» Thriller » Violet Scarlett, Beky Cybille [read 50 shades of grey .txt] 📗

Book online «Violet Scarlett, Beky Cybille [read 50 shades of grey .txt] 📗». Author Beky Cybille

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the show” Derek smirked jumping onto a tree branch. While I stared at him looking away when he winked at me. Weird guy.


I turned towards the trackers a dark smirk coming to my lips at the fearful expressions. As if a switch was flipped they all ran into the forest towards the pack. I can safely say they won’t ever make it there. Alive that is.


I chuckled darkly before taking off after them. My wolf and I were enjoying the hunt, but one thing we will enjoy much more is payback, torture.


‘Leave that to me’ my wolf took control of my body as I gladly let her.


I felt power coursing through my veins, as my wolf went into a clearing near the one we were in. ‘Why are we here, their getting away!’ I growled towards my wolf puzzled. ‘Shouldn’t we be hunting them?! You know, tear them limb to limb?’ What? You cannot judge me- they deserve it.


‘Wait and see, and don’t worry’ my wolf spoke confidentially making me quiet down.


I smelled him before Derek came into the clearing. “You’re fast” he grinned panting a little. We didn’t run that far did we?


“Thank You” my wolf answered in a darker and rougher voice than mine.


“The great wolf huh” he said and got down on one knee. “It’s an honor to meet you”.


My wolf just smirked. “You also, thank you for saving us”.


“It was my pleasure” he said and then rose. “So what do you plan on doing to them?” he asked his eyes twinkling in mischief.  This is a different Derek compared to the one that helped me a while back.


“You will see” my wolf chuckled.  “Oh here they come” she looked towards the edge of the clearing.


Sure enough all ten trackers came walking towards us casually, though the look on their faces said otherwise. It looks as if they are struggling. I was confused.


“Blood control comes in handy, doesn't it?” My wolf chuckled.


“Not bad” Derek stared at the scene in front of him. All ten trackers stood in a straight line in front of me.


“Not bad?” I asked. As my wolf gave me back the control. And gave me control of the blood control to use.


He just shrugged “No screams of pain.” I just stared at him. He is definitely different from the Derek I met.


I smirked as my wolf fed me knowledge and suddenly all ten of them crashed to the ground holding their head in pain. I just stared at them in disgust before turning back to him.


“Like it, it’s a new trick my wolf taught me. She calls it a Pain bringer” My smirk widened.


 ‘It brings pain alright. Glad you learned in such a short time. You still need more practice thought’ my wolf spoke.


“Not bad” he shrugged smirking again. I gave him an irritated look, but looked towards the members as they screamed louder clawing at their bodies. ‘Looks like you learned how to bring pain to the entire body instead of parts. Got to give the guy some props’ my wolf chuckled.


Wait? “You did that on purpose” I turned toward Derek.


“I have no idea what you are talking about?” he shrugged innocently.


Innocent? Yeah right. I heard his thoughts. My powers are coming faster than I thought.


The screams of pain brought me back. ‘Don’t kill them yet, we didn't have fun much’ my wolf pouted.


‘Wouldn't want that to happen huh’ I stopped the pain. They were all breathing or wheezing hard.


“Bitch” the same girl wheezed out.


My wolf and I growled at the disrespect.  Yeah she's rubbing off on me. I can’t wait to make that girl suffer, I faintly remember her helping Paige with my torments.


 I used blood control again to make them stand and saw her mate and smiled at my plan. Maybe it’s time the feel what true emotional pain and betrayal feels like.


“Bitch huh” I turned to her still smiling. She looked at me in fear for a moment before putting up the bitchy front again. “Yes bitch” she sent me a glare, her thoughts betrayed her though as my smile turned sinister.


“You” I pointed out towards her mate “come here” I made a finger motion.


“No” he spat. But I just used blood control to make him come towards me.


I traced the side of his face with the back of my palm I could see his eyes showing disgust. Not the only one buddy. “Get your hands off of him” the girl growled.


Smiling in satisfaction of my plan working, I snaked my hands behind his neck bringing him closer to me. “What are you doing?” the girl growled. I just looked at her straight in the eyes smirking as I kissed him. I kept eye contact as I made him close his eyes and pull me closer making him look like he was enjoying it.


I heard the girl growl, her wolf surfacing as she fought against my control.


 “Phil, what are you doing” Chris shouted. I pulled away smirking. “How is she doing this?” He growled as he tried fighting against my control.


“I - I” the Guy stammered. “Is something bothering you?” I asked the girl innocently. “Bitch, I am going to kill you” she fought under my control, so weak.


I heard laughter and saw Derek trying to muffle his laughter yet failing. “This is hilarious” he said as he shook his head chuckling.


I raised eyebrow “not as hilarious as this.” As I made the guy raise his hands, claws sharpened near his mark.


“No, no please don’t” he pleaded, struggling against my control. “Stop!” the girl struggled.


“Hmmm Hmmm…” I pretended thinking. “No” with that I made him claw at his mate mark making both him and his mate scream in pain. Mate marks are extremely sensitive, feelings and senses are multiplied, so if they feel pleasure it will multiply- but pain.


“Ouch, now that’s just cruel.” Derek commented halfheartedly.


“Stop it” Chris yelled. Over the screaming; along with the other protesting pack members.


“Alright” I made him stop as both he and his mate breathed heavily. Ugh mate I hate that word and what comes with it. Unconditional love, what a joke. With that that I snapped his neck throwing his body towards the girl.


She screamed and got down on her knees as released her from the control, weeping over his body. She looked up at me with crazed eyes. “Bitch I'm going to kill you” she lunged at me. What’s with her and calling me bitch?


She leapt at me shifting in the process. But before she could scratch me I kicked her, harder than I thought because soon she laid limb beside her precious mate- no heartbeat.


“I’m stronger than I thought” I thought out loud.


“Not to mention a monster, what are you, a vampire? Demon? With those red eyes to you might as well be!” one of the boys growled. I glanced at him with narrowed eyes. One minute he was standing alive, the next he dropped to the ground dead in front of me, as I twisted his neck. Poor boy didn't even see it coming. He still had the angry and disgusted expression which he was giving me from where he standing to where I was standing before.


“Well I would love to torture you, but I really should cut it short” I sighed in disappointment. But we should get moving soon.


No doubt their screams attracted the rogues. Plus we never know, the pack may send more people.


 “But the show was just getting good” Derek fake pouted. “Why are you letting her do this?” Chris shouted at him in anger.


“Simple, you deserve it. Plus why would a filthy rogue like me help you?” he shrugged.


“You’re both monsters” another guy spat. “Yeah yeah die on that” I went behind him snapping his neck.


“Four down, six to go” I stopped and stared at all of them. Particularly two of them, a boy and a girl staring at each other with worry and love.


‘Mates’ my wolf growled in disgust.


I walked up to the girl putting my hands on both side of her head before slowly as her mate was crying for me to stop. Chuckling I completely decapitated her. “Catch” I tossed the head to him releasing my control over him.


He caught her head staring in horror, before dropping it on the ground crying. “Awww boo hoo.” I rolled my eyes at him his sobbing.


He met my gaze and growled, attacking me shifting in the process. I just used the rain of pain on him not holding back as he wiggled and whimpered in pain before he laid limb.


I looked up at the remaining four also bringing the rain of pain on them. They all crumpled to the ground screaming. “You will suffer, when the Alpha hears about this” Chris wheezed. What is with him and telling the alpha?


‘If he's that eager, I'll gladly help him out’ my wolf chuckled. I smiled as she shared her plan.


I stopped the pain on all of them. Before anybody could say anything else I made their body self-destruct using blood control. All were gone, all but Chris who stared in horror.


“Since you want to tell the alpha so bad” my wolf and I spoke in sink, walking closer to him.


He was backing away, but I sped my way right to him bringing my hand inside him grabbing his heart.


 “Who are we to stop you? However you only get to say one sentence before you die” we spoke as we pulled his heart out, using magic on his heart making it beat as I held it up for him to see.


“You will live as long as I want and die when I want, as long as I have your heart you belong to me” I spoke now in control. “How?!” he breathed out looking between his beating heart in my hands and the hole in his chest.


“Well go on, run little runt run” I smirked. He didn't need to be told twice, as he ran towards his pack. “Don’t forget, you get one last sentence before you die” I laughed as his footsteps faded away.


“Well that’s something you don’t see every day” Derek came up to me staring at the heart in my hands. “My wolf taught me” I shrugged before concentrating. I stared at the heart in my hand to see a vision of a running Chris. He was close to the pack’s border. ‘Let’s make it harder for him shall we’ my wolf smirked.


With that I squeezed his heart, but not enough to kill or paralyze him. I saw his body collapse as he clutched his chest where his heart was before, getting up again and running to the pack’s border, but not as fast and 'healthy' as before.


“Hello” a hand waved in front of me. I turned towards Derek. “Sorry. What?”


“What are you spacing out for?” he asked curious.


"Just watching and torturing a certain someone” I shrugged. “You can see him?” he asked confused.


“Yeah kind of…” I saw Chris being spotted by a pack member and he tried to speak.


“Hold that thought” I told Derek before squeezing Chris's heart making him paralyze and unable to speak. Wouldn’t want him to waste his last words now, would we?


The pack member caught him as he fell before another came to help while another wen to get the pack doctor. They both carried him back to the pack house, the pack doctor and nurses following them.


Soon they were in the living room, with my hated people My Ex-Mate, my ex-sister and my ex-brother.


“Oh my god” I saw Paige gasp a disgusted look coming over her face.


Trent went over to Chris, as they placed him on the couch as the pack’s doctor began working on him.


“Who did this? And where are the others?” he asked or more like demanded. Wow no sympathy huh!


Chris looked over to Trent with fear. I sensed his last words coming out; I smirked and started squeezing his heart more slowly.


“T-t-their all d-dead, a-all de-ad, m-m-monster k-killed them a-all” he struggled with his words, just as I

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