» Thriller » Suzy, Gary L Beer [story reading txt] 📗

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and not appreciating the long term difficulties this would involve, she thought of a way to get rid of Sharon.
Sharon had been a good friend to her over the years, but usually only when it suited her. Not considering the help and support Sharon had given since Doug's death Suzy considered the best way was to poison her.
As it was late spring there would not be a good source of poisons; in the form of toadstools and poisonous mushrooms. Suzy racks her brains to think of another way.
Of course! For starters she could begin with a thick curried soup impregnated with ground glass. For the main course she could have chicken stew (infected with salmonella) and hot sauce laced with rat poison.
Her mind races with excitement at the planning ahead. Getting her diamond nail file from the bathroom she returns to the kitchen and looks under the kitchen cupboard for an empty jar.
Finding a small jar that once contained a yeast extract she takes it outside and drops it onto the pavement. The jar breaks into several pieces and Suzy carefully picks up the largest one. Putting it on the kitchen table she sweeps up the remaining broken glass with a dustpan and brush,
Returning to the kitchen Suzy finds the TV guide and spreads it out onto the table. Using her nail file and holding on to a smooth piece of the jar she rubs a sharpened edge of glass along the nail file.
The diamonds, impregnated into the file and manmade, do the job admirably as a small pile of dusty glass accumulates onto the TV guide. Smiling happily Suzy continues filing until a small mound appears on the paper.
Anxious not to lose the glass dust Suzy pours it into a brightly coloured striped vacuum flask and tightens the lid.

With summer fast approaching the days warm quickly, Suzy had visited Lewis on several occasions when Sharon was at work. Sharon by all appearances had moved in with Lewis as many of her clothes and possessions were spread around the flat.
Lewis admitted that he was not happy with the situation, but felt obliged to Sharon for looking after him when he first came out of hospital.
“What are you going to do now?” asks Suzy.
“My lung is greatly improved now; there is still some pain that feels weird. I think there is some air trapped between the lung and the lining, which still likes to move about.” Lewis replies giving a weak smile.
“What about Sharon?” asks Suzy a little annoyed that Lewis has not answered her fully.
“Sharon is proving to be a big problem, we have had quite a few big arguments and I have tried to throw her out but it does not work.”
“Why don't you just lock the door when she goes out?”
“Because she knows about you and Doug and something else about me and she threatens to go to the police.”
Suzy is shocked, she thought she knew Sharon better than that and the last thing she would have thought was Sharon would use blackmail and threaten going to the police.
“What is this 'something else' she knows about?”
“If I was to tell you then you might be tempted to blackmail me like Sharon is.”
Suzy is annoyed at Lewis's lack of trust in her until he sees that he is smiling.
“Just winding you up Suzy, it was something that happened a few years ago now.”
“No, do not tell me,” interrupts Suzy; “I am not Sharon.”
“Thanks Suzy, Sharon will be home soon, are you sure you want to be here when she walks in the door?”
Suzy looks Lewis in the eyes; “Damn right I do.” she answers as she stands up picking up the empty coffee mugs in front of her; “Do you want more coffee?”
“Yes please, as long as you are sure, Sharon will not be pleased to see you.”
“The feeling is mutual.” answers Suzy as she walks into the kitchen.

Thirty minutes later the sound of Sharon putting the key in the lock of the front door penetrates the silence. Suzy and Lewis had not spoken since Suzy had made the coffee as they nervously await Sharon's arrival.
As Sharon enters the front room she sees Suzy sitting on the couch; “What are you doing here?” she asks as she puts her keys on a small shelf.
Suzy stands and walks over to Sharon and gives her a big hug; “Sharon, how wonderful to see you,” she lies; “have you had a good day?”
“Not really I was at work.” answers a surprised Sharon.
“I came round to see how you are getting on; you are certainly doing a good job looking after Lewis. I would say he even looks normal.” laughs Suzy.
Sharon stands in the middle of the room trying to gather her thoughts, Suzy's welcome was unexpected and she wonders why Suzy is behaving like this.
Not giving Sharon too much time to think Suzy continues; “As the weather is so nice I was wondering if you and Lewis would come out for a picnic tomorrow? I know a great place where hardly anyone goes.”
“Lewis has to go to work tomorrow, they want him in the office for most of the day.” replies Sharon appearing glad to make the excuse.
“You have a day off tomorrow don't you?” asks Suzy.
“Yes and the day after.” Sharon smiles.
“Why not you and me go? It has been ages since we had a good natter; and you can fill me in on all the scandal.” smiles Suzy in her friendliest smile.
“That is a good idea, there was a time when you two were nearly inseparable, we used to think you were Lesbians.” Lewis laughs.
Sharon blushes showing her inner feelings as Suzy joins in the laughter.
“I will bring sandwiches and drinks.” Suzy tells Sharon enthusiastically.
Burying her jealousy, Sharon has no choice but to agree, the way the offer has been presented she would cause a deep insult if she refused. Suzy appeared pleased that Sharon was looking after Lewis which was a puzzle as Sharon knew Suzy was in love with him.

The evening follows pleasantly with no sign of animosity from Suzy towards Sharon, even when Sharon puts her arm around Lewis, Suzy appeared happy.
When the time came for Suzy to leave Sharon offered to give her a lift home, concerned that Sharon and Suzy may argue on their own Lewis said he needed to get out; and could he sit in the back seat?
Sharon did not appear to like this idea but with Suzy's enthusiasm with him joining them she had little choice but to accept.
Suzy chattered happily all the way home mainly of the good times they had all those years ago.
Lewis had come to know Suzy very well and the involvement with Doug had brought them closer together. He wondered why Suzy was putting on this act; he knew that Suzy no longer liked Sharon. The expression on her face when he told her Sharon was almost keeping him a prisoner proved that.
Arriving at Suzy's front gate Sharon puts the handbrake on and keeps the engine running.
Suzy leans over and kisses Sharon on the cheek; “Thanks for the lift, see you tomorrow at about one o'clock?”
Sharon blushes a little from the kiss confirming Suzy's suspicions that Sharon liked more than men.
“Yes that will be fine.” smiles Sharon.
“See you later Lewis.” Suzy says as she gets out of the car, not looking backwards she opens her front gate and steps inside as Sharon drives away.

The alarm buzzing at 5 a.m. wakes Suzy with a jump; leaning over she switches the alarm off and gets out of bed. Only putting her slippers on she makes her way to the kitchen and the freezer. Opening the freezer door she takes out a piece of chicken breast in its sealed bag and lays it on the draining board. Shutting the freezer door on her way past Suzy walks back to her bedroom and gets back into bed. Picking up the alarm clock she resets the alarm to go off at 8 a.m. and puts it on the bedside table. Burying herself in the covers she closes her eyes and goes back to sleep.

Suzy awakes a few seconds before the alarm goes off at 8 a.m. but still waits for the buzzing sound before she turns it off. Getting out of bed she puts her slippers on and walks into the kitchen, picking up the now defrosted chicken breast she returns it to the freezer and goes back to bed.
Hearing the postman pushing letters through her letterbox has Suzy opening her eyes. Looking at the time she sees it is nearly ten o'clock and quickly gets out of bed. Putting her slippers on she goes into the bathroom to wash and prepare for the coming day.
Preparing a thick spicy soup, Suzy hums happily as she cooks; taking out the frozen chicken breast in its sealed bag Suzy puts it into a large bowl of warm water. Preparing her sandwiches she uses the chicken breast that she has kept in the refrigerator.
Dicing it she mixes it with mayonnaise and an oriental spicy dressing stirring it vigorously. Noticing the soup is now hot enough she pours half of it into a bright red vacuum flask. The remaining soup she pours into the striped flask that contains the glass dust.
Putting on a pair of surgical rubber gloves Suzy takes the chicken out of the bowl of warm water and lays it on the draining board. Throwing the water from the bowl into the sink Suzy puts it onto the table and picks up the bag of chicken breast.
Looking closely through the clear polythene Suzy can see no traces of mould or fungus, the meat appears lighter in colour and seems to be the only difference. This surprises Suzy as she had been freezing and defrosting the chicken for two days now; and she hoped it was infested with salmonella.
Opening the seal of the bag cautiously Suzy opens it wide and can smell no unpleasant odour escaping. Feeling brave she leans towards the bag and breathes in gently, apart from a strong chicken smell all seems normal. Tipping the chicken breast into the bowl on the table Suzy steps outside and walks to the pile of rubbish that is to be burnt in the garden.
Wrapping the bag in a sheet of newspaper she puts it onto the ground and sets it alight with a lighter from her pocket. Waiting until the paper and bag have become ash she walks back to the kitchen and starts to prepare Sharon's sandwiches.
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