» Travel » An Australian in China, George Ernest Morrison [best free e book reader txt] 📗

Book online «An Australian in China, George Ernest Morrison [best free e book reader txt] 📗». Author George Ernest Morrison

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in Yunnan, 150

Bonvalot, G., in Yunnan, 149

Bridges, some notable, 26, 83, 85, 118, 186, 233, 240, 242

Broomhall, B., cited, 66, 67

Browne, Col. Horace, 246, 267, 268

Bugs in China and Spain, 55, 56

Burdon, Bishop, cited, 123

Cameron, Dr., missionary traveller, 213

Cantonese, 207;
in Australia, 222-224

Caravans of cotton, 226, 271

Carruthers, A. G. H., assistant commissioner of customs, Chungking, 51

Cash currency of China, 161, 162

Chairen, the policeman of China, 77, 190

Chang-chen Nien, Brigadier-General, Tengyueh, 181, 246

Chang Chi Tung, the viceroy, 3, 4

Chang-show-hsien, 33

Chang Yan Miun, the giant of Yunnan, 184, 185

Chaochow, 200

Chaotong, the city of, 97-116;
its converts, 178

Chehki, 137

Ch'en, merchant prince, 29, 30

Chennan-chow, 192

Chentu, city, 62;
river, 62

Chiang, telegraph clerk, Yunnan, 168

China Inland Mission, in Hankow, 6;
in Wanhsien, 27-29;
in Chungking, 49;
in Suifu, 65, 73, 75;
in Yunnan, 177;
in Tali, 213-216;
results in Yunnan province, 178;
in China generally, 180;
its teaching, 65-71

Chinese, in Australia, 222-224;
in Burma, 288-290

Chinese, avarice, 79;
benevolence, 29;
beauty of women, 13;
cards, visiting, 181, 182;
characters, reverence for, 170;
courtesy, 255;
desire to have children, 197, 198;
etiquette, 230;
friendliness, 140;
good nature, 117;
gratitude, 27, 28;
inaccuracy, 99;
indifference to pain, 104,
to sound, 74, 169;
irreverence, 195;
justification by works, 169;
kindness to children, 113, 290;
laughter, 195;
love at first sight, 153-155;
politeness, 196, 197, 201, 255;
respect for old age, 117, 198;
thoughtfulness, 189;
true felicity, 180;
wonderful memory, 167, 168

Chipatzu, 22

Chueh, telegraph operator and interpreter, 248

Chungking, city of, 34-39

Chuhsing-fu, 187

Clarke, Mr. G. W., missionary traveller, 213

Clarke, Marcus, cited, 210

Coal on the Yangtse, 32

Coffins in China, 92, 137, 265

Colquhoun, A. R., in Yunnan, 150

Conversion, instances of rapid, 179

Converts, in China, 5;
Wanhsien, 28;
Chungking, 49;
Suifu, 65;
Chaotong, 99;
Tongchuan, 121;
Yunnan City, 177;
Yunnan Province, 178, 179;
Talifu, 214

Cooke, G. W., cited, 46, 176

Coolies' enormous loads, 90, 91

Couchman, Major, cited, 274;
in Rangoon, 288

Crockery, 118, 119

Customs, China Inland (likin-barriers), 21, 48, 97, 118, 242, 272, 277

Customs, Imperial Maritime, 13, 25, 35-38

Davenport, Dr. Cecil, medical missionary, Chungking, 49

Davies, Capt. H. R., Bhamo, 285

Davis, Sir J. F., cited, 57

Dedeken, Père, of Kuldja, 150

De Gorostarza, Père, Provicaire in Yunnan, 172

De Guignes, cited, 140

Distances in China, 141, 278

Doctors in China, 107-110; mule-doctor, 145

Doolittle, Rev. Justus, cited, 69, 130, 170

Doudart de la Grée, in Yunnan, 149

Douglas, R. K., cited, 127

Dudgeon, Dr. J., cited, 112, 130

Du Halde, cited, 90, 108, 176

Dymond, Rev. Frank, missionary, Chaotong, 98, 99

Eclipse of the Sun, 125, 126

Edkins, Rev. Dr. J., cited, 130

Eitel, Rev. Dr. E. J., cited, 129

Excoffier, Père, of Yunnan, 146

Famine in Chaotong, 99;
in Tongchuan, 127;
on the way to Yunnan, 137-144

Fan-yien-tsen, 82

Farrar, Ven. Archdeacon, cited, 191

Feng-hsiang, Gorge, 21, 30

Fengshui-ling, 240

Feng-tu-hsien, 33

Fenouil, Monseigneur, of Yunnan, 171, 172

Fraser, Consul E. H., Chungking, 45

Fuchou, 33

Fungshui, 157, 175

Fung-yen-tung, 205

Fu-to-kuan, fort of, 52

Ganai, Shan town, 254-256

Gates of a Chinese city, 174

Geary, H. Grattan, cited, 43

Giles, H. A., cited, 129

Gill, Mr. Hope, missionary, Wanhsien, 27

Gill, Capt. W., cited, 17, 90

Girls in China, 13, 14, 139, 140;
bought, 155;
sold, 100, 101;
price of, 100

Goitre, 101, 145, 155, 185;
its prevalence, 227, 228

Gold, on the Yangtse, 23;
in Yunnan, 158-160

Graham, Mr., missionary, Yunnan, 177, 219

Grosvenor Mission in Yunnan, 149

Guinness, Miss G., cited, 213

Haas, M., 42-44

Hankow, the city of, 3-8

Hanyang, 3

Heads of criminals, 192;
of dacoits, 273, 274

Hirth, Dr. F., Commissioner of Customs, 40

Hobson, H. E., cited, 31

Hokiangpu, 222

Hongmuho, 270, 275-277

Hosie, A. M., cited, 17;
in Yunnan, 149

Hsiakwan, 200, 219, 221

Hsintan rapids, 15

Huanglien-pu, 226;
goitre at, 228

Huc, Abbé, cited, 176

Iangkai, 144

Ichang, 9

Infanticide in China, 129, 130;
in Chaotong, 101;
in Tongchuan, 129

Inquirers at Wanhsien, 28;
Yunnan, 177;
Tali, 215

Iremonger, Capt. R. G., Nampoung, 275

Jensen, Mr. C., in Yunnan, 147;
experiences in China, 156, 157;
on distances, 187;
to construct line to Burma, 238

Jesuit Missionaries in China, 123, 173, 176

John, Rev. Dr. Griffith, cited, 130

Kachins ("protected barbarians"), 254, 259, 270, 273, 274

Kanhliang, Shan chief, 245

Kaw Hong Beng, Private Secretary to Viceroy, 4, 5

Kiangti, 117

Kong-shan, 141

Kueichow on the Yangtse, 18

Kuhtsing, its converts, 178

Kung Chao-yuan, Minister to Great Britain, 73

Kung-t'-an-ho, 33

Kweichou-fu, 21

Lacouperie, Terrien de, cited, 257

Lanchihsien, 60

Laokai, 148, 159

Laowatan river, 79; town, 85

Lay, G. T., cited, 13, 45

Leitoupo, 139

Lenz, F. G., in Yunnan, 150, 151

Li Han Chang, in Yunnan, 149

Li Hung Chang, 72, 149;
on opium, 46, 190

Ling chi, 69, 231, 232

Li Pi Chang, Telegraph Manager, Yunnan, 151-153, 181, 184

Li-Sieh-tai, of Tengyueh, 246

Little, A. J., cited, 13, 122;
in Chungking, 51

Little river, 40, 44, 52

Liu, Colonel, of Chinese Boundary Commission, 244, 245, 255

Liu, the Viceroy, 72

Lockhart, Dr. W., cited, 28, 130

Loh-Ta-Jen, Chentai at Ichang, 9

London Missionary Society, Hankow, 6;
Chungking, 49

Lorain, Père, Procureur in Chungking, 50

Luchow, 60

Lu-feng-hsien, 186

Luho, 187

MacCarthy, Justin, cited, 210

MacGowan, Rev. Dr. D. J., cited, 130

Maire, Père, of Tongchuan, 133

Mander, S. S., cited, 47, 191

Manyuen (Manwyne), 264-269

Marco Polo, cited, 238;
in Yunnan, 149

Margary, A. R., cited, 266;
in Yunnan, 149, 246;
his murder, 264-269

Marks, Rev. Dr. J. E., 289, 290

Martin, Rev. Dr. W. A. P., cited, 67, 170

Martini, M. (D.S.P.), in Bhamo, 285

Mason, Rev. G. L., cited, 28

Mateer, Rev. C. W., cited, 28, 140

Meadows, T. T., cited, 113, 154

Medhurst, Rev. W. H., cited, 87 (wrongly written "Meadows"), 197

Medhurst, Sir W. H., cited, 5, 45, 108

Medicines in China, 83, 107-110

Mekong river, 221,
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