» Thriller » LEGIONS 7, Guillaume Mwamba [interesting books to read .txt] 📗

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for them whosoever they are.” Clarence said with confidence. “Humph, I hope so,” I murmured out loud. Clarence stood up and marched back to her camping site, leaving me alone in doubts and confusion once more. Elsewhere a young graduate university mixed African-Chinese woman was on her way to the camp, but she didn’t know where the camp was located.

For hours, she’d been driving without any rest. And at the same time, she was looking at the map while driving on the desert and dusty road. “Hmm, let’s see where could the camp be located? I cannot find around here and I am so hungry that I could eat a horse.’ Magdalene thought out loud. Back to our camping site, I saw a small car park in the restaurant parking a lot. Have I seen a young African man coming out of it? He was about twenty or maybe my age. I saw him opening the door and coming in. “Hi, my name is Pete McLane,” he would introduce himself to us all as Pastor Matt shook his hand. Magdalene continually looked on her map for a while when she was interfered with by a phone call. She picks up the phone and answered it. “Hello, papa, how are you?” She asked with excitement. “I am fine. What about you and have you arrived at the camp yet?” Magdalene’s father asked. “Nope, I haven’t but I am still looking for it,” Magdalene said. “Okay, drive safe and I hope to see you soon!” Obed Magdalene’s papa said. “Yes, see you soon, papa.” Said Magdalene. At first, Magdalene and her father were having a good conversation, unless the voice in their phones began breaking that they couldn’t understand each other. “Hello-hello, papa can you hear me? Because I can’t understand what you are saying on my phone.




Therefore can you repeat what you are saying?” Magdalene shouted as loud as she could. Still, they couldn’t understand each other, Magdalene angrily turn off her phone. “Ugh, goodness-gracious, I can even hear what my father is talking to me on my phone! Stupid airline Internet!” She grunted anxiously. Putting her phone down, pick up her map, and was looking at it once again. Somewhere I was laying down on my bed that same morning and in my dream, I have another frightening nightmare. I saw the same being I saw in my first and second dream attacking people who didn’t have the seal of God on their forehead. Legion was charging after the ungodly and unrighteous generations. Some of them were been turned into vampire-like beings those that didn’t have been sealed by God. When they have been bitten by Legion, they suffer massive and unbearable pains. Then I saw a young lady and on her forehead was a sealing of God. Saying, “son of man, they are here for those who are not sealed by God. Tell all your fellow brethren in Christ, to be prepared because they are coming like huge swarms of flies. And their bite of these Legion is very massive unbearable to handle.” The woman said. After this dream, I woke up panting and breathing heavily.  Going out as fast as I could and bumped into Matt the youth pastor. And I went falling backward after losing my balance as Pastor Matt ask me what’s the problem. “Th-they are here!” I gulped. “What’s here?” Matt asked.  “Something sinister and holocaust for those who don’t have the seal of God on their forehead. Tell everyone here to make things right with God, forgive them who they are holding grudges against.

   Repent of their sins and be cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus. Has for those who haven’t accepted Christ as personal Lord and Savior, tell them to do right now. Or else distraction will come upon them like a wrathful affliction which they will not escape from it,” I said what the Lord showed me in my vision. Pastor Matt was on little bit surprised but he listen very carefully to the message coming from the Lord God. He walked way back inside and gather everyone and was told was telling them to massage exactly what the Lord God Almighty spoke through me. I stayed outside panting and gasping for breath because I was really afraid. And the Holy Ghost of God was still burning inside my heart furiously with the rage of fire. I went back while Claire was still wandering all over the campsite, looking for me. Continually in the front of our camping site’s territory front yard, seems like a restaurant out of a desolate and dusty road of Tucson, AZ out of nowhere. Magdalene was looking for the camping site on her map as she stares from side to side for any restaurant for a little lunch to satisfy her hunger. When all of a sudden looking to her right side, she spotted the restaurant in the sandy desert. “What? A restaurant? Ah, finally it is lunchtime because I need to stuff my stomach!” Magdalene thought. Turning her car’s wheel to drive towards the restaurant. Reaching its parking lot in time, getting out of the car, and saw Claire with a bag of trash in her hand. Magdalene rushed towards Clarence with her map for help then she can stop by the restaurant for lunch to satisfy her starvation. “Excuse me, excuse me, ma’am? Can you please help me?” Magdalene called. ‘Ma’am? Where did that come from? Besides I am not that old!’ Clarence thought out loud. Yes? What seems to be the problem?” Asked Clarence. “Well, seems like I am looking for a Youth Ministry Camp, but I don’t know which place it’s located on this map. Clarence threw the trash bag into the trash can and come back to her. “Hmm, let’s find out! Ah-huh, I believe you have already arrived at your destination, sister. “I have?” She asked back. “Yes, you have. Hi, my name is Clarence but you can call me Claire in short.“ Clarence introduced herself. 

    “Nice to meet you and I am Magdalene Long. I accept Christ, baptized by water and by Spirit. Therefore I am hungry and thirsty for the Word of God,” Magdalene said in excitement. “Yeah, that is very good!” Clarence answered. “Claire, who are you talking to?” I interfered. “Um, to just this young lady by the name of-,” Claire’s sentence got shortened by me. “Magdalene Long, right?” and welcome to the Youth Service Camp, besides we were hoping that you wouldn’t come!” I said. “Well, I am here. Aren’t I?” Magdalene asked back. “Of-of course!” I stammered. Both Clarence and Magdalene laughed hard because of the way I was stammering as they rush inside the camp’s restaurant.






Publication Date: 02-01-2022

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And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. Revelation 9:5 KJV

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