» Western » Astoria; Or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains, Irving [libby ebook reader txt] 📗

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Flowering Vine.—Animals.—Birds.—Reptiles— Climate West of the Mountains—Mildness of the Temperature.—Soil of the Coast and the Interior.

CHAPTER XL. -- Natives in the Neighborhood of Astoria—Their Persons and Characteristics.—Causes of Deformity—Their Dress.— Their Contempt of Beards—Ornaments—Armor and Weapons.-Mode of Flattening the Head.—Extent of the Custom.—Religious Belief.-The Two Great Spirits of the Air and of the Fire.— Priests or Medicine Men.—The Rival Idols.—Polygamy a Cause of Greatness-Petty Warfare.—Music, Dancing, Gambling.— Thieving a Virtue.—Keen Traders—Intrusive Habits— Abhorrence of Drunkenness—Anecdote of Comcomly.

CHAPTER XLI. -- Spring Arrangements at Astoria.—Various Expeditions Set Out.-The Long Narrows.—Pilfering Indians.—Thievish Tribe at Wish-ram.—Portage at the Falls—Portage by Moonlight.— An Attack, a Route, and a Robbery.—Indian Cure for Cowardice.—A Parley and Compromise.—The Despatch Party Turn Back.—Meet Crooks and John Day.—Their Sufferings.— Indian Perfidy.—Arrival at Astoria.

CHAPTER XLII -- Comprehensive Views.—To Supply the Russian Fur Establishment.—An Agent Sent to Russia.—Project of an Annual Ship.—The Beaver Fitted Out.—Her Equipment and Crew.—Instructions to the Captain.—The Sandwich Islands.—Rumors of the Fate of the Tonquin.—Precautions on Reaching the Mouth of the Columbia.

CHAPTER XLIII. -- Active Operations at Astoria—Various Expeditions Fitted Out.—Robert Stuart and a Party Destined for New York— Singular Conduct of John Day.—His Fate.—Piratical Pass and Hazardous Portage.-Rattlesnakes.—Their Abhorrence of Tobacco.—Arrival Among the Wallah-Wallahs.—Purchase of Horses—Departure of Stuart and His Band for the Mountains.

CHAPTER XLIV. -- Route of Mr. Stuart—Dreary Wilds.—Thirsty Travelling.-A Grove and Streamlet.—The Blue Mountains.—A Fertile Plain With Rivulets.—Sulphur Spring—Route Along Snake River— Rumors of White Men.—The Snake and His Horse.—A Snake Guide.-A Midnight Decampment.—Unexpected Meeting With Old Comrades—Story of Trappers’ Hardships—Salmon Falls—A Great Fishery.—Mode of Spearing Salmon.—Arrival at the Caldron Linn.—State of the Caches.—New Resolution of the Three Kentucky Trappers.

CHAPTER XLV. -- The Snake River Deserts.—Scanty Fare.—Bewildered Travellers—Prowling Indians—A Giant Crow Chief.—A Bully Rebuked—Indian Signals.—Smoke on the Mountains.—Mad River.—An Alarm.—An Indian Foray—A Scamper.—A Rude Indian joke.—A Sharp-Shooter Balked of His Shot.

CHAPTER XLVI. -- Travellers Unhorsed—Pedestrian Preparations—Prying Spies. —Bonfires of Baggage—A March on Foot.—Rafting a River—The Wounded Elk.—Indian Trails.—Willful Conduct of Mr. M’Lellan.—Grand Prospect From a Mountain.—Distant Craters of Volcanoes—Illness of Mr. Crooks.

CHAPTER XLVII. -- Ben Jones and a Grizzly Bear.—Rocky Heights—Mountain Torrents.—Traces of M’Lellan.—Volcanic Remains—Mineral Earths.—Peculiar Clay for Pottery.—Dismal Plight of M’Lellan.—Starvation.—Shocking Proposition of a Desperate Man.—A Broken-Down Bull.—A Ravenous Meal.—Indian Graves— Hospitable Snakes.-A Forlorn Alliance.

CHAPTER XLVIII. -- Spanish River Scenery.—Trail of Crow Indians.—A Snow- Storm.—A Rousing Fire and a Buffalo Feast.—A Plain of Salt.—Climbing a Mountain.—Volcanic Summit.—Extinguished Crater.—Marine Shells.—Encampment on a Prairie.— Successful Hunting.—Good Cheer.—Romantic Scenery—Rocky Defile.—Foaming Rapids.—The Fiery Narrows.

CHAPTER XLIX. -- Wintry Storms.—A Halt and Council.—Cantonment for the Winter.—Fine Hunting Country.—Game of the Mountains and Plains.-Successful Hunting—Mr. Crooks and a Grizzly Bear.— The Wigwam.—Bighorn and Black-Tails.—Beef and Venison.— Good Quarters and Good Cheer.—An Alarm.—An Intrusion.— Unwelcome Guests.-Desolation of the Larder.—Gormandizing Exploits of Hungry Savages.—Good Quarters Abandoned.

CHAPTER L. -- Rough Wintry Travelling—Hills and Plains.—Snow and Ice.— Disappearance of Game.—A Vast Dreary Plain.—A. Second Halt for the Winter.—Another Wigwam.—New Year’s Feast.—Buffalo Humps, Tongues, and Marrow-Bones.—Return of Spring.—Launch of Canoes.—Bad Navigation.—Pedestrian March.—Vast Prairies.—Deserted Camps.—Pawnee Squaws.—An Otto Indian.—News of War.—Voyage Down the Platte and the Missouri.—Reception at Fort Osage.—Arrival at St. Louis.

CHAPTER LI. -- Agreement Between Mr. Astor and the Russian Fur Company—War Between the United States and Great Britain.—Instructions to Captain Sowle of the Beaver—Fitting Out of the Lark.— News of the Arrival of Mr. Stuart.

CHAPTER LII. -- Banks of the Wallah-Wallah.—Departure of David Stuart for the Oakinagan.—Mr. Clarke’s Route Up Lewis River.— Chipunnish, or Pierced-Nose Indians—Their Character, Appearance, and Habits.-Thievish Habits.—Laying Up of the Boats.—Post at Pointed Heart and Spokan Rivers.—M’Kenzie, His Route Up the Camoenum.-Bands of Travelling Indians.— Expedition of Reed to the Caches.—Adventures of Wandering Voyageurs and Trappers.

CHAPTER LIII. -- Departure of Mr. Hunt in the Beaver—Precautions at the Factory.-Detachment to the Wollamut.—Gloomy Apprehensions.— Arrival of M’Kenzie.—Affairs at the Shahaptan.—News of War.—Dismay of M’Dougal.-Determination to Abandon Astoria.— Departure of M’Kenzie for the Interior.—Adventure at the Rapids.—Visit to the Ruffians of Wish-ram.—A Perilous Situation.—Meeting With M’Tavish and His Party.—Arrival at the Shahaptan.—Plundered Caches.-Determination of the Wintering Partners Not to Leave the Country.—Arrival of Clarke Among the Nez Perces.—The Affair of the Silver Goblet.—Hanging of An Indian.—Arrival of the Wintering Partners at Astoria.

CHAPTER LIV. -- The Partners Displeased With M’Dougal.—Equivocal Conduct of That Gentleman—Partners Agree to Abandon Astoria.—Sale of Goods to M’Tavish.—Arrangements for the Year.—Manifesto Signed by the Partners—Departure of M’Tavish for the Interior.

CHAPTER LV. -- Anxieties of Mr. Astor.—Memorial of the Northwest Company— Tidings of a British Naval Expedition Against Astoria.—Mr. Astor Applies to Government for Protection.—The Frigate Adams Ordered to be Fitted Out.—Bright News From Astoria.— Sunshine Suddenly Overclouded.

CHAPTER LVI. -- Affairs of State at Astoria.—M’Dougal Proposes for the Hand of An Indian Princess—Matrimonial Embassy to Comcomly.— Matrimonial Notions Among the Chinooks.—Settlements and Pin-Money.—The Bringing Home of the Bride.—A Managing Father-in-Law.—Arrival of Mr. Hunt at Astoria.

CHAPTER LVII. -- Voyage of the Beaver to New Archangel.—A Russian Governor.— Roystering Rule.—The Tyranny of the Table—Hard Drinking Bargainings.—Voyage to Kamtschatka.—Seal Catching Establishment at St. Paul’s.—Storms at Sea.—Mr. Hunt Left at the Sandwich Islands.—Transactions of the Beaver at Canton.—Return of Mr. Hunt to Astoria.

CHAPTER LVIII. -- Arrangements Among the Partners—Mr. Hunt Sails in the Albatross.—Arrives at the Marquesas—News of the Frigate Phoebe.—Mr. Hunt Proceeds to the Sandwich Islands.—Voyage of the Lark.—Her Shipwreck.—Transactions With the Natives of the Sandwich Islands—Conduct of Tamaahmaah.

CHAPTER LIX. -- Arrival of M’Tavish at Astoria.—Conduct of His Followers.— Negotiations of M’Dougal and M’Tavish.—Bargain for the Transfer of Astoria—Doubts Entertained of the Loyalty of M’Dougal.

CHAPTER LX. -- Arrival of a Strange Sail.—Agitation at Astoria.—Warlike Offer of Comcomly.—Astoria Taken Possession of by the British.—Indignation of Comcomly at the Conduct of His Son- in-Law.

CHAPTER LXI. -- Arrival of the Brig Pedler at Astoria.—Breaking Up of the Establishment.—Departure of Several of the Company.— Tragical Story Told by the Squaw of Pierre Dorion.—Fate of Reed and His Companions.—Attempts of Mr. Astor to Renew His Enterprise.-Disappointment.—Concluding Observations and Reflection.


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