» Thriller » PASSAGE, Guillaume Mwamba [e novels to read online txt] 📗

Book online «PASSAGE, Guillaume Mwamba [e novels to read online txt] 📗». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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and lava was coming of it.

    “Grandpapa-grandpapa, no! Doctor-doctor, please!” Exauce pleaded.

    “Well, I am so sorry, son, believe we are too late to save your grandpapa.” Obed murmured in tears.

 “No, my grandpapa, it can’t be?” He snarled anxiously in tears.

    Rahab became disappointed and sad at the crying bitterly Exauce for his grandpapa.









Exauce has been stubborn believing the story of the Terminator. 

   Notwithstanding being told to remained so the Immortal can't find him, he went out to look for Lumiere. 

    Exauce’s grandfather died from the bullet wound, and his younger cousin is nowhere to be fund. 

   Yet he doesn’t know that Number and his demons killed him.








 Exauce and Rahab arrive at he address to meet with the Oracle protecting the Blade. 

   They find a decrepit and deceitful house in the middle of nowhere full of demons. 

    Rahab remember where they hidden the deadliest weapon, she and Exauce embark the journey to take it.

   Since the new Terminator who can held it is back, they no time to lose.





Exauce exposed himself from the demons at Bubonic Lance's big party celebration of Kirtman Miriam’s birthday. 

    Rahab follows clues to find the killer of her mother with more Immortals rampaged in her everycorners-what’s the meaning of this? 

   Exauce got called by Miriam telling him that’s her birthday. 

   He forbid Rahab and Obed farewell, while head out the exit and was out of their sight. 

   Rahab became worry, but the longer she worried about him the more her feelings grows for him.









While Exauce visits his birth place Jordan to learn about his past.

   Rahab and Obed head to Damascus to look for the deadliest weapon called the Revolver. 

    The voyage to Jordan was a long, therefore, Exauce and Raphael woke that early morning to preparaded themselves




                       “BELIEVE IT”

Exauce struggles to choose between his new feelings and his responsibilities as the Terminator. 

    After sending Raphael back home, Obed heads out in search where he finally the Revolver.

   Rahab was mind her own business, while Exauce was glaring at her for longest time. Has she looked at him, Exauce turned away in nervously.



Publication Date: 01-19-2022

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