» Thriller » The life I live, Margaret [free romance novels .txt] 📗

Book online «The life I live, Margaret [free romance novels .txt] 📗». Author Margaret

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morning. "Sweetie." Her Mother began. "Something's gone wrong. Terribly, terribly wrong." Emily's eyes closed, and reopened slowly. "What is so terrible that you woke me up at 2 in the morning?" Emily asked wirily.

She could see her Mothers faces sadden. "Mom, what's wrong?" she asked again. "Your friend Rodney…" she began, but Emily cut her off. "Oh, you mean Zim." Emily said. "And he's not a friend, he's just somebody I know, and bump in to from time to time at school. But what about him?" Her Mother bit her lip, and acted as if she didn't want to say it any more. "Rodney, I mean Zim…. was murdered tonight." Her Mother finished, and paused, as she awaited Emily's reaction. Emily's mouth dropped open.

Her heart stopped for a split seconded, and then began to race double time.

She couldn't believe it. While she was snug in her bed, Zim had been breathing his last breaths, struggling for his own life. On the day that the meanest teacher in the entire world had yelled at him. When she took a breath in it was a wheezing kind of sound, and it hurt to make it happen. The tears turned on. A fast slide show of Zim turned on in her mind. She remembered his smile, his eyes, and the freckles witch looked like they had been splattered painted on to his face.

Things she never took that much interest in, things she didn't have to take interest in. But now Zim was dead, and she had to look back on the things she had secretly noticed, but never really looked at close or long enough to really give a care. Her own guilt began as well. She'd know for a long time that Zim had liked her, and yet she just kept leading him on. Had she? Wouldn't that have made it worse? Zim didn't have many real friend or that were his friend long enough to count.

She had been a friend, but now she didn't think that she should have counted. Friend know when something's not right, they know when you're in trouble, if you're sad, or if you've been murdered. But no, Emily had been sleeping happily in her bed. She was very uneasy right now. She felt like going back to sleep, and never getting of of bed. She'd watched dozens of murder shows n T.V, but now she was in the positions, as so many families, and friends are put in each day. Thou she wasn't aware of it, she was wobbling back and forth.

"H-how?" she managed threw her tears. Her Mother put her arms around Emily's shoulders, and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll tell you in the morning sweaty, right now, I think you're too upset." Emily lay against her Mothers chest, and nodded. Emily crawled back in to her bed, and her Mom, kissed her forehead. "Good night Sweaty." Her Mother said as she left the room. Emily bit her lip as she thought about Zim's mom. She would never again kiss him good night.

Emily didn't go to school the next day. She wasn't expected to go the next day either. She wouldn't learn anything any way, her mind was dead set on Zim. Home didn't help thou. Zim was all over the news, his face on every news channel. Emily figured that Zim would be on one of her murder shows. Unless they found Zims killer she wouldn't watch it. Emily's head had been on the kitchen table ever since breakfast, and if she hadn't gotten tired of the chair, and transferred herself to the sofa, she'd had been there until dinner.

As she lay on the sofa she sighed repeatedly, and listened to music, blasting it into her earphones to the point in which her ears began to ring. What she didn't understand is why she cared so; well, why she took Zims murder so personally. She didn't know him all that well, a friendly hello from time to time, but it felt like someone had stabbed a knife thru her own heart. Who in the world would kill a 14-year-old boy? Zim might have been made fun of, and he was a bit goofy at times. In his entire life he hadn't done anything bad enough to be killed. He never cussed; he even considered 'shut up' go be a 'bad word'.

But was that little queerness enough to set someone to want to kill him? Emily asked herself these questions, as if she knew the answers. She hated trick question badly enough, but to be asking them herself? Pure torture. She played with the lollypop in her mouth, making it do circles, and straight lines. She found it amazing on what little it took to entertain her little mind. Her thoughts were absent, not that she had a lot to think about, only the murder of one of her friends, the evil teacher that was probably going to kill the class off one by one.

When she realized that her lollypop was dwindling to just the stem, she spit it out of her mouth like a cannon, and it ended up across the room. Her Mother, whom was in the kitchen drying dishes from that's days breakfast would have normally told Emily go pick it up, but she knew it wouldn't happen, so she went to go get it herself. "Thanks, Mom." Emily said as her Mother passed her. Her Mother smiled. "You'r welcome dear. Now you've been on that sofa for 3 hours, I think it's time you get up, and walk around. Just to make sure you haven't become paralyzed or something." Emily smiled back at her mom, and rolled her eyes. "I'll take Zack and Katie to the park today, Kay?" Her Mother nodded agreeing. "They'll be really excited, they don't get to see you much these days. ' Her Mother said before leaving.

Zack was the first to sprint in to the house "Hey Mom!" the 2nd grader greeted. Katie the kindergartener skipped in with her pink frilly dress fluffing up behind her. Emily smiled; the monsters weren't too monstrous when they were all dressed up, and cute. She only saw those 2 hours after they'd gotten from school. The covered in peanut butter, and jelly covered monsters. But miraculously they looked all most human, and normal. She got up, and let her siblings know that she was home too.

"Emily!" Katie shirked with pure joy. She ran to her big sister, whose arms were open. Emily picked up Katie, and kissed her cheek. "What are you doing home!" Katie asked breathlessly. Emily shrugged. "All I know is that I'm taking you to the park. Like right now." Katie squalled with anticipation. "Yey!" Zack yelled excitedly. Emily smiled. Her siblings were really loving, and sweet. They were so happy to see her, and their happiness over powered her sulking for her friend. For the moment at least.

The three siblings arrived at the park that was strangely scarce. Normally children would be running this way and that to different areas of the park. But it was dead in the park, and to make it even creepier, the metal gate that normally made the park look so inviting and friendly, made a squeaking sound in the wind, and made the air in the park like a grave yard. Maybe it was just Emily, because Zack and Katie were ecstatic about having the whole park to them. Emily shrugged and pushed the eerie feeling away. She went to a bench and sat down. She than began to think of who might have wanted to kill Zim. That teacher was suspect number one. Then wind blew threw her hair making her hat that she'd worn fly off. She naturally chased after it.

The hat flew behind a bush, and when Emily pushed away the branches it was as if a vacuum cleaner had sucked the air right out of her lungs. There on the ground was with two bullets in her head, and a knife in her heart. Dead. Emily stared breathlessly at her substuite teacher. She began to back away, and then she feels on to her butt. She wanted to scream but she couldn't breathe enough air in to her lungs to supply it.

eyes were still open, and the cruelness in her eyes still sent chills up Emily's spine. She began to back away slowly, forced to do so in a crap walk sort of position since she was still petrified in total shock. Why she was moving slowly, well Emily didn't know she wanted to get away ASAP. When she finally got a hint that realty was still with her, she turned over on her knees, and in a split seconded she was doing an Olympic sprint. She hadn't been gone long, les then three minutes. Her heart was going as fast as the speed of light, and her brain was totally frozen. The only command she could make her legs obey was RUN.

Emily broke out of the trees and underbrush, panting uncontrollably. Her brother and sister were playing tether ball, innocently not knowing what was going on. Emily breathed in, and continued to pant like a dehydrated dog in the process. She walked over to her siblings, still a bit wobbly. It was horrible to know that someone was dead, but to see their body? It wasn't horrible, it was horrific. Though she couldn't stand , she didn't want her dead, she didn't want anybody dead. Nobody deserved to die before their time.

Emily finally managed to get out her cell phone, and with trembling fingers she dialed 911. "Hello, what's your emergency?" a female voice answered. "Um, um um uh uh uh," Emily stumbled on words, trying to pick the best ones. "Is this a prank?" The female voice was a bit angry now. "No! I'm sorry. There's just a, a dead person at the park! I think she was murdered." Emily sputtered out the sentence like word vomit. "Oh dear." The operator on the other end responded. "Okay, I'm tracing your call as we speak; please stay at the crime sceen. Um, what's your name?" The women asked. "Emily, Emily Jerkins." Emily answered in a shaky voice.

Suddenly a cold strong grip clamped on to Emily's shoulder as if in a vice grip. "Hang up the phone." It was a man's voice, cold like black ice, and sharp like a sword. Emily's mouth went dry. "Hello? Hello? Emily are you still there." The man who was holding Emily's shoulder slid the phone out of her hand with ease. Emily was too terrified to clutch it tight enough, barley enough to hold it steady in the first place. The man dropped the phone to the ground, and stomped it in to a million different pieces. He spun Emily around so she was facing him.

He was thin and muscular, and a little stubby beard.

His eyes were cold and fierce. He pulled up the corner of his shirt, which revealed a gun. He was giving her fair warning. Emily gawked at the gun, and the Man put his shirt down. "Get in the black jeep. NOW or there's going to be another shooting. You don't want to make your siblings suffer because of your stupid mistake, right." Emily shook her head furiously. "Than why are you just standing there? You ain't stupid, move your feet." He didn't have to tell Emily twice. She tried to look causel, but for no spacific reason, nobody was around. God she wished somebody was. She opened the back door the jeep, and saw pictures, pictures of murders. She nearly wet her pants when she saw a picture of Zim. Emily couldn't even tell the difference between his freckles, and the blood
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