» Thriller » Circus De La Freak, Piper [summer reading list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Circus De La Freak, Piper [summer reading list .TXT] 📗». Author Piper

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year old boy. I nodded understandingly, knowing how worried Piper would be if she found out that Pip was having nightmares.
“I get that.” I said understandingly. “What’d you have a nightmare about?” I asked him quietly. Pip blushed and looked down, toying with the worn hem of his pajama shirt.
“My parents…” he said in a voice just above a whisper, keeping his eyes glued to the bed. A feeling of understanding appeared in my mind and I sighed. Pip was missing his parents, just like all of us were. I looked down and tousled Pip’s thick red hair.
“I know you miss them.” I said quietly, my blue eyes softening. I had always had a weak spot for Pip since the day I met him. He was innocent, untainted by the violence that he lived around. He’d been so sweet and welcoming when I first arrived and still was. His parents were a sensitive spot for both Pip and Piper, Piper usually starting an argument and then storming off while Pip just became quiet and miserable. None of us knew what had happened to them. Piper refused to tell us and whenever Pip was about to tell us, Piper would tell him to put a sock in it.
“Pip, what happened to your parents…?” I asked unobtrusively, trying not to push him too much. Pip sighed, wringing his hands together.
“They left…” he said after a few moments, sadness lacing his voice. I furrowed my brow, bouncing him slightly in my arms.
“Did they…die?” I asked, trying to be sensitive. Pip shrugged, a frown on his small face.
“I don’t know.” He said, sounding puzzled at my question. “Like I told you, they left.” He said simply, his auburn eyes wide and innocent. I paused at this.
“They…left?” I asked. That couldn’t be right. No parent or person in their right mind would leave their child to fend for themselves in the apocalypse. Pip nodded somberly.
“They left.” He repeated.
“They just left Piper and you?” I questioned, a horrified look on my face. Pip nodded.
“Just drove off without us.” He said quietly, looking tearfully up at me. I clicked my tongue and hugged Pip.
“They were stupid to leave you.” I informed him, a tiny smile appearing on his face at this. He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me before pulling away and looking into my blue eyes. He didn’t even wince or look disturbed by my scarred side.
“Zephyr, will you be my big brother?” he asked so innocently that I had to chuckle. It was touching that Pip had taken to me so well. I didn’t know why, but I loved it. Pip was such a nice kid and deserved so much…
“I would be honored to be your big brother.” I said proudly, Pip grinning and blushing slightly at this.
“Thanks, Zephyr!” he squeaked, tackling me into a hug and making me fall onto my back and hit the mattress with a soft thud. “I’m sleeping here tonight.” He said determinedly before dropping onto my chest and closing his eyes. I smirked but didn’t move, letting him fall asleep before I carefully moved him beside me and rolled over to face him. I started to move away from Pip when his small hand reached over and grabbed onto my shirt, refusing to let me go. I sighed and let Pip move against me, holding on tightly to me all throughout the night…
Chapter Nine (Alice's POV)

I woke up the next day, unsure of what had pulled me out of my slumber. Then, I heard it again. A girl’s shouting. I sat up and pulled the covers off, quickly exiting the tent. I looked around and saw a scene of chaos before me. A herd of them. A whole group. The Fallen. They’d come. My breath caught in my throat and I almost choked. The stench of rotting flesh burned at my nostrils and scratched at my throat, making me want to vomit. I looked around for the others, my heart pounding in my chest. I saw Piper streaking past me, holding Pip in his arms. Belle was pulling Aria along, Zephyr and Maxx standing protectively in front of them as they tried to get out of the Fallen’s way. Zephyr spotted me and grabbed Maxx’s arm and pointed at me. Maxx nodded and sprinted towards me. I froze, unable to move, rooted to the spot with fear. Maxx grabbed my wrist and pulled me along after him. I stumbled after him, barely being missed by a Fallen lunging at me.
“Hurry it up!” shouted Maxx at me, his brown eyes wide and scared as I ran to keep up with him. Maxx and I got out of the clearing just in time, crashing into Zephyr, Aria, Belle and Piper.
“We have to get out of here.” Said Zephyr breathlessly, doubling over and gripping his side as he tried to catch his breath.
“But where’s Zed?” cried Aria, her voice high pitched and scared. Maxx shook his head.
“We’ll have to leave without him.” Said Maxx grimly. “We have to get out of here.” He said, grabbing Belle and Aria’s hands and starting to run down the street. The rest of us followed after them, hearing the crashing sounds of the Fallen behind us as they set out after us.
Aria fell behind and skidded around the corner as she tried to catch up with us. I froze though when I heard a sharp cry and looked over my shoulder. Aria had fallen to the ground and was gripping her ankle, a pained look on her face. Belle knelt beside her and tried to pull her up but Aria fell over with a weak cry, unable to stand. Zephyr looked over his shoulder nervously as he heard them drawing closer.
“Oi! Idiots, get in here.” Shouted a boy’s voice from across the street. I looked over and saw a blue haired boy waving frantically at us. Zephyr noticed him as well and looked over at Maxx, looking uncertain as they stood there.
“You coming or not?” cried the boy. Zephyr picked Aria up and the group and I started across the street. We slipped into the building, the blue haired boy slamming the door shut behind us. We breathed a sigh of relief as Zephyr set Aria down and checked on her ankle. The blue haired boy flitted around, shutting the blinds and barricading the door with furniture.
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” asked Maxx warily, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. The blue haired boy glanced over with a smirk on his rugged features.
“I’m Xander.” He said, pushing his long fringe out of his eyes. Zephyr straightened up, whipping his head around to glare at him.
“Xander?” he hissed, his blue eyes flashing angrily. “You’re that little twerp that stole my supplies!” cried Zephyr angrily, Xander smirking and shoving his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants.
“I don’t remember you, but it probably was me.” He said with a chuckle, carding his fingers through his turquoise blue hair. Zephyr stood up, clenching his fists and taking a step towards Xander.
“Why you little, thieving ra-“ Zephyr was cut off by the arrival of a green haired boy coming in from a separate room.
“Xander, what’s going on?” he snapped, his arms crossed and a guarded look in his gray eyes. Xander glanced over at his friend and grinned.
“These idiots were about to become the main course for our little buggers.” He said with a sharp laugh. The green haired boy rolled his eyes and shook his head at us.
“That was rather idiotic.” He agreed, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Belle looked infuriated.
“Who do you think you are, calling us idiots?” she cried, her onyx eyes flashing angrily. The green haired boy shared a glance with Xander and grinned.
“I’m Kai and as you already know, this is my partner in crime, Xander.” Said the boy named Kai with a sneer. Piper gasped, a dawning look of realization appearing on her face.
“Xander and Kai?” she asked disbelievingly. “The Xander and Kai?” she questioned, Kai nodding proudly and Xander chuckling under his breath.
“I see you’ve heard of us.” Xander said smugly, tossing his hair out of his eyes.
“You all lost me…” I said in bewilderment, trying to remember if I’d ever heard of ‘Xander and Kai’. Belle looked over at me, eyes wide and jaw slack.
“Have you been living under a rock?” she asked sarcastically.
“Yes, actually I have been. Couldn’t find anywhere to stay.” I replied back to her, just as sarcastic.
“Belle, shut up.” Maxx ordered her, frowning disapprovingly at her. “Alice, Xander and Kai are widely known on the streets as a pair of low down, dirty thieves.” Maxx explained with as much venom as he could muster, Xander and Kai pretending to look offended and hurt.
“We’re not thieves!” protested Kai, his hand over his heart.
“We prefer, borrowers that don’t return.” Tittered Xander, which earned him a glare from everyone. Piper stalked towards Xander, and even though she was a good five inches shorter than him she proved to be a terrifying figure. She drew herself up to her full height like a mother hen defending her chicks as she got in Xander’s face.
“I believe you ‘borrowed’ a loaf of bread from me that you neglected to return to me.” She hissed in a low voice that held promise of danger. I was impressed that Xander didn’t even bat an eyelash at her furious display.
“Sorry sweetheart, but you aren’t getting that back.” He said teasingly sliding past her to join Kai across the room. I glanced the two up and down, realizing that despite their worn, rough features, they both appeared to be young.
“How old are you two…?” I asked quietly. “You two look like kids.” I said with a sigh, praying they weren’t as young as I thought them to be. Xander looked about sixteen and Kai looked to be eighteen. Xander rolled his eyes, arms crossed.
“I don’t see why you want to know, but I’m fifteen.” Said Kai, stunning me and the others. I didn’t want to know how old Xander was now…
“I’m thirteen.” Said Xander proudly, Piper breathing in a sharp gasp of air and her hand flying to her mouth.
“You’re thirteen?” asked Zephyr doubtfully, not believing it himself. Xander nodded and smirked.
“Don’t believe it, do ya?” he challenged with a large grin. I shook my head.
“You can’t be thirteen! I’ve seen what you can do. You're horrible, merciless people!” Said Piper in horror, her brown eyes wide. Kai shook his head, looking disgusted.
“You’re such hypocrites.” He spat. “We’re doing the exact same thing you are but because we’re younger, we’re horrible people.” Kai snapped angrily, Xander vigorously nodding in agreement.
“We’re not going to do the same thing you are! We’re be-“ Belle was interrupted by Kai.

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