» Thriller » The Bear Mountain Killer, Dominique Southard [if you liked this book txt] 📗

Book online «The Bear Mountain Killer, Dominique Southard [if you liked this book txt] 📗». Author Dominique Southard

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to the living room dialed up my sister. The phone ranged twice and then there was my sister sweet voice. Hi savannah. Hi sis. I need to ask you something? Sure savannah. Is there any way that you guy's can come sooner? Well savannah i don't know. It's very important i wouldn't be asking if it wasn't. I understand that but you know my husban his working and we can't just up and go. True he can't but you can. Savannah really?I can't believe you would say such a thing. I said it because it's true you don't alway's have to wait on him. Plus i have something i need to tell the whole family, Jason, and my friend's. I don't want to have to repeat it over and over again. Savannah sometimes we have to do something that we don't want to do. At that point i was pissed off. I said never mind jasmine in an angry voice. Mom can fill you in cause i am not. When you get here and you fine out what it was. You're the one going to feel like shit for not coming and wanting me to repeat myself over and over. I just hanged up the phone. My mom came and put her hand on my shoulder. It will be okay Savannah. I go no mom i called the Detective Wilcox letting him know that i am ready to help them get the man that did this. My mom had a very shock expression on her face. Yeah that's why i wanted jasmine to come early cause i need to tell everybody what happend all at once. Plus show them this horribal scar i have around my neck. Your daughter doesn't want to come cause she doesn't want to leave her husband behind. Guess what else she told me mom. What Savannah? I said i didn't want to have to repeat myslef and she say's well sometimes you have to do something that you don't want to do. My mom said she will call her and speak with her. Then there was a knock at the door. Mom asked me if i would get it. She is calling Jasmine. I said okay. I went to the door, I opened it and there was my Dad. I said Dad don't you have a key. He say's yes but your Mom don't want me to be using it so i don't. I just said okay. I let hime in. I really don't get them two. As we approched the living room Mom said Savannah i spoke with Jasmine. They are coming sooner. I said how soon? They will be here tomrrow night.I said great we can invite everybody over tomrrow night. Mom said whatever you want dear. Dad asked what was going on. I told him he was very in shock. I said yeah that's why i want to tell everybody as soon as possible to i can help. Dad came over and huged me and said he was so proud of me. I hugged him back and said thank's. Then another knock at the front door. Mom said she will get it. Jason made his way to the living room. I got off the couch and gave him a hug. We went to the dinnig room and sat down at the table. Dad and Jason started talking. I decided to go help my mom in the kitchen. My cell phone ranged and it was my brother mason. Mom got off. Mason isn't going to be able to make it tonight. I said i told you he wasn't going to be able to make it. Mom and I brought the food to the table. We sat down and Dad said grace. We all said Amen all at once. We made our plates and started eating. Mom's cooking is so the best. I asked Jason how was his day? He looked at me and said it was slow. He rather spend the whole day with me. I just smiled. Of course my parent's said Ahhhhh how cute. That made me blush and want to hide. I just laughed since i couldn't hide. I told Jason that he need's to come tomorrow night. I am inviting the girl's and of course my family is going to be here. He just looked at me in a worried look. Jason asked is everything okay? I said no everything isn't okay. I have something that i need to tell everyone. It's best that i tell everyone at once so i am not repeating myslef. Jason slouched back in the chair and looking down. I didn't know what to say. I looked at both of my parnet's. I new i wasn't getting any help from there either. Mom started to clear off the table. It was still silence in the room. I pullled out my cell phone and send a text to all the girls. I soon got a reply from all of them saying we will be there. I got up from the table came around to Jason and sat on his lap. He was surprised at that. In fact it made him smile. I told him to not worry about tomorrow. That everyhting is going to be alright. I just have something that i need to share so i can move on. Jason said okay. Jason say's well i best get going since i have to at work bright in the morning. I got up and walked him to the front door. He asked me to come outside with hime. I did. Savannah i don't know how to tell you this. All of the sudden i got this horrible feeling in my stomach. I said yes Jason. He came to me and pulled me close. I didn't know what was going on or how i should react. Jason leand in and kissed my lips, then he pulled away and said savannah i love you. I was so surprised and excited at the same time. I smiled at him and said Jason i love you too. We both lend in and we kissed one another. I new Jason wanted more so i let his tongue enter. Are tongues where just playing with one another. Before i new it the kiss was starting to get deeper and stronger. It was definitely staring to get really hot on my parent's front porch. I notice i was up against the wall on the house. Jason has his hands trailing up against my wait, then his right hand trailed up to my breast. Jason grabbed my breast with so my passion i started moaning into his mouth. Jason was getting very excited as wll and then he went toward's the neck. That's when i backed away. Jason looked at me in confusion. Savannah i thought you want this? I do but not right now and definitely not on my parents's front porch. Jason say's i know and you know that is not the reason why you pulled away from me. You don't want me to get close to your neck for some reason. I said Jason you will fine out why tomorrow. Savannah how about you tell me now. I said no. You can wait until tomorrow. What if i don't want to wait. I said you have no choice cause that's when i am going to tell everybody and show everybody what i been hiding and the truth about everything. I could tell he was mad. I got closer to him i put my hands to his face and said you will fine out everything tomorrow. I promise i will  make this up to you. I got close and kissed him on his lips. He put his hands on the side of my face and pulled me back. Jason looked at me and said. I don't know if i can be with someone with so much secret's. I looked at him with confusion. I said you new i had thing's i kept to myself. Jason interupt me by saying yes that i did. Now you're making it sound like you did something bad. I don't think i handle knowing you did something really bad that you haven't told anybody. I didn't do anything. I went throught something really really bad. pointing at myself while i am saying this to Jason. I was so close to starting to cry. I went through something i wish i didn't rememeber, but i do and i have to tell everybody who i love about it. That is why i want everyone over tomorrow. Can we please go from there. once you fine out what happend and you realize what i been through, then you can decide if you want to stay with me or go. Jason looked at me and said okay. I said okay by and said good night. Jason left i went inside the house. Both of my parent's was sitting in the living room. They asked me if everything is okay? I said we will fine out tomorrow. I went to them and gave them both a good nigth kiss. I went  to my room got in my night time close. I got in the bed put it on Mtv. I soon fell asleep. I woke up it was so bright in my room cause of th sun beaming. I looked to see what time it was. O wow i overslept this morning. It was already 11:30 AM. I got out the bed went to go to take a shower. I went down the hall went the bathroom. started my shower and hopped in , i love my water to be nice and hot. I finally got out brushed my teeth, blow dryed my hair and  i just put it in a bun. I went to my room got dressed. I put the cream on my neck i put on light purple scarf. I wasn't wearing anything special today i just want to be comfortable. So i just put on a purple t shirt and workout yoga pants.  I got my phone to see if i got a text from Jason. I looked and no text from him. I was definitely hurt. I did get a text from my friend's saying they can't wait to see me tonight and they are very nervous about what i have to tell them. I stood there thinking they are nervous i am the one who lived it and i have to tell them. I know they don't know what i have been through. I also got a text from my sister saying that this better be important or she is goign to be very mad. i just did't respond to that. I texted my brother to make sure he is comng. He texted back saying yes sis i will be there.  I went down stairs got me something to eat. Saw a note from my mom saying she went to town. That was fine with me i just want to be alone anyway's. I got my food went to the living room and put it on lifetime. I finally texted Jason and asked him how he was doing? He didn't text back. Of course i was hurting inside but i told myself maybe is busy just couldn't text at the moment. Hour went by not text. My Mom made it home. Well good moring sleepy head. I said good moring Mom. Well actually it the afternoon. Mom asked me if i am ready for tonight? I thought to myself i am as ready as i am going to get. I just wanted Jason to text me back already. I got up and started helping mom with dinner. Dad came in the door called for mom and I. We ansewered and told him we are in the kitchen cooken. He came in and gave us a huge and a kiss on the cheek. We told him
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