» Thriller » The life I live, Margaret [free romance novels .txt] 📗

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stood straight up. If that wasn't enough, the cold chill that went up her spine, and then back down repeated like a Yo-Yo. She looked up at the women who she'd just now take the time to look at. But her eyes refused to look at the women up close, so she looked up at were the sub had written her name. The name was in super fancy cursive, and it was killing her eyes. She felt bad for the kids with dyslexia.

If it was hard on her eyes, they must want to shoot bullets thru their eyes. Her name was . Emily made a few notes on their substiutute. Obviously, she wasn't married. "Not surprising." Emily thought. And if you separated the letters in her name and made words, and added an "n" it would be: Ms. Mean-Anger.

Emily fought the urge to laugh, but when she looked back at her substitute teacher, she didn't have to fight that urge much longer. was a bulky woman with green brown eyes, and hair that looked untrimmed, so it was in a very tight bun. "That's Do-'it-your- self plastic surgery for ya." Emily thought. took a step back from Emily, and scanned her cruel looking eyes over the class. "Now Children! Your teacher Mrs. Robinson has suffered a major heart attack. And I shall be your substitute until she is well enough to take on you miserable little Brats!" announced with a large bellow that looked like she had stored in her lungs for five years. "You haven't even known us for 5 minutes. Much less said "Hello, and how was your summer?" The bell hasn't even rung! The school year hasn't even started. And I don't know what you think you're doing whipping that stick thru the air like it's a baton. You can't hit us, unless you want to be in the state prison for oh I don't know, 30, 40 years? But I'm sure you've been there before." Emilyrealized she was talking to herself. "Oh wow, my family really HAS driven to the point of insanity." She thought.

"Now than. I will expect nothing than less than perfect from you all! I find names unimportant, so I shall assignee you all numbers!" staled up to her desk, looking as if she was going to do a body slam on it. Instead, she picked up not card. "This stack of cards has numbers 1-23." She said. Than Zim made a grave error. "Excuse me ? There are 30 kids in this class, not 23." Zim used his most polite voice. It wasn't insulting; it was just a claim statement. Plain and simple, nothing to it. To a normal person it would have been at least.

"Are you back sassing me?" was yelling at poor Zim. "N-no Ma'm." Zim stammered nervously. "Oh, I think you were! Out to the hall with you young man!" glared hard at Zim. The order fell on Zim's deaf ears. He'd never been sent out in to the hall, and he hadn't even planed to. "I said NOW!" yelled again, and to reinforce this, she cracked her long pointer stick on her desk, so hard it scratched it.

Zim jumped from his seat, and ran in to the hallway near in tears. These women had scared him. Threatenedhim with a stick! "Zim." Emily said standing up, and preparing to go out in to the hall and comfort Zim, who was probably crying in to his hands by now. "You, Girl! Sit down!" yelled glaring at Emily. "Okay brain, now would be a good time to be all heroic, and stand up to the teacher, and go help Zim!" Emily told her self. But there was something about the tone in voice that made Emily sit down.

After the period in hell had ended the students emerged from the classroom. Their vision was blurry, and some of them stumbled on their own feet. Emily was the last to leave. When she came out, Zim was sitting on the ground, his face buried in his arms that were wrapped around his knees. Emily bent down next to him. "You okay, Zim?" she asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Zim mumbled something, but it was unrecognizable thru his sniffs, and minor sobs.

"Com'on Zim, I'll walk you to your next class." Emily offered him a hand. Zim looked up in awe. Emily never took any interest in him like this! "O-okay." He managed, taking her hand in his. Emily pulled him up to his feet. Emily pulled out her schedule; she still had it because she hadn't memorized it yet.

"I have Math next, you?" she asked. "Social studies." Zim answered sadly. Emily smiled at him. She knew he liked her; it was way too obvious not to know. They walked with each other, side by side. When they reached Zim's social studies room, Emily left almost immediately as Zim stopped at the door to his classroom. Zim on the other hand, lingered by the doorway biting his lip slightly. He went in to the classroom reluctantly when the bell rang.

Emily walked in to her next class, which was just two doors down from Zims classroom, Social studies. It had the word "social" in it for a reason. Emily entered the room, and a frown formed on to her face in disgust. Casey Alinger was smacking her gum, and all ready her book bag looked like a hurricane, and tornado combined with an earth quake all wrapped up with a volcano explosion had erupted in her bag. None of the students had even needed their book bags at all for the first two periods of the day, but still Alice had managed it. The teacher wasn't in the room, because she's gone to get coffee. Now before I go on let me explain Emily and Alice's history.

Casey and Emily had been BEST FRIENDS. They shared everything together, sat with each other on the bus, had the exact same schedules ever since the 6th grade when they had just been scared little 5th graders entering a whole in dimension of back breaking book bags, and eye stinging home work that took five hours to complete, and another thirty minutes to check over. They had managed to substitute for one another's weaknesses. Emily was a human calculator, and Casey could read the world's biggest dictionary cover to cover. They needed each other to not fail classes, so homework had held them together from the 6th grade right to the middle of the 7th grade year. That's when Casey gave up on the friendship. She knew her math all most as much as Emily did, maybe even better. She'd only been Emily's friend to pass the grade year after year, and when Emily found out about her so-called BFF, she too gave up on the friendship, and now the two we both mortal enemies. Casey made up horrendous lies to try and make Emily look like the bad guy, and Emily stuck to the facts. The complete opposites no longer attracted.

Emily took a seat in the front row, and sighed deeply, and blew a stray piece of her blonde hair away from her face. Casey smiled and her EX best friend. She began to think up new ways to irritate her, and new insults multiplied by the thousands in her head. If Emily had been a mind reader she would have made Casey bite her tong with her own set of insults. Then the teacher came in to the room and smiled brightly at all the students. She introduced herself, a much nicer introduction compared to .

Chapter 2

Smooth and steady may have a soft surface, but if you slide off the path the edges are like daggers.

The rest of Emily's day went rather smoothly, but she could hear voices, screaming at students for acting anything shy from perfect. That woman was loud, and unfortunately, she was proud of it! Since Emily lived so close to the school, she walked home. Emily liked walking home. It gave her an open opportunity to have 5 to at latest 20 minutes to just be by herself. Just her and her thoughts. There was all ways the occasional someone to talk to, but she was more comfortable walking to her house alone. The time she spent alone was all ways guaranteed to have a rude noise to rupture her beloved silence.

When she did come home Charlie, and her sister Katie were running all over the house, trying to fly a kite in doors. Emily smiled, and as her brother ran by her, she ruffled his hair. She almost joined in their fun, but then remembered. "Ugh," she thought with a groan. "While they turn the house upside down, I get to do 5 hours of home work." It really wasn't 5 hours of homework it was just a little less than maybe 30 minutes. Emily went up to her room, and unpacked her first day back from school homework. It was mostly made up of things they learned last year, a review work sheet, and then a study guide to complete, a minor book reports on 'To Kill a Mocking Bird'. Emily hadn't even known that there was such a book with such a credulous title, but her teacher claimed it to be a classic.

The book report was due by Friday, two weeks from now, and Emily counted herself lucky that the teacher had been convinced by a boy name Henry, to read the book out loud, at least two chapters a day. Unfortunately, the teacher was not at all a good out loud reader. And that drove Emily crazy. She figured that she would end up just asking if she could go out in to the hall way and read to herself. Hopefully the teacher would get the message. Emily started reading her copy of 'To kill a mocking bird' she'd gotten from the library. After the first few pages she gave up on the book. She didn't like it, and it wasn't getting better.

Instead of throwing it against her wall, she set it down gently on her bed. She worked thru the math rather quickly, and her reading homework was Greek. It was asking her to translate Greek! That evil teacher had assigned her homework on something she knew nothing about! None, zip, zero, zilch. Wait, maybe this teacher was testing her.

Maybe she wanted to see if they knew any Greek, she could call everybody in the class and tell them to use goggle translator, and then maybe they could skip the whole subject entirely. Naw, Emily wasn't much in to lying, most of the other kids in her reading class wouldn't have thought twice.

More than likely the teacher would be so happy they knew Greek, and make them do class work on Greek stuff. That would be the death of all of them all, and poor Zim couldn't afford lying to , he was all ready on her bad side. If there was any different side to her other than the evil, children eater one. Emily put her Greek homework aside. She didn't have any social studies, or science. What a relief that was. Emily glanced at her clock. It was only 8:30, ugh.

The monsters were, and had long since 6 or 7'Oclock been in bed. Emily sighed and went to her closet, and picked out some silky P'J's and put them on. She collapsed on to her bed, and snuggled up under the covers. She fell asleep within 5 minutes, but then shortly afterward, her Mother was shaking her awake. Emily was still half asleep, but she sat up. "Huh. What." Emily was soon as awake as she was going to get at 2 in the

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