» Travel » More future awaits, David Nanney [ink ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «More future awaits, David Nanney [ink ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author David Nanney

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as long as I'm not uncomfortable." She said. I started out the door for her ammunition, "Look at her guys she is loaded with all types of stuff." I said "Where did you get it?" Marco asked. "Well there is an armory 12 miles that way I got this gun from." she said. "I can take us there." she said, then she handed me the map. "Your the leader right?" she asked. "No, we work as a team." I said. "But every team has a captain." She said, then everyone looked at me and I smiled. I guess I am my name is David so glade to meet you Alexis.We had the last 7354 miles maped out on a pice of paper neater then even a professional drawer could do. "WOW!" You can be our maper I guess, so let me right a list of our jobs, Marco can you follow the map and drive to the armory while I do this. "Sure." He says hopping in the front seat.


                                                                   The list


Marco: Driver   and     scouter


Yamila: Gas pumper      and      cleaner


Jocelyn: Cleaner      and      cooker


Haley: Leader    and    Helper


Alexis: Mapper     and     scouter


David: Leader      and      engineer



Chapter:20 The place of protection

"Hey we there yet Marco?" I ask with an irritating tone making sure people around me would laugh. "No, we are still at most an hour away." He said with a smile. We start on a plan to get into the U.S.ARMORY without attracting attention. We could use a lock-pick, I thought. "We have to take all possible thing into concentration, there could be people there." I said. 


We arrived and it was quiet and moist, the sun had just come up, making this a muggy morning. So we walk over to the door as planed and I start to bend down, but he door flies open and a man walks up. "Who are you, scalawags." He said in an Irish voice as crisp as the sea. "I am David leader of my people we came to get a few guns from this armory, may we come in?" I asked. "Hold on I will be right back." He said going back inside. He shut the door so we waited 15 minutes for him to open the door, but he throws out a walker covered in swords and guns I kick it off its feet puling a sword off him and cutting of his head. "take as much off of him even his military armor." I say pulling a revolver off of him and walking to the door. I open the door with him standing by it. What the hell was that you ready little bottom feeder we are taking this place. I said shooting him between the eyes. Jocelyn runs through the door, "What happened did he hurt you, David?" She asked. "No, be he almost hurt y'all and I would lose hope if I lose you guys." I said. "AWW, I like that you care, but what now" She said. "We do what we came here to do take all the weapons. We could live here for a while too, but lets just go the gun shot won't help us." I said looking out the door.


We started at the door that said armory but I noticed a door labeled, MRE supply, (Meal Ready to Eat) My mouth dropped I started walking closer and I touch the handle, but then I smell it the smell of kerosine. I back away form the doors and think to myself, "WOW, we got lucky I didn't blow us up shooting the guy." I call a meeting outside, " We can only use knifes in the building because I could smell kerosine in there." I said rushing to my knife to get to the MRE's. I open the door and there it was, a huge supply of MRE, just waiting to be eaten for the fear of them being stolen I took them all, just so we would be able to eat. I run back to the bus and sit down then place 2 MRE on Marcos bed then on my bed then 1 on Jocelyn's bed, then I waited for them to return so that we could eat. 


When we all got back to the bus we started to talk making it an epic evening we even had some dinner that made it even better. We started back home just in time too the walkers had started to arrive thanks to my gun shot that morning keeping us from leaving any faster preventing us from finding a place to stay we turned off the bus and started to sleep. We slept till morning to where we found all the walkers gone as if they got bored and walked away, We started on the road to find a new home to where we could live and stay alive.

Chapter:21 Back to the new

We were back to our 3 bed apartment and we could actually use all the rooms, I got a room with Haley, Marco and Yamila got a room, and Alexis got a room with jocelyn. All the rooms were about the same size but there was one room that had a small closet while the others had big ones. "Hey David can we have the room with the small closet." Marco asked. "Sure you can have that one I was going to give Alexis the room straight down the hallway." I said pointing to my old bedroom. (Total eclipse of the heart playing) "Because we can make it to the end!" I said. "Turn around bright eyed." said Alexis. I went to the only room that belonged to my parents when I lived here in 2015, so I started in the room and went to the closet and opened it up and turned on the light. There wasn't anything anywhere except a black satellite phone I picked it up and right behind it was a charger for it the phone seemed to be fully charged. "David I found this in our closet." Yamila said. "I found one too." Alexis said. "So did I but I also found a charger, how about y'all." I asked. "Yeah!" They said. "But I also found a bag of at least 24 military issue hand radios. Jocelyn said. Then Marco and Haley walked in. "Well we have been finding supplies in the closets. Go get the hand radios for Marco's room and your room then bring me the bag." I ordered. We began setting up the house and my satellite phone goes off so I step outside and answer it. "Are you in position yet quod 4." said what sounded like my old Marshall. "MARSHALL?!" I yelled, "DAVID is that you." yes I am in the apartment you left gear for." I said. "It was for you, I thought you would be there I have sent my deputy to check on the house he should be there soon. He said. "Ok I will call when he gets here." I hung up the phone. 


I walked back into the house "We are having company my Marshall left this stuff for us we are squad 4 now and a deputy is coming over we have to be nice and don't speak unless spoken to, he is vary general about that." I said. We started cleaning and cooking. I went out the back door to see what the outside was like, and it was kinda damp, so I went back inside. Then I herd a knock on the door so I opened the door and it was a man holing a gun asking for some food so I tossed him an MRE and he ran off. I shut the door and waited for the deputy, I then call the Marshall and told him that he never showed, and he was worried that we was dead. I start to clean out the car for my room I pull the bed out of the bus and put it in my shared room and started setting it up for bed so Haley could sleep I had to do something important. I walked out side to the middle of the street, it was foggy for some reason but I waited for him to come just to settle for his life to keep him in the military. All of a sudden a flare falls from the sky almost hitting me in the head, I start to run to the house in fear that I would be caught by a walker. I get inside safely but I look out the storm door and see a guy on the building accrued the street yelling for help.

Chapter:22 To hell and back again

 I turn around and grab my gear, "Should I ask someone to come with me?" I think to myself. I drop my stuff and run into Marcos room thinking to my self that they were asleep, I walk over to Marco and tap him, "Hey borsch you need something?" He said with a yawn. "Yeah, I need you to help me save someone." I said. He got out of bed and picked up his bag and put on his pants while I wrote a letter stating where we were and what we were doing. We left taking our BOB's ( BOB stands for bug out bag ) making sure to save this man. Walking a-crossed the street was easier than it was in 2015 because there weren't any

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