author - "Alexandria Fe Jarvis"

Debora is in her first year in highschool. She has a sister and her name is Avril. Avril became the most popular girl at school. Debora is always second in everything after her sister. Even the guys who tries to date Debora is taken away by Avril. In the half term of school, there are two transfer students who are both guys and they look like models. The first guy is named Eddie and the guy besides him is named Daniel who could possibly be the most handsome guy on the face of the earth. After

Debora is in her first year in highschool. She has a sister and her name is Avril. Avril became the most popular girl at school. Debora is always second in everything after her sister. Even the guys who tries to date Debora is taken away by Avril. In the half term of school, there are two transfer students who are both guys and they look like models. The first guy is named Eddie and the guy besides him is named Daniel who could possibly be the most handsome guy on the face of the earth. After