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Maeve & Margot go into a creepy forest. Horrifying trees and dark clouds

Cindy was murdered. Delilah died. Daryll comitted suicide. They never asked to die. They never wanted to die. But Cindy changes her mind. So does Daryll. Will Delilah be able to change hers?

After experiencing a traumatic #metoo experience, congressional aide, Karen Taylor's, first impulse is to seek justice. With the assailant locked up, awaiting trial, Karen regrets her decision. The stigma will follow her, destroy her career, and sully any romantic relationships she attempts to pursue. During an emotional outburst, Karen intimates she wants to put it all behind her and move on with her life, she wishes 'somebody' could make it all go away.

We find Elizabeth dead after having a nervous break down or was it a breakdown. Will your narrorator survive. Or will she go crazy like Elizabeth?

Why do I see things? Why me? How can I see these things? Who am I?

What is this place? Diary. Sheriff Dawn? Help me, where am I, why do I feel so nausous, why do you- SHERIFF DAWN LOOK BEHIND YOU!!! RUN RUN!!!

As Roulette finally thought that her life was back to normal, she finds herself in a terrifying situation. She must find her own way and fight her own battles all by herself.

There was a first book now there is a second book, are you going to read it? If you are you are in for a really big scare, not like anything else is this world.