author - "[Amour Vue]"

I finally got approved for writing the first book of ObsessionOfCastle's and Mine new upcoming series, xxx (no name at the moment) This book is completely based off my character. Hope you like it. I, Gaile Loedel, hereby swear to tell the truth and nothing -- Oh goshes, this is lame. I'm Gaile, seventeen and have a ten year old imaginary friend, Timothy, that I talk to when I have time. Presently my mother insists I'm a loony toon. Just because I can see talking butterflies that jingle,

I finally got approved for writing the first book of ObsessionOfCastle's and Mine new upcoming series, xxx (no name at the moment) This book is completely based off my character. Hope you like it. I, Gaile Loedel, hereby swear to tell the truth and nothing -- Oh goshes, this is lame. I'm Gaile, seventeen and have a ten year old imaginary friend, Timothy, that I talk to when I have time. Presently my mother insists I'm a loony toon. Just because I can see talking butterflies that jingle,