» Thriller » The brookway mansion, VANILLAYUMS :) [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗

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on the floor and started putting my stuff in the dresser and put a couple trinkets on the shelf’s in the room. I carried my empty bags down the flights of stairs.
“There you are! I thought I lost you!” My mom said. She was in the kitchen. “I was looking at all the rooms and I found the room that I wanted.” I replied.
“Oh, well good I hope your dad found me and him a good room.” She said.
“Uh mom do you know where the garage is, so I could set these empty duffel bags in side”? I asked.
“Actually yes out this door.” She pointed to a door at the end of the kitchen it was wooden like my dresser.
I opened the door and then I could see the huge garage. Immediately I sneezed because of all the dust. Even the garage had the carpet that was in the house. It was so dark in there because the light bulb was very dim.
I tried walking over to a metal shelf where I could set the bags but I tripped over something hard. “Uh!” I stumbled to the floor but caught my self before I fell all the way. What’s this? I asked my self.
I opened a mysterious music box the had a bunch of old yellow pages folded in half, like a bunch of old letter. I opened up the first piece of paper it said…
December 2 ,1882

My dearest Annie,
How have you and your family been doing? I’ve heard that you little brother was born a week ago, exciting, huh? I hope I could come visit you soon to see the new baby before you move…but I simply won’t have enough time to get to your house. I Hope you understand I do truly love and understand you. Your truest best friend,

I sat and just starred at the paper, either this box was suppose to be hidden some where and it was from the 1800’s, and no one ever found it in this garage or the last person who lived here was the girl from the letter. My fist instinct was to run and show it to my parents but this was on of those things where you keep it to your self, I through the bags on the shelf and took the mysterious box, if I brought it to my room I could examine it better.
I put it behind my back as I ran up to my room, I locked my door again and turned on the light so I could see what the box really looked like.
The box was a light apple green with a weird design with squiggly lines on the top, I discovered that it wasn’t only a box it was a music box on the side it had a wooden triangular switch, I twisted it and it started playing soft lullaby music. I opened the box again and inside had soft fur that held all the letters.
I decided that I wasn’t going to read them all at one time, I was going to save them for later. I put the music box inside my under wear drawer thinking that no one would want to look in there or expect a music box to be in there. Right as I shut my dresser drawer my dad knocked/banged on the door.
I unlocked the door.
“Why was your door locked?” My dad asked curiously looking at the lock.
“Oh, well I was seeing if it worked because you know its really old.” I said. I knew he didn’t buy it all the way but I also knew it wasn’t that big of a deal.
“Oh dad speaking of Old! Do you know who lived here last, you know the old owners before us?” I asked quickly.
“Well no, this house has been empty for more then a 100 years Katie, why?” He answered. My stomach dropped.
“Well, just curious.” I said looking off into the distance.
“oh what I came in to tell you was that the moving truck will be coming tomorrow to deliver all the furniture including all your stuff from your room----but from the looks of it, looks like you already have a bed which is good because Laney and Luke already claimed the couches.” He laughed.
chapter 3 knock knock whos there...

I woke up the next morning feeling like I only got 30 minutes of sleep because of all the moving yesterday and everything exciting that happened. I pushed open my curtains and looked outside It would take some time to get use to the place, I still wanted to open my window and see the long soft grass and the little pond I use to see at our old place.
I went down stairs to the kitchen nobody was awake yet and the house felt quite and lonely so I decided to start cutting out stuff from magazines so I could decorate my walls with a collage.
I started cutting a bunch of pictures, when suddenly somebody knocked on my door. I hopped out of my chair to check the front door but I looked around for a minute, and nobody was there. I sat back down and started looking at the magazines again. Then I heard the same knocking I thought sense it sounded like it was coming from the garage maybe somebody was locked down there, like Luke, or he didn’t know how to unlock the door yet.
I got up and open the garage door, the lights were off and there was no sign of Luke. I sighed loudly, but just as I was about to close the door I hear laughing coming from the garage and footsteps running in the garage.
“Luke come out! I opened the door, and if you don’t come right now I’m not coming back to unlock it for you again no matter how hard you scream!” I yelled.
I rolled my eyes and turned on the light, “Luke, come on come out its to early to play hide-n-seek!” I whispered. I heard moving from behind a pile of old cardboard boxes.
“Gotcha!” I said. I tried slowly walking over to the sound, after I took one step the garage door slammed shut and the light bulb went out.
I thought that Luke had tricked me and ran away. I couldn’t see anything and I was afraid to move. I still could here noises but if Luke wasn’t in here anymore then what was the sound, rats?
I thought to my self that it was just rats that I was afraid of but then I started thinking about what My dad saw the other day, my heart stopped and I could feel my self sweating. What if the little girl he saw followed us to the house!
I tried feeling my way to the door, I had to leave to right away I was so scared I thought I was going to die or at least faint in reality. I yanked at the door but It wouldn’t open like somebody was holding it shut and they were playing a evil game with me.
“Laney! Luke! Its not funny stop it! Now!” I screamed in anger and I cried. I was sobbing I turned around and suddenly a bright yellow light shinned towards the sound I heard earlier. Shaking, I slowly walked over to the light, which was behind the boxes. I turned the corner and looked behind the boxes. I saw her. The girl in the white dress. She was just as dad had described her but this time she was sitting down on her knee’s.
She looked up at me and she had black holes as eyes! She didn’t have any eyes it was just black holes! I think then I screamed louder then I have in my whole life. All of a sudden It went dark again I was screaming and sobbing I rushed to the door and pulled on it, but why I pulled on it someone opened it. I was so thankful that it was my father.
“What is the matter! Your all bloody what happened to you!!!!!!” My dad yelled and pulled me out of the garage I looked at my pajamas… I was all bloody.
“Dad, I seen her she was real, the girl in the white dress she looked at me but she didn’t have eyes she had black holes instead! I was so scared and she locked me in here in the dark and I kept screaming!!!” I cried and hugged him.
“I’m going to change clothes, dad please don’t tell mom about this…not right now.” I said.
“sorry I have to sweetie.” I could tell that my dad didn’t know what to say, I know that he wanted to say was, “ I believe you!” But he couldn’t say that because my mom would get angry at him because she thinks that were lying about all of this.
I went up stairs and changed as I went back to the kitchen.
“Okay calm down, how about we have warm coffee to wake up?” He motioned me to the table where he already had tea sitting with steam.
“why were you in the garage anyways Katie?” He asked with a sip of his tea.
“I- I heard knocking I thought It was Luke at first but then I knew it was something else!” I said.
“Why do you say that?” He asked.
“Because Luke’s not awake and I saw the girl! Duh!” I said.
“I did to sweetie but maybe were just imagining it…” He said.
“dad, seriously! How could you even say that I thought you would understand because you seen her too!” I yelled getting more furious.
“Katie! Be quite people are trying to sleep. I don’t believe in ghosts Katie. Now do you want me to tell Mom or not?” He acted like it was a joke.
“no, please don’t.” I tried to sound nice so he wouldn’t tell her.
“I won’t.” he said, he was starting to sound like a friend.
All of a sudden we heard a knock at the door but this time it was really a knock on the front door, My dad walked over to go check it.
“Must be the truck!” He said as he sat up. My dad paid somebody to deliver all of our stuff to our house.
He opened the door.
“Hello, sir. Brought your truck over for ya’ that will be 10$ for delivery.” The man at the door held out his hand waiting for money. My dad pulled out his wallet keep the change he said as he went outside the guy was already gone but left the moving truck.
“Go wake up everybody, we need to unpack.” Dad pushed me away. I ran up the stairs I was trying to hurry, I was

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