Two eighteen year olds named Jessie and Mason end up doing a school project together of a man who predicted disasters that were going to happen. But when they find out that one of the dates was in exactally a month, they learn that they have to tell the world even though the world might not take it the right way.

Tabitha, a faerie princess, wants nothing to do with Court life. She’d rather cut loose at a punk club, knock back a few Thai beers, and hook up with a likey lad of similar interests. But when Tabitha goes AWOL, she only gets as far as Manhattan’s Central Park before a nasty demon nearly puts a permanent crimp in her plans – and a dark stranger sparks her desire…

This is the last book of FUN series. You will find 10 different funny stories about business life. Each story has a Turkish glossary to make reading process easier. Stories used in this book were found on the internet. The aim of this study is to enable learners original, colourful and enjoyable reading materials.

'"It's a crystal, nothing more, but if you turn it this way and that it will show you your dreams."' Grace had always been different from her father. She loved fantasy, he thought it was stupid. She hated her step-mother, he loved her. Graces step-mother had always been mean to her. Threatening her, telling her dad false stories. But her step-mother's daughter, Rosie, always loved Grace and her stories. But her step-mother, Stella, grew tired of Graces made up stories, and to prove to

Two eighteen year olds named Jessie and Mason end up doing a school project together of a man who predicted disasters that were going to happen. But when they find out that one of the dates was in exactally a month, they learn that they have to tell the world even though the world might not take it the right way.

Tabitha, a faerie princess, wants nothing to do with Court life. She’d rather cut loose at a punk club, knock back a few Thai beers, and hook up with a likey lad of similar interests. But when Tabitha goes AWOL, she only gets as far as Manhattan’s Central Park before a nasty demon nearly puts a permanent crimp in her plans – and a dark stranger sparks her desire…

This is the last book of FUN series. You will find 10 different funny stories about business life. Each story has a Turkish glossary to make reading process easier. Stories used in this book were found on the internet. The aim of this study is to enable learners original, colourful and enjoyable reading materials.

'"It's a crystal, nothing more, but if you turn it this way and that it will show you your dreams."' Grace had always been different from her father. She loved fantasy, he thought it was stupid. She hated her step-mother, he loved her. Graces step-mother had always been mean to her. Threatening her, telling her dad false stories. But her step-mother's daughter, Rosie, always loved Grace and her stories. But her step-mother, Stella, grew tired of Graces made up stories, and to prove to