» Thriller » Suzy, Gary L Beer [story reading txt] 📗

Book online «Suzy, Gary L Beer [story reading txt] 📗». Author Gary L Beer

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Cutting the chicken breast into small pieces in the big bowl Suzy adds mayonnaise. Going to the refrigerator she takes out a small plastic container with a similar oriental spicy dressing she used earlier. This dressing is different as it has an added ingredient.
Several days ago she had paid a visit to a large DIY outlet and bought some rat poison. On returning home she had poured the poison into a small saucepan, using the minimum amount of water she had brought the mixture to the boil and simmered it for five minutes.
Pouring the hot contents through a fine meshed sieve into a heatproof glass bowl she allowed it to cool. An hour later when it had fully cooled Suzy held the bowl up and looked inside. Two definite layers had formed; a clear liquid at the top and a light blue liquid below. Suzy wanted the blue fluid and carefully removed the clear fluid using an egg cup. By the time she had finished barely an egg cupful of blue fluid remained and she hoped that it would be enough. Mixing the blue fluid with the spicy dressing Suzy felt confident that Sharon would not notice the added ingredient. Preparing Sharon's sandwiches Suzy puts them in a separate container and puts them in the refrigerator. Smiling happily she makes herself a cup of coffee and waits for Sharon to call.

Chapter Sixteen

“Hooray” says Suzy softly as she hears the ringing of the doorbell, walking quickly to the front door she opens it wide to see Sharon looking at her garden.
“Glad you could make it.” greets Suzy.
Sharon looks up at her not appearing as happy; “You keep your garden nice and tidy.” she says in a monotone voice.
“That's what keeps me sane; everyone thinks it is great when you are able to spend all day at home. Far from it, the television drives me mad with the repeats and I have already cleaned and washed the bungalow inside twice this month.” she smiles, ignoring Sharon's tone of voice.
“I will go get the sandwiches, come in if you want?” Suzy asks her as she walks to the kitchen. Putting the flasks and sandwiches into a large bag Suzy picks up her door keys. Locking the back door she checks the bungalow for any windows she may have left open. Satisfied all is secure Suzy walks to the front door to see Sharon standing by the gate. Shutting and locking her front door Suzy forces a smile on her lips; “All ready, I got us some great sandwiches.” she tells Sharon happily as she holds the large bag up for Sharon to see.
Sharon does not look impressed, even bored as she walks towards her car. Opening the door she gets in and puts her safety belt on.
Suzy gets in beside her, putting the bag between her legs; “What a lovely day.” she enthuses as she puts the safety belt on.
“Where are we going?” asks Sharon as she starts the engine.
“Not far, if you keep going straight on for about a kilometre and I will show you where to park.”
“A kilometre, is that all?” answers Sharon scornfully; “We might as well have stayed in your back garden.”
Suzy suppresses her anger and forces a smile as she tries to keep her voice calm; “You will be amazed at this place as the scenery is a lot better.”
Sharon looks at Suzy in a way that shows she does not believe her and returns her attention to driving.
Just over a kilometre further on Suzy tells Sharon to slow down as she looks for the little entranceway. The woodland that bordered the road had only just started to appear and Suzy watches intently.
“There it is.” she shouts and Sharon slams the brakes on. She can just make out a faint trail that leads deep into the trees.
“You cannot be serious? My car won't fit down there.” Sharon says angrily.
“Yes it will believe it or not there is a tarmac road just past them stinging nettles.” says Suzy as she points at the stinging nettles which bar their way.
“You are lying.” says Sharon her anger rising.
“Go and have a look, I will come with you.” replies Suzy as she unbuckles her safety belt and opens the car door. Stepping outside she walks towards the stinging nettles as Sharon comes up behind her.
Suzy stands on some of the stinging nettles and makes a little path through them. Two metres further on and past the stinging nettles she turns around in triumph; “Told you, come and look.”
Sharon follows Suzy's path through the nettles and is amazed to see Suzy standing on an old tarmac road. The road has not been used for years as weeds grow, as the woodland reclaims its land.
“This leads to a big field the other side of the woods; I think there was a house there a long time ago. Once you get through the nettles it will be easy driving.” assures Suzy as she walks back to the car and gets in.
With a final look into the trees Sharon walks back to her car and gets in and starts the engine; “If my car gets damaged, you will have to pay for it.” she warns as she puts the car into gear and drives forward.
The stinging nettles flatten before them offering no resistance and Sharon finds herself driving along a smooth road. The trees that crowd around and above make it appear like some magical tunnel as they drive slowly along.
A few minutes later the trees end and welcoming sunshine covers the car, Sharon finds herself in a large open grassed area that must be the size of a football pitch. Surrounding the grassed area are huge trees that finish at the far end where a vertical cliff looks down on them.
“What is this place?” asks Sharon in awe as she stares at the huge cliffs before her.
“A well kept secret, most people think this area is private, so they keep away. You might want to park your car over at the cliffs as this place is a heat trap. Doug came here with me last time and parked the car in the sunshine and it became too hot to touch, let alone drive. He really suffered.” smiles Suzy.
“Where shall I park then?” asks Sharon captivated by this beautiful place.
“Drive to the left of those cliffs and you will see a big cave, well it is more of an overhang that leads to a cave. If you park it in there it will be in the cool.”
Sharon nods her head and drives towards the cliffs, seeing the cave she turns the car around and reverses into it. The cave appears deep and Sharon cannot see the end as it disappears into the blackness.
“How deep does that go?” Sharon asks eager to explore.
“About fifty metres before you have to bend down and then get on your hands and knees. Doug reckoned he could not find the end one time he went in there.”
“What a great place, you sure have kept this quiet.”
“Too right.” smiles Suzy as she gets out of the car and walks into the sunshine.
Sharon is fascinated by the cliffs; made of limestone, the rain and the weather had shaped it into many odd looking structures. Walking forward she can see some formations resembled ancient buildings, maybe thousands of years old. One formation was especially fascinating as from a distance it resembled an oak tree in summer.
Suzy calls for Sharon that the food is ready and reluctantly Sharon walks back.
Suzy has spread a bright red tartan picnic blanket out on the grass just in front of Sharon's car. The sun shining down on such a tranquil place and Suzy sitting on the tartan blanket makes Sharon think it all is a dream.
Suzy picks up the striped flask and pours the contents into a large mug, picking it up she hands it to Sharon; “I hope you like it, I mixed a couple of tins of soup together.”
Sharon takes the mug from Suzy's hand and looks at the half empty contents; “Are you sure you can spare it?” she asks sarcastically.
“That is only the starter, I don't want to fill you up in case you do not eat your sandwiches.” she smiles as she pours her own soup into a mug from the red flask.
Sharon takes a small sip of her soup; “That is quite nice, what is it?”
“Game soup with a bit of chicken soup added to lighten it.” answers Suzy with a false smile as she takes a drink of her soup.
Sharon does not take long to drink all her soup and finishes before Suzy. Putting her bowl down Suzy reaches into the bag and takes Sharon's box of sandwiches out.
“No hurry, wait until you have finished your soup.” offers Sharon, the friendliest she had been towards Suzy for weeks.
“It is Ok.” replies Suzy as she hands Sharon the sandwich box. The glass in the soup would start taking effect very shortly and Suzy needed Sharon to eat the chicken sandwich before that happened.
“You will like them; I made your favourite; chicken, mayonnaise and an oriental spicy sauce that should make you smile.” Suzy says as she picks up her soup. Drinking it all in one go she puts the mug down and reaches for her sandwich box.
Opening it quickly, Suzy takes out a sandwich and bites into it, sighing contently she chews several times; “That is better, I was starving.” she says with a big smile.
Sharon opens her sandwich box and reaches in taking out a large sandwich; “Big enough are they?” she asks with a trace of sarcasm.
Suzy smiles and makes no answer as she wants Sharon to eat the sandwich quickly.
Sharon bites into the sandwich and chews on it thoughtfully; “There is a lot of chicken in here and are these spices I can taste? Are there mushrooms mixed in as well?” she asks as she swallows the sandwich.
“It was an oriental spicy sauce from the supermarket, I cannot remember the name as it was on special offer, and normally I cannot afford it.”
“If you still have the jar at home I will have a look, this is quite good.” says Sharon as she takes another bite of the sandwich.
Suzy forces her first sandwich down as fast as she can and starts on the second to encourage Sharon to eat her second one.
“Haven't you eaten today?” asks Sharon as she puts the last piece of sandwich in her mouth.
“Yes, I had a big breakfast, but these sandwiches taste amazing I wish I had made more.” replies Suzy with a smile.
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