» Thriller » The brookway mansion, VANILLAYUMS :) [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «The brookway mansion, VANILLAYUMS :) [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author VANILLAYUMS :)

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Chapter 1 the girl in the white dress

The rain drops fell loudly on my window. I remember looking at the big fat raindrops slowly drip and zigzag down my window, I look around my room thinking that this would be the last time I would see it. Even though I liked my room because the furniture was perfectly clean which was how I liked it, my clothes were all hanged up and my shelves were nice and dusted, I had to go. Me and my family had to move away to a small city called Brookway.
Ever sense kindergarten I had lived in that house but now we were leaving. I was totally excited I hated it in my town, I got made fun of every day because of the color of my skin. It may sound weird but it wasn’t because I had black skin but it was because I had white skin. In a lot of movies its always seems the other way around but not in my town.
Everyday when I went to school people would always cuss at me in Spanish and I would always get sad. But the last year or so I had caught on to all the bad words and mean things they always say to me so at least then I knew what they were saying when they were making fun of me.
I would say I have a medium sized family. My parents, my little brother which is 4. My big sister who just turned 16 and me the 12 year old, I guess the middle child. The only good thing about the house I was living in before I moved was that I had my own room but other then that it was really small and boring, well it might of just been boring because I have lived here most of my life so everyone thinks that about their own houses but you know what I mean.
I pack up all my things and take one more glance at my room. Now it was empty and it didn’t seem like my room at all. I got mad thinking that who ever moved here would be living in my room and change it.
I dragged what seemed like my 1000 pounds of luggage down the hallway, I did it slowly on purpose, I wanted to remember my house even though I didn’t like it.
“Let me take those bags kiddo!” My dad came and jumped out of the corner which startled me.
“No, I got it don’t worry just make sure everything’s packed in the moving van.” I say and try to act strong as I pull my bags out the front door. But thanks to my luck of course I tripped and my bags burst open.
“loser!” My sister Laney gave me a shove and chuckled, but I didn’t know how she found everything funny.
I hurried and put everything back in my bag and out of anger slammed it in the truck. Everyone was already in the van except for me and my dad because well I was just slow and my dad was making sure we didn’t forget anything and taking a last look at the house before we left.
I jumped in what I liked to call “my seat” In the car.
“Are you sure you got everything, Katie?” She asked me and gave me that look.
“Yes!” I said annoyed. My little brother Luke was lucky he didn’t have to worry about packing he had everyone do everything for him, sometimes I feel like a little kid because I just want to stick my fat tongue out at him.
“All set!“ My dad was out of breath as he hopped in the car. We drove for a long time and it didn’t just seem like it. Brookway is so far away that it takes 3 days to get there.
The next day it was 9:00 p.m and my dad was tired of driving for two days straight so he pulled into a little motel.
I walked into the motel and it was fancier then it looked on the outside. A long red carpet fell straightly towards the check-in counter and there was blue patterned seats that tied the room all together.
My dad made my family wait on the blue chairs for about two minutes as he got everything ready. The lady sitting at the desk looked snobby and she was blonde to. When I Looked at her and smiled she rolled her eyes like she was disappointed in me. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes back.
My dad motioned his hands to follow him, he had the gold shiny keys in his hands that led us to the motel room. It was small and had two beds in it. My dad just dropped his self on the biggest bed and started snoring. My mom laughed and took of his shoes for him. I put my stuff down and we all went to bed to.
In the morning my dad was the first to wake up, he woke me up by getting a cup of water from the bathroom and splashing it on our faces. Laney screamed and pretty much pushed and slapped my dad out of anger. luke, my little brother just started crying and my mother hold him telling him it was okay, and me I just jumped because It scared me.
We all got back in the car and drove for a long time. It was dark outside and the stars were out. My dads eyes were already getting sleepy again and I watched him every second scared that we might get into a wreck. My mom kept trying to talk to him to keep him awake.
“So what does the house look like honey?” My mom said hitting my dad lightly.
“oh what- oh yeah um its called the “The Brookway mansion.” He coughed. My mom shook her head like she was actually listening to him.
All of a sudden my dad eyes opened wide and I asked him right away “What!? What’s wrong!?” I yelled he pushed the brakes and we slid to a stop. “what is the matter!?” my mom yelled out of anger and fear. “stay here…” He said. I was thinking that it wasn’t that big of a deal because he always dramatizes about everything, however my mom thought the opposite she was scared.
“What! Oh my gosh! Why can’t we just hurry up and get to the house already mom! Ugh!” My sister complained loudly and gave my mom a nasty look.
I jumped into my dads seat and rolled down the window so I could see what the fuss was about.
“Katie! Sit down he said he’ll take care of it!” My mom was getting annoyed now. I ignored her and kept looking.
My dad slowly was walking towards something on the side of the road. All the cars on the roads were honking loudly at us and they just went around are car but they were angry and cussing at us to get out of the road anyways.
I didn’t see anything just my dads feared face. It looked like he was staring at something but nothing was there to look at, he was talking to something…but nothing was there.
“Bobby!!!” My mom screamed out the window. “Hurry up, what is the matter, tell me!” She screamed he walked over to my mom and was trying to have one of those “grown-up” talks where they kind of whisper but you can here them anyways.
“ Jane! You honestly couldn’t see that!?” He said harshly

Chapter 2 the music box

“See what Bob!” She yelled with anger. “That girl she was bloody…she was wearing a white dress and it was bloody to, she had straight blond hair with a red bow she was looking down crying blood!” he said louder so now all of us kids were listening to.
“Bob just get in.” My mom said. I jumped to the back seat. “I seen her! Jane I really did! But she ran away into the forest and disappeared slowly…” My dad looked off into the distance. “Okay how about we talk about this later I just want to get to our house, please Bob.” My mom said. My dad nodded and step on the petal.
I was still confused about all of this but I knew something weird was going on with my dad and I wanted to know what it was.
We soon entered Brookway. Nobody was out at this hour but I still could tell that this town was peaceful and happy. We crossed a bridge that had green ivy on it, we passed a neighborhood that led us to our neighborhood, it was a small town that we all could get use to. As we were pulling in the huge driveway I looked at the yard, it was so pretty with red rose bushes and freshly cut grass. There was a wooden fence that held our went around the whole house. I also noticed there was a little apple tree on the left side of the house closest to the road.
I grabbed all my bags and started going towards the house as fast as I could. I looked at the house and it wasn’t as pretty as the yard because it was really old, grayish and rusty, but it was really big, I could see like a million windows just where I was standing.
“Looks like a…mansion.” Laney plainly said.
“Well it is…Look over there.” My dad pointed to a sign in our yard it was old like the house and said “The Brookway mansion.”
I had to wait for my dad to unlock the door before I could step in the house. I already good see the long stained yellow stairs that wrapped around really high off the ground to a hallway upstairs. I also could see the huge kitchen and living room. The carpets were a dark red color like blood. I ran up the stairs and up those stairs was another set of stairs leading to another hallway.
“Wow!” Luke yelled behind me. I got scared because I didn’t know he was following me the whole time.
I went up the final set of stairs (The 4th set) and it led me to on room at the top of the house, right away I said “My room.” As I slammed and locked the door so Luke and Laney couldn’t get in and claim it.
The room had two large windows with violet curtains, the movers left a large bed and a dresser. The bed had a white blanket with yellow lace at the ends. The dresser was real wood.
I lied my stuff

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