» Travel » More future awaits, David Nanney [ink ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «More future awaits, David Nanney [ink ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author David Nanney

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the back beside mine and Haley's and I sit down, and tell everyone what just happened I then tell hunter and Haley that I didn't kill my dad, he was shot by a jackass that had a sniper riffle I killed him and took his gun his gun it is right over there." We hit the road again, and I start talking again. "I had  friend here name was Kyle she died on our first attempt to leave this pice of shit world." I put my military jacket on and and Hunter and Haley asked me if I was really in the military. "Yes I was in the military, that is how I got a whole set of K-bars, I was superior captain now I am just a guy with this military equipment and a whole bunch of friends in my bus that I took for an elementary school." I walk up the aisle and tell Marco to stop the bus and stay put I had some thing to do, I walk outside of the bus and shoot a flare in the air and here they came running, meanwhile Jocelyn starts to see if Hunter and Haley are amune to the disease and Marco shut the front door, I was standing in one place they came after me and in one slash I sliced 3 heads off with my K-bar and I throw down my knife and I pulled my dads favorite sword that he made, and slice 1 more zombie in 2, 4, 8, 16 then 32.


When they were all dead I picked up my knife and I walked back to the bus and sat on my bed. "Give it to me straight doc, are they safe to get bit." I said with a smile. "I don’t think the samples are done yet, we must not move the for a moment." We waited and when the results came around "We are Happy, Haley is amune is Hunter!!" Said Jocelyn. Hay maybe someday we could have a party but we have got to get going, before I gotta go outside............. AGAIN!!!!!!

Chapter: 15 The relationship


We are driving down the road and we see a wal*mart, we look at each other and nod then we pull into the parking lot. We all gear up except Jocelyn and Hunter, we left to scavenge. We walked into the store and everything was nocked over and trashed, the vegetables were rotted making the store smell like moldy squash and bugs, we each pull out a flash light and a knife to make the dim aisles light up for us and protect ourselves. We split up I took Haley and Marco took Yamila I walked along the registers and Marco went straight I started tord the readjusters for items we may need but all I found was a whole lot of money so we started down the the walk way Closer the hunting supplies we got there and there it was a group of zombies behind the counter with the only thing we cared about at this point, "The guns, ammo and knifes. I will get the right side by the counter door, you get the left."I said. We kicked into action I lifted a shot gun and opened the counter."Move!" I yelled. Then I shot the zombies putting them all on the floor at once and calling Marco to my side at the same time, I shot one more time because I couldn't have been to careful.(Rule#2- Double tap)(ZOMBIE LAND) "Okay I think they are dead I will help Haley loud as much weapons ass we can find into this bag, y'all go get food in the bigger bag." I said. We start to put the guns in the bag, one by one I stop, and look at the ammo case. I pick up the hand radio."Hey, we have a little problem we don't have the key to the ammunition."CUPSHH, I said with the hand radio buzzing. "Thanks ok I think it is in the pile of dead guys." Marco says with a laugh. I look down and surly enough, the keys were at my feet hooked to the pants of a zombie, I reach down and pick up the keys, then slap myself in the face I unlock the ammo and knife case. I start stuffing ammo in to the bag the when the ammo was all in the bag I start putting the knifes in the bag till the bag is full. "I think we are done over here all weapons collected, repeat, all weapons collected."CUPSHH, I said over the radio. Okay we have filled the bag of CUPSSHHHHH!!! The radio goes blank and all we hear is dead silence. I was shore that if I had dropped a pen Marco could hear it, I put the radio to my moth and screamed, "MARCO!!!!!!"


I put it down, I start to sob, when all of a sudden I hear someone whisper in my ear, "Polo!" I turn and it was Marco. "I thought you didn't like when people called you that". I said. "I didn't say I didn't liked the word". He said. We hug then we get back to real life, "Where did the hand radio go." I asked. "Well lets just get out of here, their are to many back there." Yamila says. I nod then I grab the bag of weapons then we head for the door. We leave the store and get back to the bus but I felt a weird felling like something bad was going to happen. I stoped then everyone stoped I pulled out my K-bar and put the guns with Haley, "Stay here I see wheels under the bus and I know we didn't park with anything beside us, this parking lot was only full on that side and I told them to stay put." I said as I walked to the other side of the bus, I get on the ground so nobody could see me then I moved closer then I stood up real quick but nobody was in the car. I walked back around the I waved my friends to come on. I walked onto the bus and as soon as I knew it there was a gun to my head and we were tied up. It was all because of the relationship. Between Jocylen and Hunter.

Chapter:16 What did you just say


I was setting on my ass just letting them taunt me to tell them where my guns and weapons are I know where they are but I refuse to tell them. They bring me out to the asphalt and start beating me and kicking me I reach to my back pocket and pull out a revolver I stuck there when the bag was full, "STOP IT, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!! I yell. BANG!!!!! BANG!!!! Being a great shot show off I was I shot two men in the head, I stand up and point the gun closer the man with the power to these men, and I shoot He ducks and rolls I run to the spot I thought he ran to but be he was gone. He got away but next time I will kill him for sure. I thought to myself. We bored the bus panting as if our lungs were on fire, We dive out of the parking lot and out closer the way we came in and we sat down then we started the bus and left the parking lot closer the highway and we started to talk. "What happened here I need to know everything that happened." I said with a worried tone. "I was sitting here and he --- ME!! your the one----- STOP!!" We argued. "Now Jocleyn you first. Well we were just sitting here when he jumped on me and started kissing me." She said. "Well she liked it then while we were well decollated they walked in and saw us" Hunter said. I look out side then I close the the big metal doors so I could walk around. I was looking for a good spot to sit but thought I should go to my bed I was almost there when Marco slammed on the brakes and I fly, I slam on the door and I fall to the floor. My friends gather around me trying to pull me to the beds, then Marco runs in the room and locked the door. " We are surrounded by them they are everywhere get down and don’t make any nose." He said with a whisper. Then I black out and all of a sudden I am standing in a beautiful field surrounded by trees, "Hello, is anyone there." I yell. I am says a voice, I turn around and there she was Kyle with a big smile on her face I ran to her and gave her a big hug. "I thought you were dead" I cried, "Well I am dead but even upon the grave I am here to help you." She said with a tear. "How do you want to help me?" I asked. "I want to keep you from feeling pain evry time you get close to dyeing just close your eyes and think of me I will be he for you and your friends! okay?" She said. "Okay" I agreed. I give her one last hug and we say good bye. I open my eyes and I hear a mob of zombies I move and everyone looks at me "Hi, how dod you do." I say. My friends looked scared so I picked up a sword and opened the door and left to the out side I start out the door and there they are a whole bunch of them "What is this the Brady Bunch reunion?" I said with a laugh (Because I am funny) I pulled the emergency lever and waled out the doors and started killing Hunter runs out the door with the pluming wrench "What the fuck are you doing." I said with a chuckle he turns to me and says "Helping what do you think." but as he turned around he was scratched and drops the wrench and they get on top of him bitting him I rush to him swinging my sword he gets up screaming.


I rush him to the bus but Jocelyn pulls me in and slams the doors while Hunter is outside I try to help him but everyone was holding me

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