» Thriller » The Unknown, Lara Grellner [popular romance novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Unknown, Lara Grellner [popular romance novels TXT] 📗». Author Lara Grellner

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Unlucky Day

Monday 22.november 2017 in Maine.

A cold Monday to be specific, but that wasn't really something new here in Augusta.
The beautiful and completely boring

And i had to endure here, alone.
Not that i wasn't used to it, my Parents died when i was 7, and somehow i found my way.
I don't remember much from my childhood if you can call it that, i was a little runaway Girl, i didn't want that they put me on display to "sell" me to another Family.
So i decided i had to go my own way and that's what i did.

I never regretted it, they only thing i missed was well the money, i had to deliver Pizza almost all night and day on the weekend from a disgusting delivery Service just to be able to eat the heavenly good Pancakes in the "well served Dinner" in my Town, but i would call it worth it.

I even joked sometimes about robbing a Bank, but i guess i wouldn't be able to put that one off.

I lived in a one Room apartment and i had everything i needed i guess but still not enough to go trough a Day without having to worry about what i am gonna eat and what will be left after it.

And i hated it so i made a really wrong and questionable decision.
That's why i was standing on a Parking lot in the middle of the Night, alone, no car in sight i choosed the one near the Forest on purpose cause almost no one used it, not even the lights were working, the only thing well lit here was the kiosk in the middle of the old Parking lot.
The kiosk i was about to Rob.
Yes i just actually ended this thought the first time and i didn't like were it brought me.

When i look back on it now i maybe should have choosed another Path, maybe looking for a better Job if possible or just work 2 jobs at once.
But as it was now i was already standing here, checking my pockets to see if i have everything i needed.
Black Ski mask (check) i know that was a bit of a movie kinda thing but i didn't know what else to use honestly.
Flashlight (check) if needed.
A knife (check) i didn't actually wanted to hurt someone but maybe i needed something to look a bit more dangerous even when i would never use it.

And that was it, more didn't fit anyway,
I pulled my shoulder long blond Hair into a tiny bun on the back of my head so my hair didn't bother me, i fixed my dark green parker and looked at my Shoes to see if they are tied real good, the last thing i wanted was to fall over my own feet, something that btw happened far too often to me.

So i reached into my pocket and got the Mask out, pulled it over my Head, and here i was ready to Rob a Kiosk.

When i made my way over the Parking lot, i looked around to make sure that really no one was watching me, as i approached the well lit Kiosk i saw the Red sign glowing his way into my sight "24 hours open", sounds like something the Girls from my Highschool should have written on there Head.
I couldn't shake away the Smile on my Face, gosh i hope no one saw me.


What has to be done


I made my way to the Kiosk, with every step i came nearer to the Door i heared my heart pound louder in my Chest, and when i touched the Door i thought it would Stop and then.. Nothing.
Not even a Bird chirped, the Tv inside the Kiosk worked but it only showed Pictures of the News no Sound at all, not even the Door made his Signature sound you hear when you enter a Store or a Diner here.
,,Weird" i said taking a deep breath that froze in the minute it left my Lips and turned into mist coming out of my mouth, it was freezing in here i thought to myself as i entered the Kiosk.
,,Hello?" i said slightly louder to see if anyone was there, no response.
,,Where the hell is everyone and why is it so quiet" i couldn't figure out what i thought was more weird, the absolute and threatening silence or that no one was around but everything was perfectly running in here.

I looked around to make myself a better Picture of my Situation, on the left of my the counter, behind it lot and lot of Booze and Cigarettes, i guess that was the" adult" section, i looked around further, a lot of magazines, 2 table to stand to probably drink Coffee or something, and straight ahead of me the Toilet.

I thought to that whoever runs this place is probably on the Toilet so i walked up to the Door and listened to see if i was right, and.. Nothing i grabbed the handle and pushed it down, the Door opened and the Toilet was empty.

,,Okay now i am officially Confused" i said and turned around, at this point i long forgot why i came here in the first place, everything was just too weird, even if that would have been the best opportunity ever.

I walked up the Counter and behind it, there was a Door leading to what i thought was kind of a Storage Room and i was right, but even here no one.

I turned in my tracks and was no exactly in front of all my Problem Solver, Money.
I hesitated a moment since all that seemed to weird to me but i had to remember why i came here, i had to do this.

So i did it i filled what was left of my pocket space with money i guess it was not much but for me the World.
I didn't want to bring a bag that looked to suspicious to me.
And yes i know I'm wearing that Mask but who can judge me i did this for the first Time.
When i couldn't fit anything anymore in my pockets i stopped and closed them to make sure nothing fell out.

I made my way back to the Door of the Kiosk and looked one last time back i don't know why, but maybe it was because i couldn't believe what i was doing right now.

I opened the Door pulled the Mask off and started walking a bit fast i almost jogged my way towards the end of the Parking lot, i just wanted to leave.

And right when i was getting used to the Silence, Birds no Ravens dozens of them flew over the Parking lot coming out of the Woods, the sudden cries of them let me freeze in my tracks and i almost fell,,Jesus that scared me" i whispered looking into the Sky.




Still looking into the Sky i stand there, seeing how the Sky colored itself even more than it already was from all the Ravens flying there made me feel like someone watching me.

I looked down to look over the Parking lot i tried to hold my Arms close to me since its gotten cold and the feeling of being watched didn't really make this whole situation better.
When i looked around i realized i wasn't alone, and that was it when it hit me, that's why i felt watched what if he saw me.

A bit in the direction i was going stand a Guy at least i thought it was a man, under one of the Street lights of the lot, the light was flickering and he just stood there i couldn't see his face neither any other features it was too dark.

I didn't know why buy something about that person made me want to Run away, let's call it Instinct.
He just stood there not moving, it looked like he was shivering or shaking.
But else than that no movement.

I had to get passed him, i didn't want to go through the Woods so that was my only way.

I had to keep my Cool i was almost out of the Parking lot, so i decided that i would just walk past him.

I started walking forward again, but with every step i made towards him, my Heartbeat got faster, my Skin got colder, it felt terrible wrong what i was doing.

And then just 3 meters from him, i stopped.
I could see him now, i was frozen, i didn't move anymore, i barley realized i was shaking now, all i saw was him, a Man, tall,
All that didn't scare me, what scared me was that he didn't look Human.

He wore what i think was Animal fur, over a weird cloak that had seen better days, the cloak was dirty ripped and most of all full of Blood, so were his Hands, his whole Body was covered in fresh Blood except his Face, i couldn't even see it, he wore a Skull on his head, and it was definitely not a human Skull looked like a deer.

Just to look at him standing there under the broken light not moving but twitching, gave me the shivers and i knew that was my moment to make a Run for it.
I took a step backwards, what resulted in him instantly turning his Head to me with a horrible sounds of Bones breaking.
And then i heared the most horrible voice i ever did in my life,,Un.. faithfull" he said as he began to twitch harder and shake his Head.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, at this point i was just shaking, i turned in my tracks almost fell and started to Run into the Woods.

The last thing i heared after i started running were horrible fast and inhuman footsteps following me, and they approached fast.

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