» True Crime » The Interceptors: Peril Circle, James East (Dribbleondo) [epub read online books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Interceptors: Peril Circle, James East (Dribbleondo) [epub read online books TXT] 📗». Author James East (Dribbleondo)

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Four Weeks Later....

One whole month had past since the Interceptors became fugitives. Since then, James had rustled up a really good plan to put into action. They were still in the Oxford Hotel, but all three of them moved hotels around Chippenham regularly to avoid suspicion of where they were staying. Another thing that they did was turned off their phones as the police could track their calls. Roger, Jason and James were sitting down on the middle bed of the apartment, which was in exact alignment with the small HDTV the room had. James had put the news on the TV and was “keeper of the remote control”. For once, Roger and Jason wanted to watch the news to see if they’d forgotten about them, but, to all avail, they hadn’t.

Roger asked, “We’ve been here a month, i think we’re ready to put our plan into action”. Both Jason and James agreed. James turned off the TV and all three men left the hotel. The Three Jenson Interceptors had been painted new colours. instead of white, black and light blue, the were ALL painted black. This was part of James’s plan he aptly named; “Confusion”. The Town of Chippenham had been bombarded with police, meaning they would want to stay AWAY from them. but James wanted to go NEAR them. The men split up to the 3 most police-populated parts of Chippenham. The first location ,Jason had to pass,near the Lysley Arms Pub, The second was at the entrance of the Chippenham motorway, what was James’s destination. And finally, Roger decided to speed past the police station during lunch break, which should cause quite a stir.

Liam had jumped out of the crash before the Helicopter crashed all those weeks ago. And he was more bitter than ever for revenge. Scott and Jamie had gone missing and hadn’t been seen since they were chasing The Interceptors on the motorway. “Right, they are dead those men”, he pondered to himself angrily. He was on his now. Liam had been left by the police weeks ago. they weren’t interested with the interceptors. So far as they were concerned, all he wanted was revenge. The police in Chippenham were from London, as they didn’t give up on them.

The three Jensons parked up at their location, awaiting the off from James. James rang both interceptors on their communicators and told them to go. The men drove off to their positions and, as expected, The police began to give chase.

There was a few shouts from the police when they were chasing them. The three Jenson Interceptors were aiming for police Station, which wasn’t too hard for Roger, but he had to lose the police on his tail before he could get to the front door. Which he did easily. Roger opened the police stations door and, as expected, the whole station was empty. Even the receptionist was gone. This was good news. He opened his pocket and took out a USB stick, and held it in his left hand. He then opened the police door with Liam’s secret Lockpick he’d nicked from their fight, and opened the doors to the reception are, which was behind a glass interior.

The Reception area was actually pretty clean, with no mug or tea stains in sight. He plugged the USB stick into the computer and the PC automatically logged in. The USB stick, among other things, contained an Automatic Login System or A.L.S, which allowed Anyone with the USB stick to be logged in into ANY PC that was running the Windows XP OS, which was about 67% of the UK so it was very high that it was a windows PC.

Roger opened up a file on the USB stick called “Confessions”. He then copied the file onto the computer and waited for their plan to happen. Meanwhile Jason was fending off the Police to buy as much time as possible. This was like Heaven for Jason as he loved car chases. James, on the other hand, tried to stay away from them as much as possible, but it did give them an adrenaline rush. The Police were constantly catching up the interceptors, even though they had all had vauxhall astra’s.

The wait was complete and Roger unmounted the USB stick and shut down the PC, as if it was never touched. All while wearing white wooly gloves. He made suite for the door, which was the worst mistake he could’ve done, as on the other side, was the receptionist. The receptionist was no match for Roger with his karate skills, but Roger stood down to the urge of escaping and gave up trying. The familiar words came from the receptionists was declaring that anything he said would be used in court of law. Jason went past the police station and parked right next to the receptionist, who was taking Hammond out of the building to a police car to be locked up in London.

James then arrived, along with a horde of police cars right behind him,and ran over to Jason. “I did all i could Jason, so let the misery start for us”. The policemen formed a circle around James and Jason, then Roger was pushed in by the Receptionist. The three men got handcuffed and, without anymore words being said, they left Chippenham.

Chapter 4: The Last Stand

Chapter 4: The Last Stand.

Location: Unknown, Interrogation Room.
Time: 3:18pm
Roger, Jason and James were led to an interrogation room in god knows where. The Police had blindfolded the men. This was obviously a top secret location. The men entered the room, and so did Liam, who was leading them in. He was followed by a man in a suit who was carrying a suitcase and a laptop under his arm. He placed the objects on the wooden table in front of them. The handcuffs were removed and Liam began talking.

“This is Detective Inspector Liam Sterling, interviewing the murder suspects names Roger St. Hammond, Jason Clarkson and James Steed. The witnesses in the room are names in the list along with this tape. Right, you three, you are being tried for the murder of The Interceptors, who are the Real Men, you are fake”. He pointed at the men. The men just stared into space and, through their sunglasses, Liam, could see they were angry. He moved on. “Right then, if you do not speak then you will be charged for murder of The Interceptors Detective group”. James then put his hands on the table and pushed his head in near Liams. “Is that the best you could do?, Murder! i’ve seen more complex plans at work Liam”. He then stood up. The police who were standing around the room didn’t react. James started to pace up and down. “you see, we’re not murderers but we’re very good actors Bitter Liam!”.
“what?, whaddayamean actors?”, he said, slightly confused.
“You see, the police round here knew you, very well in fact”.
“So, your trying to accuse us of something we hav’nt done”.
“Prove it!”.
“Alright i will, Roger, if you could take over”.
“Yes, i will”.
“You were known in the Police force as “Bitter Liam”, The police officer who always got his man anyway possible”.
“That’s my job isn’t it? solving crimes?”.
“Yes, that is your job, but you don’t solve crimes like the old bill usually do, you use....different techniques”.
“Shoot me in the knee, i’m different!”.
“But you couldn’t resist trying to blame the UK’s greatest Detective force for murder, cause you knew how we operated, as you were an Interceptor for the S.I.D Force”.
“Police, arrest him!”.
But the police didn’t move not one inch.
Roger explained; “they wont listen to you as your the criminal here, not us. So, we needed you to play ball with us, you HATED us, so when we set up the perfect murder with us 3 in our cars, which were Londons greatest actors with face-masks glued to their face along with a fake moustache”.
“wha- this is absoloute nonsense!”.
“Except it isn’t is it Liam?. Remember Scott and Jamie, your wingmen?. They were helping us all along. the moles inside S.I.D. They hated you as much as any other policeman on the force”.
The door unlocked and in came Scott and Liam, who came in just in time.
“If you could Roger, we’ll explain the rest”.
Roger sat down and, like James did, the two men paced across the room.
“you needed to be stopped, badly”, Scott said.
“You needed to earn some hard time in prison for all the corruption you’ve done. we had EVERY officer in the UK on your side until this moment, the day you fall”, Jamie added.
“Scott and Jamie were right”, said Jason.
He continued, “you needed to be taught a lesson. We sent a fax and an e-mail to Scott and he Sent them back to all three of us at the offices. Jamie explained that a fax got through from us and you went down to the Magic Roundabout to find us dead. When we arrived, your first thought that we were fakes, but you didn’t know how. it’s why we kept our sunglasses on, so we didn’t show you our full identity”.
Roger then spoke to Liam and said, “And if all went pear-shaped, we had a USB stick on me that had our confessions on it...well sort of!”.
The Man in the suit opened up his laptop and on it was the folder, which had 1 file in it. a movie file. He opened it and Liam saw CCTV footage of him abusing the system of the police force rules.
“You see, we are good. WE are never defeated. Tou were Never defeated as you tried to frame people for a crime they didn’t commit but lock those people up as they WERE criminals. Soon as they are out of prison they are allowed to go free, meaning no eyes from the police for 24 hours!”.

Liam was gobsmacked. He was absolutely speechless about what he’d just heard.
“And that’s what we’ve done. we gave you the run round of making you convince that WE were dead and the fakes, that’s us right here, not the actors, and we made you accuse us of murder and then gave you the run round of you trying to arrest us for the murder AND for corruption to the police force. That whole month wasn’t us trying to figure out a plan, it was us IN a plan. all we needed was to have enough time to get a few things like new phones and a USB stick”.
Roger added, “plus some new Sunglasses too”.
Jason nodded at Roger and continued, “and sunglasses too, now arrest that man!”.
The policeman came to the furious Liam

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