Cry.

I tried to get used to the Darkness.
And even after that it took me way too long to decide which Way to go since it was just too Dark, everything looked the same, for God's Sake i couldn't even remember that this Forest was so Big.
I heared them all the time while looking around trying to decide where to go, the noises i mean coming nearer and then suddenly nothing.

I tried to breath without sound, i began shaking in the moment the Noises stopped, my Finger formed fists, and the wind felt colder than before.

I closed my eyes to scared of what i could might see, i slowly turned, my feet felt like they were out of Stone i had trouble lifting them.
When i was fully turned, i slowly opened my Eyes, that moment didn't last long and in a second i felt a Hand on my throat, lifting me up from the Floor.
Tears came out of my eyes, i couldn't breath so i struggled grabbed his Hands with mine, trying to get some air.
That was the first time when i looked him straight into the eyes, and i was scared to beyond from what i saw.
Holes, darker than anything i had ever seen, just holes i couldn't see eyes in there and at this point i would even believe he didn't have any.
His deer Skull was broken on a lot of parts and bloody feathers of Raven were hanging around his neck.
,,Why me?" i coughed trying to keep my eyes open, my voice just a whisper.

His grip was loosing and i fell to the Floor, i tried to get the air into my Lungs they so desperately needed.
,,You.. Are.. unfaithful"he said with his horrible voice that sounded like someone run over a chalkboard with a Knife.
I don't even know how i understood him my eyes hurted every time he spoke.

My vision was blurry, i still tried to catch my breath so i figured out that running was no option.
And then i remembered, i still had the Knife.
I was still laying on the Floor my back facing him, i slowly reached into my pocket, making sure he didn't see what i was doing, grabbed the Knife, i stood up slowly.
I have one chance i thought to myself and turned around as fast as i could and striked my Knife right at him, and i didn't miss.
The knife now looking out of his shoulder, made Blood come out of the Wound as i pulled it back and took a few stapes back, my Hands felt warm from the sensation of someone else's Blood on them.
For a moment i almost Smiled, celebrating my tiny victory but he didn't seem to care he didn't even try to strike back at me and he didn't even move when he could have stopped me easily in what i was doing.
And i knew he could have, i reached to my throat, i knew how strong he was.

When i looked at the Hand i just touched my throat with i saw his Blood, dark, thick dripping from my Hand, i felt my eyes slowly closing and the last thing i saw was him coming to get me.


The Mine


I remember that when i woke up the first thing i saw was the Sky.

Darker than anything i ever saw, and at the same time so bright that it almost hurts my eyes.

I saw the Stars, hundreds of them, didn't feel anything, my head felt clouded and slowly all the Pain i was feeling started to creep back inside my Body.

When i managed to fully open my eyes i realized i was moving.
Every part of my Body did hurt, felt sore and i felt like i was about to puke.

Even though my Head felt heavy i was able to look up and i was able to make out that i was being dragged by that "thing" that i attacked  earlier.

My legs were tied with some sort of rope, like my Hands too.
That's when the Fear started to creep back into my Mind and Body and made me almost crazy, I felt like I was on the edge of Insanity.
Tears started coming out of my eyes and clouded my sight for a moment.
He was walking slow, like he was dizzy, i heard his breathing, and the sound of clicking what a horrible sound that was.

I managed to look over my Body, the possibilities, but all i saw was that i was hurt, cuts, and bruises everywhere.
It was no use, i couldn't keep my Head up anymore i had no strength.
I looked in the Sky again, crying of Pain, of every branch that hit me every Stone that cut my Arms or my Back.
And was it worth it?
That's what i thought in that moment.
That question just rested in my Mind like it was making itself a Home.
,,No" i said as tears were rolling down my face.
,,NO" i screamed louder.
,,I'm not supposed to end up like this!"
I screamed louder, with every word I creamed i cried more screamed louder let all my Pain out.
I yelled desperately.
I pulled my Head up again to see that this "Thing" that was dragging me couldn't care less.
,,I SAID NO" i yelled as i started wiggling and turning and moving as hard as i could while hoping i could escape him.
I continued and continued until i came to the realization that it was over.
He was too strong.
I'm too weak.
Maybe i deserved this, I thought again.
I could see that the Sky slowly turned brighter.
Did we walk all Night? I started getting panic it was hours ago i robbed that Store, by now the Police was probably there.
And still i run all Night further and further into the Woods, no none would find me here.
I looked around tried to get a glimpse of what was ahead of me and to my sides.
Every time i tried to turn to look back he dragged be back into place and made a growling noise that terrified me.
And then i saw it, i almost couldn't believe my eyes i felt Tears of happiness run down my face.
I could see the edge of the Forest and behind between the Trees a House.
I couldn't spot more it was too far in the distance and my eyes weren't that good.
But that's all i needed to let some Hope spark inside of me.
,,HELP" i yelled
I yelled as loud as i could fixing my eyes on the House.
I was still being dragged that's all i needed to know to know for sure he didn't care about me yelling and that was my chance.
Tears run down my Face and i wanted to give up when i heard it,, HELLO?"
My Heart didn't beat for a second, the Forest turned quiet, you couldn't even hear a Bird.
That's when i realized that when i heard that Person... He did too.
I turned back to him too see him starring at me.
I started shaking, i had to decide now, if i would yell now i would have a chance of getting that guy from the House to notice me, but on the other hand that Thing looked like it was ready to rip my Throat out.
I slightly moved since i was nervous and scared.
My eyes still fixed on that Monster.
In the moment i moved he did too, i turned fully to me, now he was standing at the end of my Feet starring at me.
Now or never i thought.
Everything went to fast, i turned yelled
and in the next second he was sitting on top of me Holding my Mouth closed with his enormous Hand.
My Face was still turned to the left my eyes opened in Fear, with tears running down my cheeks.
I couldn't and i wouldn't face him.
From the corner of my Eye i could see that he moved his Head closer to mine.
I felt his breath on my Neck, and his weight on my Body.
Please... Please i hope someone heard me.
I started crying and closed my eyes, scared of what would happen.
When i heard that i opened my eyes and turned directly facing that thing.
Then i looked up cause i heard Ravens, dozens of them flying in the Sky.
The Parking lot
My Mind brought me back to the moment i saw him standing there.

That Thing suddenly pressed on finger on my Lips like he wanted to signal to me i should Shut

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