» Thriller » Circus De La Freak, Piper [summer reading list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Circus De La Freak, Piper [summer reading list .TXT] 📗». Author Piper

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“I’m not garunteeing that she’s staying, but now we do have someone new.” I informed him. “Now, why are you so out of breath?” I inquired suspiciously. Pip flushed pink and looked down.
“I was outside.” He said innocently. I groaned and carded my fingers through my hair.
“Pip, you know Piper would kill you is she knew you went outside.” I said agitatedly. Pip crossed his arms and pouted.
“But it gets so boring here! Piper never lets me out.” Said Pip in distress. I sighed and leaned over so Pip and I were eye to eye.
“Pip, your sister cares about you and wants to keep you safe, and it’s dangerous out there.” I said quietly. Pip looked disappointed and looked at me, his brown eyes pleading.
“But Zephyr, all Piper does is keep me cooped up in here!” complained Pip, pushing his hair out of his eyes. I sighed and looked down. I knew that Piper was overprotective of Pip, perhaps a little too overprotective. I looked back up to Pip, sincerity obvious in my icy blue eyes.
“Pip, I don’t have any control over Piper, but I won’t tell her you went outside.” I promised. Pip looked delighted and threw his arms around my neck.
“Thank you so much, Zephyr!” he cheered, looking as excited as could be. I rolled my eyes and patted his shoulder.
“No problem, Pip.” I chuckled as I straightened up. “Now go find your sister.” I said before shooing him away. Pip nodded and obediently skipped off. I sighed with relief as I started towards the kitchen. Finally I could get something to eat.
Chapter Five (Alice's POV)

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I was aware of was a blinding pain. I let a low hiss of pain through gritted teeth. I tried to sit up but someone grabbed my shoulders and held me down. I let out a panicked yelp and tried to struggle, but I was held with an iron grip.
“Hey, we’re not going to hurt you.” Came a girl’s voice that I didn’t recognize..
“For heaven’s sake, Zephyr! Let go of her!” came a boy’s voice.
“Oh yeah. Sorry.” Murmured another boy’s voice that reminded me of someone but I couldn’t remember their name and the hands vanished. I sat up quickly and looked around. My vision was blurry but I could make our four or five figures. I blinked a few times to restore my vision. As things swam back into focus, I realized there was a pair of big brown eyes staring at me. I jumped in frisht and scooted away before I realized it was just a little boy.
“Pip!” came a girl’s scolding voice. “Get away from her!” it snapped and the brown eyed boy was pulled away. I looked over to my left and eyes found a peculiar group of people. All appeared to be teenagers, minus the little brown eyed, red haired boy who was being held tightly onto by a red haired girl who was glaring suspiciously at me.
“Where am I?” I asked confusedly. A black haired girl and a blond haired girl exchanged looks, but no one answered. A brown haired boy rolled his eyes after a few seconds of silence.
“I apologize for them.” He said sarcastically, frowning at the others. “You’re in the medical quarters. Zephyr found you.” He said, gesturing towards a white haired boy on the other side. I scanned him up and down as I looked over him. He was of average height, maybe a little taller. He had messy white hair and bangs that hung in his face, covering his bright sapphire eyes. The most apparent of his features though were the large pale scars that decorated the right side of his face, standing out bright and apparent against his olive skin. I must have been staring because he shifted uncomfortably and attempted to hide the scarred half of his face from view by turning his head to the side so I could only see his good side. I flushed pink and quickly looked away with a murmured apology. I pushed my stringy hair out of my eyes and looked back to the others. They all appeared to be rather slim but better fed than most. They had clean but well-worn clothes on and obvious wiry builds underneath.
“I’m sorry, but I still don’t know where I am…” I said softly. The white haired boy stepped forward, brushing his bangs to the side to hide his scarred half.
“I’m Zephyr.” He said quietly. “That’s Pip.” The brown eyed boy gave me a large smile. “His sister, Piper” The red haired girl gave me a curt nod. “Belle,” the black haired girl nodded pleasantly at me. “Aria,” the blond girl presented me with a tiny wave and a blush. “And lastly, Maxx.” Finished Zephyr. The brown haired boy smiled warmly at me and even gave me a little bow that I returned with a miniscule smile.
“Welcome to Circus De La Freak.” Said Maxx, a large smirk on his lips.

Chapter Six (Zephyr's POV)

“Welcome to Circus De La Freak.” Announced Maxx with a proud smirk. I rolled my eyes at Maxx’s dramatic actions.
“So, what’s your name?” Aria asked, a curious look in her azure eyes.
“I’m Alice. Alice Westerly.” Said the girl, still looking rather frightened and pale. Belle’s absentminded smile vanished and a look of rage flared up in her eyes as she stepped forward, a snarl on her rosebud lips.
“Westerly?” she hissed, a dark look of disgust in her deep onyx eyes.
“Yes…” said Alice, sounding puzzled at Belle’s reaction. Belle crossed her arms and gave her a deadly glare.
“Your cowardly parents finally get what they deserve?” she spat venomously. A hurt look appeared in Alice’s eyes and she flushed ever so slightly.
“Don’t talk about my parents.” She choked out through gritted teeth, both anger and sorrow coloring her tired voice. Belle sneered an ugly sneer and tossed her hair over her shoulder.
“It’s a shame and a surprise you didn’t die with them.” Belle said loftily. “You and your family being cowards and all.” She said, only adding insult to injury with a dark laugh. Alice’s fists clenched and she glowered at Belle.
“My family and I are not cowards!” she proclaimed defensively, Belle letting out a sarcastic laugh when she heard this.
“Not cowards, hm? Last I heard, your family locked themselves away in that big house of yours, sleeping in a big warm bed and eating three meals a day while the rest of us had to fight just to get half a meal!” Belle spat, fury in her depthless eyes. Alice blushed a deeper red color, glaring fervently at Belle.
“Forgive my family for using what we had to our advantage!” she cried, her voice shaking from anger. I knew I had little time before this turned into a full blown fight, so I stepped in.
“Belle, come off it and leave her alone.” I said, my voice even and steady. Belle whirled around to glare at me, fists clenched.
“I don’t think you were involved in this, you scarred up freak!” screeched Belle, her voice loud and grating. Alice’s eyes widened at Belle’s vicious insult.
“Don’t call him that!” she piped up, ignoring my upcoming glances and head shaking. Belle turned back to Alice, sneering darkly at her.
“Standing up for the scarface are you now?” she said sharply. Alice frowned disapprovingly at Belle, shaking her head in disgust.
“You don’t seem like a nice person.” She said bluntly. “You should be nicer to people. Then you might have some friends.” She said innocently. Belle’s jaw dropped and she started towards the other girl, a snarl on her lips.
“Don’t act like you know me, you little bit-“ Belle’s upcoming rant was cut off by Zed’s arrival and a squeak of joy from Pip. Zed’s jolly smile faded into frown when he saw Belle, hackles raised and practically growling at Alice.
“Vat is going on here?” he demanded loudly, Piper rolling her eyes and still holding tightly onto Pip.
“Belle and the new girl are getting into a catfight.” Maxx volunteered gleefully. Zed crossed his arms like Piper and frowned at Belle and Alice.
“I don’t know who started zis fight, but I shall be ze vone to end it!” he exclaimed loudly. Belle’s hostility slowly dissipated and she slunk back to Aria. Zed smiled victoriously as Belle grabbed onto Aria’s hand.
“Good, good…” he sighed, clapping his hands together. “Now zen, how about you all give me and our newest arrival a moment alone?” he said in a tone that told it was an order, not a request. One by one, we filed out, myself leaving last. As I let the cloth flap fall shut behind me. I saw Zed sitting beside Alice with a fatherly smile on his face as I left.
Belle clambered into her bunk bed, laying down next to Aria as Pip and Piper situated themselves in the bunk below, everyone getting ready for the night. I was scrawled haphazardly on my side, my eyes half open as the idle chatter started to quiet down. I had started to drift off when Maxx’s boyish face and tousled brown hair appeared in my line of vision.
“Zephyr, why can’t we share a bed?” asked Maxx innocently, a grin plastered on his face.
“No, Maxx.” I sighed, rolling my eyes before pushing Maxx away. The brown haired teenager pouted and dropped back into the bottom bunk with an annoyed huff.
“It’s not fair! Piper deserves his own bed.” He informed me haughtily. Aria smirked and let out a tinkling laugh, propping herself up on her elbows.
“Oh Maxx,” she giggled. “we all know that’s not the reason why.” She said teasingly, even Piper cracking a smile at this. Maxx pretended to be offended and dramatically brought his hand to his heart with a gasp.
“How dare you think that the only reason I want to share a bed with Zephyr is because of my giant man-crush!” said Maxx, feigning horror. I rolled my eyes and pulled the blankets over my head.
“Can we stop talking about man-crushes and go to sleep?” I grumbled, my voice muffled by the quilt I had wrapped myself up in like

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