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metal thing ans tied her up and of course he raped her more than once. Then he did something that he hasn't done he blind folded Danielle so she couldn't see. Tall man grabed an ax and chopped Daneille's head off. I just fainted in my chair. When i woke up i was a little dazed and then reality came back to me. Wen i heared his voice he says i was wondering when you were going to wake up. I looked at him and looked where Danielle's body was last at, but she wan't there anymore. He came to me and stoood right in front of me and he untied me and said it's your turn. I started freaking out and i told myself i  not letting this freak take my life. so when we got to the metal thing i turned and faced him while his hands was still on me pushing me down on the table. I was fightig him as much as i could. He says you're a fighter aren't you? He goes i don't mind it i like it rough. That's when i got the courage i fought as hard as i could i kneed him in the groaing. He fell down and yelled Bitch!!. I just rannned for my life all around me where treess, rocks and brushes. I took the duck tape off my lips and was screaming for help. I staerted hearing foot steps coming from behind me i new he was ganging up on me. I just kept running as fast as i could. I started to hear car's so i new i was close by the roads. I just started ruuning faster and screaming for help. once i became inch away from the road he grabbed me and pulled be back. He says i caught you with a laugh in his voice. I was screaming that is when he stabbed in the chest. I started feeling something wet and warm and that's when i new it was my blood. He stabbed me in the back while i was still fighting to get away. I feel to the ground he still stabbing me i put my hands up trying to get the knife, but my hands just got cut. Then Tall man came around me and lifted up my head and slit my throat. I just laid there holding my neck and watcing him walk away in the woods. My vision started to get a little blury and i told myself i need to get up. Car's where still driving by and i can still can see Tall ma he isn't that far away. I got the courage to get up. when i did i ran out to the road screaming help please stop help me!. I turened around a Tall man was running to come and get me. car's was pasing me by but i finally just jumped and the driver stoped. I noticed there where four people in the car, they put be in the middle in the car shut the door and drove off. By the time we drove off Tall man reached the road. The people in the back applied pressure to my wounds. They asked me my name and i told them Savannah is my name. They kept telling me Savannah stay with us we are going to get you some help. My eyes just kept geeting blurry and heavy and then i just hear them saying my name and telling me to stay with them. All of sudden darkness over comes me. 2 Year's Later

I moved back home to Wilmington, North Carolina. I had to really serious injuries that requried me to be dependant on other's help. I had to have surgery on my back cause he cause injury to my spinal cord. So i had to have rehabilitation. I had to get stitches in my neck,chest, and back. I had a very bad scar around my neck area, so i wear a scarf out in public. I really don't go out in public that much anyways. I don't even spend time with my friend's I grew up with. They don't even come and see me either, which i don't blame them i am sure they feel i don't want nothing to do with them. Which is not the truth. I don't want no one to know what happend to me. Only my parent's and sibling know's but my sibiling's haven't seen my scar around my neck. I really don't like letting anyone see that. Plus i just want to keep them all safe since the killer never been caught. I still fear for my life that he is going to fine me and kill everyone that i loved. Today is the fourth of july parade and the whole city does a cookout up and down the beach area. It's very fun and i miss going i haven't been in a 2 year's mom is making me get out and go this year. I hate having to stress out what to wear to cover up all my scar's so know one can see them. I have a few ligh one's on my hand but they don't bother me to much. When i do dress up and go out in public i get looks an people tells me savi you do know it's summer. I just say i know and move along my way. The town doesn't know nothing about me being one of the suviour's in the killing to year's ago. They found their body's out in the wood's. They named him The Bear Mountain Killer!  When the detective's came and asked me question's I was still in shocked and i kinda blocked some of it out of my head. I asked them if they would keep my name and identity out of the media. I didn't want no part of it and since they didn't have i didn't want him to know my name. Plus I didn't want the world to know what happend to me. I did tell them in time i will come to them if more of my memory comes bact to me. The thing is i didn't lose my meomory, i just didn't want to have relive it again by telling them the event's that took place. I am up in my room looking at what i am going to wear for the night. I decided on blues jeans a read t-shirl with a blue scarf around my neck and wearing a white light button down sweeter. There is nothing wrong with my arm's but i just like to be covered up. Savannah are you ready? say's Savannah's mom. Yes mom i am ready i am coming straight down. I can't believe you're making me go to this. Savi you need to get out and mingle with people, it's not good for you to stay cooped up in the house all the time. Plus you need to go and make up with your old friend's. That's if the want to talk to me mom. I am sure they do they are just hurt and don't understand why you kept them away. I just want you to get your life back savi it's been 2year's now say's savi's mom. I will mom just give me time say Savi. Mom and I went out the door and headed to mom's ford suv. We just listen to music on the way. I was so nervous and didn't want to deal with all the people and them starring at me. They new i was involved in something serious but they didn't know what. So the town just makes up their own stories about me. We got there everything was going good and of course i got stares. Also i had people that was very happy that i came and asked how i was doing. Of course i told them i was doing good. I left my mpm and went walking down the beach. I spotted my old friend's they were all hanging out and talking. Sophie turned around and saw me. She just waved i waved backed out her with a smile, which made her return a smile back at me. Then everyone notice me and gave me this look how dare i show my face around them. I just turned around and went back the other way. I hear Savi waited up. It was Sophie coming my way. Savi i just want to talk to you about how you pushed us away. I didn't push you guy's away. I just had thing's i had to get passed and i didn't want you guy's to be apart of it. I never ment to hurt any of you. You all just have to understand that i was going through a really hard time and i didn't want people to know about it. I still don't know if i am ready for you guy's to fine out yet. I do miss you and the other girl's. I just hope one day we can move pass this and we all can be friend's again. One day i will tell all of you and they whole town but right now i am not ready for that kind ot attention. Sophie just looked at me and said it must of been really bad ugh? I said yes Sophie what happend to me was really bad. I had to fine myself again and i am still in that process. Sophie just huged me and said i love you Savi and i am here for you if you want to talk and hage out. I said i love you too Sophie and i would love to hage out with you and the other's. Sophie say's let me talk to them and tell them everything you told me and i will let you know if they want to get together. I said okay and we hugged and she left and went back to the group. I went to go fine my mom she was talking to mrs. smith the town gossiper. I said mom are you ready to go home? I could feel mrs. Smith just stearing at me. Mom said yes Savi we can go. Mom said bye to Mrs. Smith i was so happy she didn't say anyting to me. I can't stand that women. One day i will give her a pieace of my mind. We got to the car and mom asked me if i had fun. I said yes. I told her i ran into my group of my old friend's. she smiled and asked how did that go. I said well it didn't go as well they really didn't want nothing to do with so i just turned around and went back towards the direction i was coming from. My frowned and i said mom don't be sad they just don't uderstand but i do have some good new's. she said what? I said Sophie came after me and we spoke i told her everything except what happend to me. She said she is going to talk to the other's and see if they will want to speak with me after she tell's them what i told her. Mom said i hope they do

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