Adrielle and Ariana had the perfect lives, until one day when everything is taken from them. With no sign of their parents' murderers, they get sent to Still Water, Minnesota. There they will find love, truth, and possibly doubt everything they've known to be true so far. The book is not complete yet but we will keep adding chapters!

Can windows reveal secrets? They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Could windows hold mysteries from time past? Sarah daydreamed and liked to think so. If she wished hard enough, would they reveal what was ahead of her, if she looked through them with her wanting heart and eyes? When she found Michael, was she ready to let go of the memory of Marty? Her life had changed, but was it temporary? Could Michael take on an instant family? And why was she dreaming about those windows? No

Juliet has vowed to never be like her parents, more importantly never having the love of books they do. After running away she finds herself hiding in a library of all places. What happens there will change Juliet for the rest of her life. *This story was inspired by a children's film called The Pagemaster*

2 rival gangs, 2 ex lovers and 1 murder. When one of the brawlers was murdered on the Chixx territory, the 2 rival gangs are on the verge of war. Can old love stop more bloodshed or will it be the spark setting off the war?! This is going to be a short story and will continue to get updated until its finished :D

Das ist jetzt mal nur ein Gedicht von mir. Ich schreibe Englisch, weil ich das besser kann als deutsch und weil mir dazu mehr einfällt, die Frage nehm ich euch vorweg, da sie mir so oft schon gestellt wurde :) In diesem Gedicht geht es vor allem um unerfüllte Liebe, die gibt es eigentlich in jedem Leben mal, ich hab es nicht direkt in Bezug auf eine Erfahrung geschrieben. Es kommen noch mehr Gedichte von mir, ich hoffe sie gefallen euch!! =)

Adrielle and Ariana had the perfect lives, until one day when everything is taken from them. With no sign of their parents' murderers, they get sent to Still Water, Minnesota. There they will find love, truth, and possibly doubt everything they've known to be true so far. The book is not complete yet but we will keep adding chapters!

Can windows reveal secrets? They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Could windows hold mysteries from time past? Sarah daydreamed and liked to think so. If she wished hard enough, would they reveal what was ahead of her, if she looked through them with her wanting heart and eyes? When she found Michael, was she ready to let go of the memory of Marty? Her life had changed, but was it temporary? Could Michael take on an instant family? And why was she dreaming about those windows? No

Juliet has vowed to never be like her parents, more importantly never having the love of books they do. After running away she finds herself hiding in a library of all places. What happens there will change Juliet for the rest of her life. *This story was inspired by a children's film called The Pagemaster*

2 rival gangs, 2 ex lovers and 1 murder. When one of the brawlers was murdered on the Chixx territory, the 2 rival gangs are on the verge of war. Can old love stop more bloodshed or will it be the spark setting off the war?! This is going to be a short story and will continue to get updated until its finished :D

Das ist jetzt mal nur ein Gedicht von mir. Ich schreibe Englisch, weil ich das besser kann als deutsch und weil mir dazu mehr einfällt, die Frage nehm ich euch vorweg, da sie mir so oft schon gestellt wurde :) In diesem Gedicht geht es vor allem um unerfüllte Liebe, die gibt es eigentlich in jedem Leben mal, ich hab es nicht direkt in Bezug auf eine Erfahrung geschrieben. Es kommen noch mehr Gedichte von mir, ich hoffe sie gefallen euch!! =)