» True Crime » The Interceptors: Peril Circle, James East (Dribbleondo) [epub read online books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Interceptors: Peril Circle, James East (Dribbleondo) [epub read online books TXT] 📗». Author James East (Dribbleondo)

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they were looking at was a dead man, which, by the looks of it was wearing a Dark blue battered bowtie, a suit to match it and a suitcase next to him, which was once full of papers and documents. “How about him then, wouldn’t wanna be him would you Liam?”,James said, jokingly. Liam didn’t take jokes too well. he was like the worse boss-from-hell ever. its was partly why Jason didn’t want to come to Swindon, as he’d met Liam before while James was in Africa on Holiday.

There wasn’t much left of the car that had hit him. The car’s, like they said in the letter, were 3 Jenson Interceptors, the new ones too. The drivers in those cars were Jason Clarkson, Roger St. Hammond and James Steed. The badges said so too. 16 Guns were pointed at the Interceptors, and James was a bit confused why. Liam, Scott and Jamie grabbed the handcuffs and put them over Both Jason’s and James wrists. Roger wasn’t giving up though. He had been doing Karate for a while now, and was pretty good at it. He slammed his hands of steel into Scott’s neck, then moved onto Liam’s legs, before finally finishing off by giving a 5 finger twist on James’s back. The Swindon Interceptors were paralysed. “Never try to accuse us of something we havn’t done. Roger chopped James’s and Jason’s handcuffs off and both men made a runner for it in their cars.

But the Interceptors weren't going nowhere. The Police had been paying attention to the men, and they too had made a runner to their cars. The Desperate men were running out of options. Then James had an idea. He lifted his intercom microphone speaker thingy and told the other two Interceptors his idea. Several seconds later, The Three cars reversed, nearly killing a police officer and accelerated into the County Grounds Car Park. Liam, Scott and Jamie got up finding that they’d been handcuffed and guess who had the key.... that’d be Roger then. “GRR! GET THEM NOW! HELICOPTER GO!”. He pointed to the runaway cars and a black helicopter flew over him. The helicopter stopped and dropped a tattered rope ladder. He tried to jump on the ladder, but kept falling over, instead, he got the police to lift him up onto the helicopter.

The helicopter, despite its lengthly stop, had caught up with the interceptors. The roundabout had been cleared of the wreckage, so the cars could move again, and so could the interceptors cars. Swindon was working like clockwork again. The chase was on.
The roads were moving freely now and the interceptors made good use of this fact. The police were too slow to catch the Interceptors, and they were just biting they’re dust before the chase had begun. But there was that helicopter shake off. James, Jason and Roger could hear the blades of the helicopter going ch-ch-ch-ch-ch above as they sliced through the air seamlessly like knife through butter. “not to worry you lads, but he does have guns on those things!”, James pointed out. This made Jason drive like as if The Chinese Stig was chasing him. The men made for the nearest bit of closed road, in order not to injure any people driving.

Back on the helicopter, Liam and the pilot on board could see the cars they were trying to catch. if they could get ahead, then they could stop the cars right in their tracks, quite literally. Liam was still in his handcuffs and was desperately trying to get out of them, which wasn’t easy when your on a helicopter which was swaying about. Thankfully, he had a secret weopen. Concealed in his sleeve was a lockpick. He tried to find where he put it, but it wasn’t there. he then shouted in anger, “ROGERRR!”. He could hear his name below, meaning he’d found out he’s missing his “in-case-of-emergency” lockpick. He then opened up the intercom and spoke to his other two protege's; “Head for the M4, the radio says it’s blocked off thanks to the roundabout!”. Then, above them, cackling laughter could be heard and so could the rat-a-tat of a machine gun. It was Liam.

Several minutes later and the chase was still going. Thank god the cars had 67mpg at full speed, they all thought. The M4 was in sight. It was deserted, like a, well....err desert. James picked up his communicator and shouted “Right boys, we’re gonna jump off the bridge and onto the M4!”.

The bridge they were jumping off was right above the M4 and, like i said, it was closed due to the roundabout being out of bounds. The Bridge was out of bounds too, not because of the roundabout, but because, conveniently for them, the fence they were aiming to bash into was broken. it had a gaping big hole in it. The bullets bounced off the incoming cars and the interceptors cars as it gained the time it lost at the start of the chase. There was no doubt about it that the Helicopter was catching them. The Interceptors bashed through the “no exit” sign they put across the roads and jumped one by one.

The cars may have been brand new, they just hoped the suspension on the car was from a Bugatti Veyron, not a Morris marina. The first car landed, the nose just touching the tarmac of the road before it jolted James’s head on the roof again. The same thing happened top the second car, and the third. An oil tanker covered up the hole in the fence just as Roger left the bridge. The police were stranded. The helicopter was shooting bullets like crazy now, and one of those bullets hit the oil tanker, which made it, somehow, explode. The interceptors heads turned the other way to see the explosion happen.

Now they could give it the beans and go full speed. Forget 70 Miles Per Hour, bring on 185bhp! The Interceptors floored it and was slowly but surely, leaving the helicopter behind. The guns were still going on the helicopter above and the cars were taking lots of hits. The line technique wasn’t working, so they started to do a weaving motion, in an attempt to evade the incoming bullets. This made the helicopter weave too. The guns were still going at full throttle. James could remember watching Torchwood: Miracle Day and remembered the epic helicopter chase they had involving a land-rover and a helicopter. He searched through his glove-box to find the soundtrack for that episode. He put the CD on and the unmistakable sound of Murray gold and Stu Kennedy blasted through the speakers.

The bullets were still firing from the maniacal Liam who seemed to stop at nothing so he could be victorious. Roger found his gun in his glove box, opened the window, and shot blindly at the helicopter. Unfortunately, he only had three magazines with him, containing 30 bullets each. he had a gun which was kind of a cross between a pistol and a machine gun. He continued to fire, and so did the helicopter.

Before long Jason realised what Roger was doing and decided to join in. He put his car onto auto- steer, a little gadget James fitted to all the Interceptors cars, which mimicked the actions of the car in front. within a 500m radius. He set it to follow James’s car and grabbed His machine gun, along with a belt of magazines. The helicopter stopped firing, and turned sideways. Liam had a bazooka on his shoulder, and was aiming at his prey. Roger shut his window and weaved across the road dangerously like a mad man on drugs. Jason opened his door on the interceptor and jumped onto the roof. The bazooka shot its first missile, which narrowly missed Jason and the car. “Damn!, That was my only one too!”. He threw the Bazooka at the Interceptors in a desperate attempt to knock Jason off the roof, and failed to do so.

The helicopter faced the front again to gain back the speed it lost while sideways through the air. Finally, Jason could do some shooting, that is, if the car would let him. “Right, you little liar!, your days are numbered”. He inserted a cartridge from his seemingly endless belt around his shoulder and started to shoot at the helicopter. For a second, Jason nearly lost balance, which caused several bullets to fly past Rogers car. James looked at his mirror, and muttered, “oh what a pillock”. James set the intercom to relay his voice to Jason’s hidden earpiece in his ear. “Clarkson, get off the roof you great big oaf!”. Jason ignored him and continued to shoot at the helicopter.

Jason then suddenly hit the helicopters windscreen. The pilot was holding his eyes in pain, making the helicopter dip downwards. Liam noticed the Pilots pain and shouting and shoved the pilot into the passengers seat. “oh no you don’t”, Jason exclaimed to himself. Instead of aiming at the windshield, he aimed at the rotor. He shot with all of his might at the rotor blades and slowly but surely, the blades started to show signs of holes in them. As Jason planned, the Helicopter began to lose height, and there was nothing Liam could do about it, and he knew it. Soon, the Helicopter crashed into hundreds of pounds worth of tarmac. The Interceptors gave a cheer and got off the motorway as quickly as possible.

Location: Chippenham Motorway Bridge, Outside Chippenham.
Time: 2:15pm
It wasn’t too long until the sound of sirens came into hearing. The three men watched as a fleet of ambulances and police cars made their way to the crash site. The M4 was now open again, but was closed moments later after the crash was found. And standing at the bridge, watching the clean-up operation was The Interceptors, sunglasses and all.

“Right, we need to find a hiding place.... any ideas Clarkson?”. Jason shook his head. Roger shook his head too. “I know a place”, James said confidently”. Roger started to get all excited, and, 45 minutes later, wished he hadn’t, it was a hotel named the Oxford Hotel.

The Oxford hotel was a pretty small hotel, but was very unique, as unlike any other hotel the interceptors have been to, there was a proper cafe inside of the hotel. The Interceptors in their worn-out suits and Ties lay down on each of their beds, hoping that no-one would find them here. Thankfully, down the hall, there was an emergency exit, so if they were caught, they could easily escape. The Men jumped onto their beds as if they were little kids in a bed selling store.

All the Men could do is just wait and hope the police would forget about them, which wasn’t gonna happen any time soon. “we’d better get settled in, we could be here awhile”.
Chapter 3: Forgotten Fujitives

Chapter 3: Forgotten Fugitives


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